Wolfsgirl, just dropped by to say hello, haven't been around much. I don't know where your 07-13 poster is coming from (jealousy?) but your picture is evidence of an attractive, vibrant and youthful woman. See you on the forum.
Wolfsgirl, saw your picture & you're getting too old for most ment to want to pinch your butt against will because though you're average looking, your getting closer to menopause.
There's no doubt your father was an interesting and brave man. The history I learned about in boot camp your father played a part in making. It is truly amazing what these Marines endured and overcame. A loss for those that love them, that men like your father must pass from this mortal plane, but better the world left behind that these men lived their life of service.
Thanks for asking WolfsGirl. Well my first impression was correct after all, you are a young and beautiful woman. Went to the Memorial Parade of a small town. At the cemetery the VFW/American Legion members were calling out for any prior service members to come forward to raise their service branch flag. No one had stepped up for my branch (Marines) so against my principles :-) I volunteered. I was standing by when a fellow Marine appeared...he was older (thought maybe Viet Nam) so I deferred to him. Had a feeling, maybe saw it in his eyes, that this act of duty/honoring fallen comrades was a need of great importance for him. As I watched him through the flag raising I knew it was the right choice to step aside. How about you guys?
Stopped in to say I just noticed your avatar. I love it, is that your huskie? Beautiful! And if I might add so is the picture of the young woman to the left. See you on the boards.