silva marquis
Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2012
Jan 14, 2012
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silva marquis

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silva marquis was last seen:
Feb 9, 2012
    1. silva marquis
      silva marquis
      You got to be kidding ! I heard it before in the Kennedy - Nixon race but I am still shocked to hear " I am voting for him because he is handsome" . Wake up lady ! If Mitt Romney looks like Barbie's Ken that does NOT qualify Mitt Romney to be President of The United States.

      Additionally pollster Towery said Gingrich is doing "substantially better" with men than Romney, 38 to 28, but the former House Speaker still faces a "gender gap," as women are still favoring Romney.

      Please Ladies think about this. Ken Oups ! I mean Mitt Romney was empty whole companies into his pockets putting working women and men into the streets. Then sent their jobs to China and Mexico. Mitt Romney was also raided retirement funds and put the money in his pockets also robbing women and men of security in their Golden Years. Mitt Romeny is receiving the working women and men sweat and blood at a rate of over $51,000 DOLLARS a DAY as income !!!!! Anything goes to make a dollar is NOT Capitalism. The drug dealer or corporate raider are both wrong. The business venture was three separate parameters is it moral, ethical, or legal. The drug dealer is immoral and illegal. Mitt Romney is immoral and unethical. Mitt Romney is not and NEVER was in business to create jobs. Mitt Romney wants to make money and any human cost incurred is inconsequential. That includes human cost to women who think Mitt Romney should be President because he is handsome or looks like Ken.
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