Obama = worst president in history?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Raeka, Nov 5, 2012.

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  1. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    To conservatives, banks not discriminating against blacks caused the Great Recession.

    Conservative economics makes sense. If you ignore reality.
  2. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    "the Administration opposes the bill"[/QUOTE]

    You've tried to pull this several times and the several times I have posted the full statement, not your cherry-picked statement of opposition, which states WHY they opposed THAT particular bill.

    So be honest and post their entire statement as to why they opposed THAT particular bill. Be honest, did the White House push for reform or did it oppose ANY reform?

    As I said the Democrats opposed any real effective reforms which would have reigned in F&F and the included repeated filibusters in the Senate which stopped any measure from being sent to the WH to be signed.
  3. marbro

    marbro New Member

    Dec 12, 2011
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    And yet so many blame Obama today. I voted for Bush 2 and regret it to this day. The man campaigned on non intervention in foreign countries, fiscal responsiblity and reducing government. But I ended up losing loved one to war that he waged, watched our economy tank, and of course see our civil liberties get pissed on by a growing government. He delivered on nothing that he promised and made our country weak and devided. It is in fact because of him we got Obama. That is Why Bush 2 is my vote for worst president in history.

    Both Parties are trash. We all should have voted Ron Paul. That man had integrity!!
  4. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    It was a Bush bill wasn't it.

    Inability to refute noted.

    Left-wing specious statement, after increasing spending by a Trillion it has shrunk marginally and a 22.4% increase in Oct. over last year.

    Another specious statement, if the economy grew .0000001% each of those three years your statement would be true wouldn't it. And that would be good economic growth? Hardly. GDP is growing slower this year than last and last year was slower than the year before. So what exactly are you braggint about?

    Specious, if the economy added 1 additional job for each of those 32 months so we had 32 new jobs after 32 months your statement would be true wouldn't it. And that would be good jobs growth? True unemployment is around 11% with the lowest level of labor participation since the Depression and another horrible number this week with the trend going back up for new jobless claims.

    Still has recouped and falling dramatically this week on Obama's relection.

    The went from full employment to 10% under the Democrats and have stayed about 8%, mostly over 9% for 4 years and trending back up again. 23 million out of work or underemployed.

    That you try to Splenda coat this horrible performance is laughable.

    23 million thrown out of work or underemployed and Obama offers nothing to get them back to work.
    What a laughable statement, tell that to the 23 million.

    This, the situation when Bush left office, is horrible:

    Yes after two years of the Democrats controlling congress, threatening higher taxes, failing to deal with fiscal problems and the mortgage problems.

    The month he took office and that was the bottoming out, it began receding that month long before his fail stimulus went into effect.

    Dodge noted, we didn't need to create new jobs during that 52 months of full employment, everyone was working, what a terrible problem to have.

    FULL EMPLOYMENT including the thriving private sector of the time, you just can't stand it can you.

    Non-response noted.

    That's what you get when you put the Democrats in charge of the House and the Senate.

    Repetitive see above.
    Dodge noted.
    You do, whose budget was it in 2008?
    Why do you insist that someone can be blamed for recessions?

    What I blame Obama and the Democrats are their lack of policies to effectively deal with it, is that over your head?

    Is that like the one Clinton left?
    Prove it.
    ROFL Bush is to blame for the last 6 years of Democrat failures because he was President in 2007? So you blame him for not stopping the Democrats from carrying out their policies. Now THAT is rich.
  5. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    You've tried to pull this several times and the several times I have posted the full statement, not your cherry-picked statement of opposition, which states WHY they opposed THAT particular bill.[/quote]

    Mr. "Ownership Society" opposed and thus effectively killed the *only* bill to regulate F/F every to pass a chamber of the Republican supported congress. A bill supported by over 90% of the Republicans and 60% of the Dems.

    LOL, the Bush adminstration was honest? I posted the reason the REPUBLICAN finance chair gave. The "one-fingered salute".

    Baseless, fabricated spin.

    Fact: The vote of the Democrats on HR 1461, the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005, which was the *only* bill to regulate F/F to ever be passed (in 2005) by a chamber of the Republican controlled Congress.

    Party - Ayes - Nays
    Republican 209 15
    Democratic 122 74

  6. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Bush signed the Demoncratic it over the objection of the Republicans. I give him and have given him credit for that.

    False notation noted.

    Not specious at all. Obama was the first president to preside over an actual spending cut, twice, in 60 years.

    The Govt now spends proportionately less than in some of the Reagan years.

    LMAO! Only "specious" when someone else does it. It's fine when you do it all the time. Hyporcrite.

    Down 20% when Bush was president. Up 60% in less than 4 years under Obama.

    LOL! Because the Great Recession Bush left us was all Obaaama's fault!


    From the guy who tries to sell us how "great" Bush did!

    False. Obama has done a lot and millions more are back to work, growing every month for 32 months in a row now.

    You tell them.

    Yes it was.

    The house of cards was already falling before the Dems took office.


    There was nothing they could do to undo that damage.


    Only because he inherited 4.2% from Clinton. Which was never seen again.

    I miss the days of 3.8% unemployment when Clinton was president.

    Meaningless notation noted.

    That's what you get when you give the Republicans charge of the government.

    Baseless notation noted.


    where did I insiste that?

    What you blame Obama for is the Great Recession caused by the Republican housing bubble. Is that over your head?


    Prove your own bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims.

    ROFL Obama is to blame for 12 years of Republcian control of Congress and 8 years of Republican administration while the housing bubble blew up to crisis levels and imploded. Now THAT is rich.
  7. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Highest unemployment, Clinton, 7.8%, lowest 3.8 (04/2000)
    Highest unemployment Bush, 7.3%,* Democrat Congress.
    Highest unemployment Bush, 6.3%** Republican Congress

    Lowest unemployment, Bush, 4.2%

    Clinton had 4 other months of 2000 at 3.9%. He also had 18 consecutive months above 7%, and 13 consecutive months above 6%.

    Bush had 7 consecutive months above 6%, and only one month of 96 at 7.3%, the last month. Bush had 83 months of 96 months below 6.0%, and 24 of those months were in the 4.x% range.

    Highest unemployment b.o., 10.0%, lowest 7.8%

    Under b.o. unemployment has gone as low as 8.1% and then went back up, and as low as 7.8% and went back up.
    It has been 7.8% or higher all 46 months of barrack usama's failure as president.

    While b.o. did not cause the crash, neither did Bush. b.o. is totally responsible for a failed recovery. Ranting divisively for higher taxes that solve nothing. Lying that he has cut deficits by $4 trillion when he has not CUT a penny. He's responsible for the worst legislation in history and the second worst, obamascam and Stimulus. And he has encouraged the passing of regulations by bureaucrats, nearly 6000 new regulations in just the last 90 days.
  8. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Unemployment was 7.8% and skyrocketing when Bush left office.

    LOL, the day he took office! We never saw that again.

    Clinton inherited 7.5% unemployment and it steadily declined.

    Despite his huge tax increase conservatives told us would kill jobs and destory the economy. Could they have been more wrong?

    That housing bubble produced some economic growth, until it collapsed.

    Why are you blaming Obama for the Great Recesion?

    Why are you blaming Obama for the Great Recesion?

    When Obama took office, the economy was tanking at a -9% real rate, losing 700,000+ jobs a month, unemployment was skyrocketing upward, and the stock markets were crashing in the worst recession in 80 years. The housing market was destroyed and the economy was headed straight for a depression.

    But now the economy has been growing steadily for more than three straight years, the private sector has added more jobs every month for 32 months in a row, stock markets are up over 100% from their recession lows, the unemployment rate has fallen from above 10% to 7.9%, and almost 5 million additional private sector jobs have been added since Jan 2010.

    And this despite an obstructionist Tea Party Republican party whose stated top priority is not to work with the president to improve the economy but get him out of office.

    Only those invested in failure for political purposes would claim Obama is a failure.
  9. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    And the reason they opposed THAT particular bill, not reform at all as you try to insinuate, was what. Or are you going to continue to try and hide behind your non-response?
  10. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    According to Republican Mike Oxley, then Chair of the Finance committee and lead sponsor of the bill to regulate F/F that over 90% of House Republicans supported, Bush gave them the "one fingered salute".
  11. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Two years after Congress took over your point being what? The Obama stimulus, according to their own report, was to keep it below 8% it went to 10% and then they couldn't get it below 8% for over 3 years and then just barely a 7.8%.


    Clinton came into office during the second year of a strong recovery, so what?

    It slowed the rate of revenue growth from 7%-9% yes they could have been more wrong had it done what Clinton said, increase the growth of revenues, could he have been more wrong?

    Was just a part of the huge growth in the economy and a bubble that didn't have to burst. Clinton benefitted from the dot.com bubble didn't he, that burst during Bush's first years in office. He did a much better job of handling than Obama has handle his hasn't he.

    Because with proper actions it wouldn't have been Great.

    Why do you blame Bush for the 2001 recession?

    Already addressed in message #104 and no response, go back and address my putting it into context.
  12. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    It was skyrocketing from the housing bubble that blue up and then started imploding while the Republicans controlled the govt.


    So all the conservatives predicted his tax increase would kill jobs and destroy the economy. Could conservatives be more wrong?

    It did no such thing. In resulted in the strongest relative revenue growth during his presidency of any recent president. By far.

    And conservatives claimed his tax increase would kill jobs and wreck the economy. Could conservatives be more wrong?

    I agree there weren't proper actions. Job losses were already running at 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office.

    Where did I do that? Why do you blame Obama for the Great Recession?

    Already addressed.
  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    It is one thing to make a mistake .. quite another to continue to make the same mistake when corrected numerous times.

    Obama was handed a 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit. I have trotted out the numbers for you numerous times.

    Why do you persist in spouting the same unsubstantiated nonsense ?
  14. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    It was skyrocketing from the housing bubble that blue up and then started imploding while the Republicans controlled the govt.


    So all the conservatives predicted his tax increase would kill jobs and destroy the economy. Could conservatives be more wrong?

    It did no such thing. In resulted in the strongest relative revenue growth during his presidency of any recent president. By far.

    And conservatives claimed his tax increase would kill jobs and wreck the economy. Could conservatives be more wrong?

    I agree there weren't proper actions. Job losses were already running at 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office.

    Where did I do that? Why do you blame Obama for the Great Recession?

    Already addressed.
  15. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    It was skyrocketing from the housing bubble that blue up and then started imploding while the Republicans controlled the govt.


    So all the conservatives predicted his tax increase would kill jobs and destroy the economy. Could conservatives be more wrong?

    It did no such thing. In resulted in the strongest relative revenue growth during his presidency of any recent president. By far.

    And conservatives claimed his tax increase would kill jobs and wreck the economy. Could conservatives be more wrong?

    I agree there weren't proper actions. Job losses were already running at 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office.

    Where did I do that? Why do you blame Obama for the Great Recession?

    Already addressed.
  16. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    It was his program and his policy, not Obama's your claim Obama save us from a financial collapse is fallacious on it's face.

    No response noted, still waiting.

    AFter presiding over the largest spending increase in history, totally specious.

    It has nothing to do with proportinality it has to do with dollars and deficits dispite your attempts to paint it otherwise.

    Non-response noted.

    Here again,

    Another specious statement, if the economy grew .0000001% each of those three years your statement would be true wouldn't it. And that would be good economic growth? Hardly. GDP is growing slower this year than last and last year was slower than the year before. So what exactly are you braggint about?

    Specious, if the economy added 1 additional job for each of those 32 months so we had 32 new jobs after 32 months your statement would be true wouldn't it. And that would be good jobs growth? True unemployment is around 11% with the lowest level of labor participation since the Depression and another horrible number this week with the trend going back up for new jobless claims.

    When you address my statements and and points of clarity to your specious statements I'll continue with the rest.
  17. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Please quote the claim you say I made.

    Baseless notation noted.

    Which he inherted from the Bush adminsitration. Not specious at all.

    Ingorance of finance and economics noted.

    Baseless notation noted.

    It's only "specious" when you don't do it. Hypocrite.

  18. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I'll go along with that. It's not like el presidente is in charge of the nation's financial markets. There's only so much that lone figurehead is actually responsible for.
  19. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    obama was NOT handed a $1.4 trillion deficit. SENATOR obama and the rest of the Democrats controlling Congress rejected Bush's $400 billion deficit budget and passed their own AFTER Bush left office. Senator obama voted for the deficit he "inherited," and president obama SIGNED the deficit he gave himself. History is clear. Bush told the Democrat controlled congress that he would VETO the spending and deficits they were proposing. So they waited until he was gone to cause their own $1.4 trillion deficit.

    You liberal excuse makers might try remembering that the $862 billion failed Stimulus was signed 02/17/2009 by obama. There was no part of that even discussed while Bush remained in office.

    barrack usama and the Democrats OWN every penny of the $1,412,700,000,000.00 deficit of FY 2009. And make a note of this too, Last month, October, was the first month of FY 2013. Once again without a federal budget because the democrat controlled Senate WILL NOT discuss a budget even among themselves. The Republican controlled House long ago passed a budget proposal that Reid has refused to bring to the Senate floor. One month in, no budget and we borrowed $120 billion in Oct. That extrapolates out to another DEMOCRAT $1.44 trillion deficit.
  20. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    how did obama sign into law as president a budget that was passed prior to him becoming president?
  21. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    It didn't matter whether Bush demanded to sign a make believe budget.

    With unemployment soaring and 700,000 people losing their jobs every month, revenues were going down and spending was going up and the deficit was ballooning no matter what he signed.
  22. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    The economic collapse was caused by the housing collapse.

    People have not lost jobs for the last four years. You've been deceived by RW propaganda.

    Over the past 3 years, about 5 million new additional jobs have been created.
  23. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    The last 6 months of Bush's term, WITH, a DEMOCRAT Congress were bad. But the losses averaged 478,000 per month, not 700,000.
    Your claim is high by 46%

    With a Republican controlled Congress and an unemployment rate in the low 4%, jobs were still gained in the last 6 months before Congressional control went to the Democrats.

    barrack usama is totally responsible for the $1.4 trillion 2009 deficit, and the subsequent trillion dollar deficits in 2010, 2011, and 2012. As he will also be responsible for the projected $1.440 TRILLION (RECORD) deficit for 2013.

    No other president ever had a deficit of even HALF a TRILLION. Bush's highest was $458.6 BILLION. b.o. will NOT have a deficit below ONE TRILLION in 8 years. A TWO TRILLION deficit by barrack usama, the incompetent clown, is all but assured.

    Is b.o. the worst president in history?

    Yes, easily, no contest.


    Oct 10, 2011
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    I will have to remember this. A president is totally responsible for the economy, the actions of congress, the rival party, I suppose the weather and the actions of god. Sort of makes him the semi-omnipotent rival of God. It would seem fair that anyone who has that level of responsibility should have an equivalent level of power. So, Republicans, I expect you to award him the power that would correspond to the level of blame. Thank you and hello your Divine Godness, Barack Hussein Obama.
  25. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Liberals and their excuses. barrack usama, the babbling and lying idiot, had 2 years with a Democrat controlled House and a Democrat controlled Senate. He screwed the pooch with those 2 years.

    Meanwhile you starch your shorts blaming Bush for a housing and financial crash that he had no part in instigating. Like usama, Bush was ineffective in doing anything to stop it or correct it. But liberals blame him for causing it.
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