usa forces the homeless into labor

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by chris bowen, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. chris bowen

    chris bowen New Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    being of sound mind and body and trying this again.....
    i live in nassau county father died and i became homeless.i do understand now that we have lost america folks.we have lost the america you knew,the one you took a picture of,or maybe even the one that never existed.please understand i grew up a big believer in america,we win the war,we pass out the coca colas to other countries and starvation and poverty is over.i no longer believe this.i no longer believe it because the biggest war there is,and the only one we really need to win is not in iraq or afghanistan,its here in america.and thats the one they will never fight.
    we have losts this country.wack jobs like the religious,mental health and so on have taken over.i lived with my dad most of my life always wondering what would happen if he died or when he died.i had a job but it wasnt that much of a job.well,he did eventually die.i used to say to myself they wouldnt let you live under a tree in nassaua county florida till i found out they will.i did.
    i have lived here all of my life.ive never been arressted if that matters,i dont do drugs and am willing to take a drug test to prove it.i dont even drink or,when my dad died,my family scattered,got their own places and left me in a trailor with no money or ability to buy food,no electricity and no water.i lived that way for four months when they came back and locked the trailor up and forced me out onto the porch.then i was forced off the porch and i lived in a chair in the woods for some days when finally i was rescued,if you wanna call it that,i was finally rescued by a lady who works for something called the community action agency.
    now,keep in mind,i lived this way after reporting everywhere there was to report.the dcf's,the barnabus center,a church came by,the police knew which i will get into later.everyone opening point is the picture you took of america,make sure your not fooling yourselves out there.always have somewhere else to live and finally,make sure you keep a job because the grand old,or not so grand old usa forces people into labor.thats it.
    like i said,i was sorta rescued and put into this hideous house by a lady who works for the community action agency but i'll get to all those nightmares later.the point is i told her when i met her that i didnt have a job or money and she said quote,"you dont need any."this is not true.i have lived there for sometime now,and the other day i receive a call from her and she tells me i need to find a job.thats wasnt my "general welfare"that was her concern.the preamble to the constitution means nothing to these wack-jobs,it was i was a financial burden to her.believe me i was shocked to find out she was personally paying my if all is factual and accurate,to remain where i am,to stay in a "conveyance",one of their favorite words,to stay in warmth in the winter and cool conditioned air in the summer i must make do slinging suds down at the local crab dinner joint.ill say more on this later.

    "we cant provide housing for the homeless,unfortunately we cant do that."
    a quote from a member of the nassau county coalition for the homeless
  2. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Food in trash cans dat's got maggots'll give ya the worms...
    Homeless man ticketed for looking for a meal in trash
    March 12, 2013 - James Kelly was hungry and looking for something to eat. He tried to find it in a trash bin near Houston City Hall.
  3. AnnaK

    AnnaK New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I'm assuming this is a joke, but if you really need a job, I have a suggestion: Apply to the Onion. You're good.

    If it's NOT a joke, I have another suggestion: Try applying to some job agencies instead of charity organizations. I've worked all my life while raising 4 children to pay for my own home, food, electricity along with theirs while they lived with me and I have zero sympathy for someone who could SERIOUSLY write the above.
  4. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    And the homeless shouldn't be given appropriate jobs precisely why? Your own people moved out on you. That should of been your first clue. Even they were tired of carrying your tired ass. You got two arms two legs and a functioning brain get a damn job.
  5. FrankCapua

    FrankCapua Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 30, 2004
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    He has access to a computer and the internet.
  6. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Who do you think was paying for your bills? You say you were shocked to find out she was. Now you think it's wrong for her to ask you to get a job and help pay your own way? Just how long did you expect her to keep you up?

    What kind of family do you have that would abandon you in a trailer and then come back and lock you out of it?

    You sound like your a young kid. If so, see if they have a Job Corps in your city. If not, check and see where the closes one is. They will train you for a job, while helping you get a GED or high school diploma. They will feed you, give you transportation money back and forth. If you haven't a home and they have room, they will give you a place to live. They will supply you with work cloths, tools for the job your training for and some spending money each month. After graduation, they will help you get a job and give you over a thousand dollars to give you a start.

    Take advantage of it and get your life straitened out. But don't get the idea that anyone owes you anything. Be grateful for the woman who took you in and paid your way so far. It might not have been all that great, but it was better than how your own family treated you. She had no obligation to do so. The best way to keep from being homeless is getting a job. America is the land of opportunity, not a land of keeping everyone up.
  7. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Who wants to work hard when it won't result in anything? Why bother? Sounds silly I know but...seriously...WHY BOTHER with today's corporate stranglehold on cheap labor, soaring cost of living prices and little compensation for that hard work? You're better off just learning how to fudge, steal or just stick your hand out. That's what our "business" climate has produced. Thank the GOP. Thank past corrupt administrations that took us to the brink with little way back. Thank the Walmarts of the country for the wonderful corporate model. We're ALL going to be homeless very soon. It's inevitable.
  8. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Skilled labor mkes upward of fifteen an hour and fraudster thinks that's cheap...
  9. Curmudgeon

    Curmudgeon New Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    If you are homeless most job agencies will not work with you.
  10. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Success Lasts a Lifetime with Job Corps

    Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. For eligible young people at least 16 years of age that qualify as low income, Job Corps provides the all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life.
  11. merc

    merc Active Member

    Sep 11, 2009
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    What is the Onion as I need a job badly!
    Please respond with a link and do they have jobs down here in the Houston area?
  12. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    This is the main problem of what is wrong with the War On Poverty. I am sure there are millions of Americans that think just like you do. Why work when I can get almost as much from handouts from the government. This is why the only way to make people get off welfare is require them to work for their welfare. Let them get up each morning and go out and clean up allies, parks, roadways. Have them work the fields, jobs Americans don't want to do. Have the farmers pay the government for every person they use and that money can help pay into the welfare system. We have now gotten the help farmers need without using illegals, and the government gets help funding the welfare system. I guarantee you, if people have to get up every morning and work for their welfare, they will soon go out and find a real job.
  13. Manofsteel

    Manofsteel New Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    If I missed something in the original post, I apologize, but I didn't catch the reason why you were actually jobless. I know your father passed but why can't you work? If you are able, then you get what you put in - nothing!
  14. Curmudgeon

    Curmudgeon New Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    You have to have an address to qualify for most benefits, living under an overpass does or in your care do not count.
  15. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Okay I'm in a power wheelchair, have vision issues and all but I always found ways to earn money since I turned 18 right when the ADA act kicked in making getting a job HARDER for the disabled. I learned many skills Busking, I can do astrological charting and read tarot cards, I can make jewelry with modest skills out of native seashells and silver and use these skills to make my own money. The ONLY reason I'm not earning my usual money is I must meet charity care law demands just in case and if they expand Medicaid in Florida I will work and earn a decent modest income.

    Your homeless fine find ways to make your own money, in the underground economy if needed. For example if you learn to play any basic instrument you can likely Busk (sidewalk perform) for me treating it as a business and choosing my gig spots well I can work 15 hours a week and earn an honest $300on the average. That is playing a high end wooden folk kazoo that cost me $50 and some props and costuming. I'm a minimalist Busker. Does that sound like bad money? You could also hand out fliers for restaurants and get meals and some money good for basic survival. But one needs to desire to work and not be to proud and hustle for ways to make money like this in your case you don't want to try if your fit you should have good opportunities out there for your work to make you some money.
  16. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    One can always find excuses.
  17. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    My apology, but my first thought was that you are a phony- either someone who doesn't live in America, or else someone who just is trying to make a political point. Whatever you are, I will tell you that 'yes, to eat and live, you must have a job.' That's life, Jack.

    And lastly, you're obviously quite intelligent, as we can tell by your phrasing and word usage and thought processes. You are very much capable of having a job, and for your own self-worth, SHOULD have a job and take care of yourself. If you have mental problems, which you don't seem to, there are places to fix you up.

    But you say "America forces you to work." Well, that's only if you wish to live in America. But be clear on this- YOU cannot force Americans to pay your way. If you eat, you must pay. That means work.

    By the way, start capitalizing your sentences, for heaven's sake!
  18. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    I have a strong feeling the guy is getting his kicks by making up this whole thing. Some people spend a lot of time making up shams and giggling at how people don't know they made it up. I know a guy here at work who does that in forums.

    Wow. :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Typical liberal attitude, rightwingfrd. Things don't go the libs' way, if it feels unfair, just lie or become dishonest or lazy.

    That's why we are disgusted with you guys and make fun of you(in a loving, Conservative way of course). :)
  19. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Who wants to work hard, sacrifice, and save, only to see his tax dollars go to someone who feels it's easier to leach off the government dole rather than work like we had to? It's attitudes like this that make people angry. I never made any big money my whole working life, but I also never collected a dime of welfare. I was never raised up that way. I always believed if I was able to work and could find a job, I had to work, no matter what it paid. If it wasn't enough, I got a second job, or did what I had to to get a better job. Many of you spend hours on these boards complaining about what the rich has. Well they didn't get that way sitting on their butt, getting free handouts.
  20. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    What gets me is a local school ,Saint Petersburg College, a good regional school in my state has graduates who are disabled with degrees and only 16% found a job from the 2009 class and disabled have a very hard time finding jobs which is why I had to adapt and work for myself. That number seems to be the norm more or less overall.

    If your disabled even with the ADA its unlikely one will get a job and I lost offers when the law was passed I became a risk to hire.

    By the way no one is forcing the above person to work they can opt not to work and leave the government housing that is a free choice but its government program rules you accept the rules with the aid.
  21. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Things have changed drastically in the last 15-25 years. There was a time all you needed to get a good job is a college diploma and just about anyone would hire you. That isn't true today. You not only need college, but you need to know a trade of some sort. The days of majoring in the arts and expecting to get a job with IBM are gone. One needs to find out what jobs are in demand before ever entering into college.
  22. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Into labor? You mean like having a job labor? Or like hard labor?

    If you are just talking about forcing you to have to work, how dare you be so selfish.

    Can I ask an honest question, what is your typical day like? What do you do?
  23. darckriver

    darckriver New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Or child birth labor? :eekeyes:
  24. beenthere

    beenthere Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    {{"""Who wants to work hard...""}}

    Well, we know your sorry tail doesn't want to. Funny, I have worked hard all my life and have not only the things I need but am getting the things I want, bigggg difference. If you don't want to carry your weight, RtW, please feel free to sit on your big wide a%$ and be still while the rest of us continue to achieve and get to where we want to be.

    And if you would look at one of the people that helped set up Walmart as the wonderful corporate model your so mad about, you would be thanking one of your heros, Hillary Clinton.
  25. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    The sentence inserted containing the words WAR ON POVERTY in the above text is NOT from my original post. It was inserted (EDITED) BY SOMEONE OTHER THAN MYSELF.

    Pardon my outburst but this is part of what I refer to when I mention the possibility of shills manipulating information. It's done quite regularly. Easy mistake to make, I'm sure. Even easier to do intentionally.

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