In time, I think mankind will have refined economics out of common interest! The volatile national director! This President of the United States...
Some econ junkies too I suppose
Why am I here? Nothing but Looney Toons, separatists from Security Nations, bullies, and those who would play games negotiating with those who...
I’m sorry, but this just blew my mind. Tell me about this magic philosophy for free markets that involves interfering with international trade...
The average Chinese worker is like a slave that has no options but to be a good, happy worker, content with their lot in life. Racism in China is...
We’ve tried these tactics before, and they’ve never end well. When a man with a gun holds people hostage for goods, you don’t bargain with him...
I would show them I’m not messing around. If the elites in China want to abuse the global community, that is not an excuse to stoop to their...
The parties and even the country those parties are in are constantly shifting as they compete each other. Would you support a Republican Congress...
I’m just saying. The Republican Party i used to know was loyal to the principal of tree trade, yet those representing the party have bent over...
Is it up to just US??? How can a landscape of cultures across the gloss free themselves from the confines of our so-called “New World Order” and...
But when have tariffs ever improved the global economy (that thing that US is a large “shareholder” of)
Because we don’t have a right to give up on curbing carbon emissions as part of a global pact and turn away desperate immigrants across a border...
I hope it’s jot typos
Why have Republicans turned there back on free trade?
Separate names with a comma.