Ask a Jew, what do we do?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Moishe3rd, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    While the Torah, the Talmud, the several religious and ancient writings and traditions of the world agree with the degenerate path of the species of the world, only a theory, read clearly, not science itself, but a theory, is pretending that humans are descendants from ape like creatures.

    Even medical observations on human appearance and behavior with individuals who show chromosome abnormalities, show that such abnormalities make humans to become more ape alike. The abnormalities in human chromosomes lead to the individual to acquire the simian cresase in the hands, retardation or lower level of intelligence, life expectancy to 40 years of age, very similar characteristics to the apes.

    On the other hand, regadless of any attempt to modify the chromosomes in an ape, still can't make an ape to become more human alike.

    While your position seems to have inherited the old version of evolution with its "lucky random mutations", the arrow in the universe is decay and is fixed, the same as well, with the steps in species which lead to a continued degenerate status in each new generation.
  2. Moishe3rd

    Moishe3rd Member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    Being circumcised days after birth as a medical procedure is an agreement; a secular "covenant," between the parents and the doctor. As are all actions of the parents on behalf of their child.
    That's how life works, whether you are religiously inclined or not.
    A bris milah is a Covenant between G-d and the child made on his behalf by the parent's of the baby.
    That's how life works.
  3. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    but then note that some children are raised believing that it is a covenant with a 'god'. See the poster that you are quoting as THE evidence.

    ie.... proof that someones parents, preacher, teacher, rabbi, lied to the child
    We all can understand that parents are often the most horrid cause of the brain washing. And that is perhaps why the prophecies share a rebellion against the household.

    Parents DO NOT make a promise to any g-d, G-D, god, pharaoh; on the childs behalf because that how life works.

    Liars make up such bs, simply because they are too weak to be honest with themelves.

    Each child, will make the choices in their lives and live or die based on what they do. Otherwise, freedom could not known.

    Stop misleading moshepit as to false witness is to dishonor your mother and father.
  4. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    That is correct, "made on his behalf" as guardians, but the child when becoming a man, he will be responsible to fulfill his part of the covenant. By being circumcised at an early age, such won't automatically make him as the other responsible party in a covenant. God didn't make the covenant with a new born child but with a responsible adult.

    This is also an issue with Catholics with the baptism of new born children. Parents do fulfill their part of a covenant, the new born is recognized as Catholic because the promise or filfillment made on his behalf.

    At last, is the individual, who must freely and concious of his acts and decisions, the one to fulfill the covenant. For this task to be made, still is the responsability of the parents to guide him.

    I would like to check another point, "to shave or not to shave?" That is the question.

    To me, we can shave as long as we do it for a clean appearance, style, wife loves shaved face, etc.

    My understanding of the Torah, is not to shave as an act of pain or sorrow. Reading the whole context in this part of the law, such is my opinion, not to damage our own bodies as a demonstration of sorrow, and neither to shave with the same purpose.
  5. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Science is theory and the way those theories are developed, tested and accepted.
    There is no certainty in science, that is the whole idea.
    The best example of how theories are accepted and rejected can be seen in Newton's laws.
    Newton had found those laws about 300 years ago, laws of physics about forces, momentum, gravity, velocity.
    Those laws had been tested again and again for 200 years and no trace of any evidence that something may not work according to them.
    They provided explanations how thing work and proved invaluable to all of us.
    However 100 years ago Einstein came up with a different weird theory of relativity which defied logic, but came true non the less.
    Checking his theory proved Newton's to be wrong and the new theory of relativity had replaced the old one.
    Some predicted results of Einstein's theory had to wait 50 years to be proved.
    As of today, Einstein's theory stands and explain the basic laws of physics, but nothing prohibits scientists from coming up with a new one that will replaces the relativity theory just like it did it's predecessor.

    As for evolution, it was proved to explain so much, I wouldn't bother responding to your argument, for it is void.
    If you really are interested, search some the internet and you will see.
  6. MuslimAmericanWoman

    MuslimAmericanWoman New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
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    Okay- thanks for that. I feel better knowing this because that is what I thought of the mono-theistic religions- we share this same belief. Sad she is misinformed about her own faith. :(
  7. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    it was newton, then QM, then relativity. And not one of them is THE correct TOE.

    Newton was proven wrong but calculus is wonderful, QM has been proven incorrect but many advancements of technology have improved because of it, then Einstein himself, knew his model was incorrect, even before he died

  8. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    what a crock of a post.

    The BS that a parent is fullfilling a covenant with a 'god' by circumcising and baptising the child, is a lie. Baptism, is based on an assumption that a child is born bad, because of the Adam and Eve story. I consider baptism as bathing, since anyone that baths has a feeling of being clean and no longer offensive. In the first century, bathing was not a norm to the general population but to teach each person the they are equally capable, is a huge part of what Jesus shared.

    As for the facial hair, shaving, comment.... it's funny, rediculous and another embodiment of misleading (false witness).

    How many have noticed the goatee of jesus' images? It is assumed that he shaved to create that look or is the assumption that he was a natural that didnt grow much facial hair?

    is it perhaps an image of someone other than jesus?

    ie... no one knows what jesus looked like but damn people will be surprised to know what I look like, naturally of course!

  9. Moishe3rd

    Moishe3rd Member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    Strictly speaking, there is no problem with shaving - you just can't use a razor blade or a sharp knife. An electric razor is acceptable.
    Plus, it is only the "corners" of your beard or face that cannot be shaved. The only universally agreed upon "corner" is your temples - from whence we get peyos or earlocks.
    And, you are correct that this comes from the Torah regarding the mourning procedures of non Jews. That is why Jews, when they are in mourning or fasting, do not shave at all, even if they are accustomed to shaving ordinarily.
  10. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Without proving the existence of time, no theory predicting time dilatation is valid but false. Period.

    Newton's Law was based in a fact: he called it Gravity. But considering time as something flexible by causes as speed of objects or gravity of bodies is a complete joke. Again, show time as a factual phenomenon and then, only after proving it, you might vindicate those wonderful things you say about relativity... until then, all you have said is fantasies.

    The theory of evolution was proven false in its initial presentation. When evolutionists found out their mistake, they changed the whole doctrines but kept the titles, like "evolution", "natural selection", in order to cover up their shame. (The Neo Darwinian theory)

    Still, as nothing came to support their doctrines (Darwin's natural selection implies favorable variations only), they decided to change the "meaning of the word evolution" by making it a "technical word".

    Today, they think they have finally got the final restoration of their false theory, when they say that "evolution is change with modification".

    Unfortunately, such theory and its definition still is vague and inaccurate, because there is an arrow and the arrow is decay. This is to say, the theory of evolution started with the assumption that we -the current species- came from inferior, worst and simpler species, while the religions of the world, the ancient traditions, the records from ancient historians, reveal that the path is the opposite: Degeneration is the prevailing modification of the change.

    The theory of evolution is against the whole records -religious and historical- of the past and present, even is against the current observations of chromosome abnormalities in humans showing how humans acquire simian characteristics while nothing factual shows simians acquiring human characteristics by natural causes alone...hmm hmm hmm... there is something wrong with that theory. lol
  11. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Loving the Law.

    It sounds crazy when one says: "Oh, I love driving at 25 miles per hour... the law of traffic is great... I can stop faster in case a child or a dog suddenly crosses the street in front of me... what a great law... I love it..."

    Loving God's Laws... Psalm 119

    Teaching it by example to the children? Might we teach how to love? I wonder.
  12. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I can see how to someone who cannot grasp the flow of time, progress looks like decay and vice verse.
    If you think that the time wen people died from a simple cut from Tetanus or got enslaved, when 95% of the population could not read or write was better than today, I can only say: I wish you were born then rather than post BS on the internet.
  13. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Your thoughts are full of confusion. I accept your "flow of time" as an expression, because a day is nothing but earth rotating in reference to the Sun and a year the earth orbiting around the Sun. Having a day and a year nothing but motion of a body in reference to another body, I don't see any "physical flowing of time"... unless your preference is living in the world of illusions and never get what is really going on.

    When you said "progress", of course you are mentioning how much technology we have acquired, but such won't count when we talk about our human bodies themselves. While we have discovered lots of new things about the universe, at the same time our physical bodies have become more degenerate.

    And more, the intelligence in humans have not progressed a single millimiter. It needs a lot of intelligence to discover how to create fire, it needs a lot of intelligence to invent a language and a numerical system, it needs a lot of intelligence to plant vegetables and fruits for later consumption, etc.

    Today you give for granted such a"primitive knowledge", but the discovering of the atom or the discovering of new medicines requires of the same level of intelligence of those "primitive men".

    The movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" where the main actor is an aborigin of Africa who never studied drama in Oberlin, and less didn't speak other language but his tribe's, he performed as a professional actor so well... inclusive he drove a car, and learned so fast everything he needed to do for that movie. There wasn't the need to have "former generations of ancestors learning different trades" in order to inherit the capacity of learning the new technology.

    So, progress as you see outside is good as long as nothing breaks the system, because if a worldwide catastrophe happens -lets say the falling of a huge meteorite- and you are found without drinking water, electricity, gas. telephone, hospitals, and people wants food, water, shelter, lets see what can you do, how you will survive in Winter or in hot Summer, how will you protect yourself... because there are records that when in Europe -close to year 1000- a long drought happened, cannibalism was one of the answers by the people.

    So, regardless of what era you have born, while man found better ways for comfort, the degenerate path of the human body has not been stopped but the pain managment has been more efficient. Today people live more years because medicines, not so because our human body is getting more healthier each generation. Each time is more needed the dental braces for children, pills against obesity, pills for headache, pills for cold, vitamin supplements... everything artificial... and people who won't take them will die at similar ages than people who in past eras didn't have the current medicines. So, the human body still in decay, we just extend the suffering and control the pain... that's all.


    I still concerned about "Loving the Law"

    I don't see this way of teaching while I understand that loving the Law is a wonderful key to acquire wisdom.

    Why the Law (God's law) is commonly taught as commandments and punishments instead of ways to protect our bodies and bring benefits to us? Why not teaching our children to love the Law...? "Teach me O Hashem, the way of Your statutes, and I will cherish it to the utmost...Grant me understanding so that I may cherish your Torah, and keep it with whole heart..."

    Other religions disregard the Laws of God, but, on the other hand, the key is not simply "obeying them..."
  14. Moishe3rd

    Moishe3rd Member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    I posit that it is the same as mastering any other discipline.
    There are great geniuses who, (as you seem to point out) can go from "zero to sixty" in no time flat, intuitively understanding all of the necessary precursors to their field of specialization.
    However, most of us need to build comprehension bit by bit; byte by byte; gig by gig; one step at a time...
    In order to master Quantum mechanics, most people have to learn how to add and subtract; multiply; higher mathematics; physics; particle physics; and so on.... It does not appear to be the case that most innovators and great minds don't have all of their previous learning at their fingertips. They need to Master everything else that comes before in order to move on.

    So it is with Torah and mitzvos (Commandments). First, we have to learn the Aleph/ Beis (ABC's). Then move on from there.
    But it is exactly in this Orthodox; Torah observant world that teaches young children to learn Torah that comes their learning to love the Law.
    This is because they are taught to do so from a very young age.
    Your question appears to be why don't we teach adults to love the Law. And, the answer, of course, is that we do. It's just that most people have to learn the "Aleph/ Beis" first in order to even understand the Law.
  15. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    a circle jerk of a comment
    song of david and that is what defines 'loving god's law'?

    not on your life. Thoth did better.

    shoot the liars, is a great example

    love is a naturally occurring capability of conscious awareness.

    I trust the instincts of love as it is that ability of unconditionality, as to why our species even survives.

    It sure WAS NOT religion that enabled love, as the religious are most often the biggest liars, misleading sobs, and deceitful people on the planet, ever to exist.

    A method of identifying that FACT, is to note that as soon as religion lost the control to oppressing, the population explosion on the earth began (note the last 200 yrs of the worlds population in comparison to when the religious sobs controlled knowledge)
    read what i write and the wonder can became an awareness
  16. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Learning is like standing on the shoulders of giant (using the steps created from prior generation, to see (understand)
    stop it

    ABC's are english

    commands are egyptian foundations just reversed, in the sense, that a person must be personally responsible versus in fear

    not much of the world is torah observant and it appears absolute, that the torah, is not pure and the majority on the earth do not follow the interpretations held by the torah observant. Havent you noticed that there are very few torah adherants, in comparison to the global population?

    Meaning; torah is not a requirement to sustain as true, to live, love and follow the laws.
    and why, i hate the brain washing of torah adherants, that have not evolved to realize, that torah is about as much a guideline as the 2LoT, in which both are to be repealed to the pirates code as simply a 'guideline'

    do unto others as you would have them do unto you

    ie..... i would expect to be corrected if i was wrong, as I do unto other as i would expect to be done to me
  17. Moishe3rd

    Moishe3rd Member

    Jun 13, 2004
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    A correction for you - you would be more interesting and useful if you tried to be coherent.
    Your use of English demonstrates that you have all these thoughts pinballing around in your head and that is the way you write.
    I'm sure this serves some purpose for you but, for myself, I generally ignore what you write as I find it mostly incoherent and off topic.

    The only part of the above that I can remotely respond to is: "Havent you noticed that there are very few torah adherants, in comparison to the global population?"
    Indeed. I have noticed. I have also commented on this fact.
    Jews make up less than .02% of the population of the world. And Torah observant Jews make up less than .006% of the world.
    This is but one reason that Judaism; the Torah; and Jews are so remarkable.
    This is one reason that I know that the Torah is True.
    This is one reason I love being a Jew.
    We are a-historical. There is no other paradigm in history that reflects Jews and Judaism.
    This is interesting.
  18. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I spend a lot of time learning and from the big TOE, to the politics of sissyville, in palestine, i do have a bunch running thru my head.

    Did you read the new thread from "Happy fun dude' in the science section? He opened up a new can for me to dig in.

    People that dont want to evolve and develop, are usually quite obtuse.


    The Doma tribe have less than that and now have 2 toed feet in their gene pool. I would say that evolution is more remarkable than men wearing curlers in their hair and dont shave with a razor or sharp knife.
    because you choose to remain conservative?

    knowledge evolves. Why would such a small population of conservative folk be the reason why torah is 'true'?

    I am a 'who' too (child of 'god' (nature itself))
    good. Then you can forgive, live, learn; evolve. But can you give up beliefs (historical adherance) for truth?
    Most dont want to identify themselves as being special over others.

    Most like equality. The paradigm that combines mankind, is 'truth' not judaism or 'jew'. I am a 'who' just like you but not an adherant to historical beliefs.

    I find it quite interesting that the name holder shows up and the most adherant of judaism (an orthodox) dont know that the final objective of mankind is the name of 'god'.

    I honor what the prophets left for us to learn from.. Why is it, that I have to be the one to open the seals, when you, your brethren, each of mankind are just as capable?

    i aint special in any way physically nor psychologically

    i comprehend that all are equally capable to understand, if given a chance.

    I would rather be misunderstood or even hated, then held to fill the shoes of bs that many have misinterpreted of the prophets works.

    I expect you to be fair and each of us can learn from each other, but I WILL NOT accept the lie or the misleading of others

    You can consider me anything that you want, but please sit the meeting with the rabbi of your chosing and ponder the question of my signature.

    If the 'yes' is the answer, then be certain, i am already here!

    the name, exists
  19. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I have to laugh because I remember seeing statistics about Nobel Prize winners and even though Jews were outnumbered by Arabs something like 924,713,413 to 1 or something around there. There are significantly more Jewish winners of the Nobel prizes than Arabs. Granted Nobel Prizes lately have become a joke at least the Peace prizes, but I hope there is still at least some integrity left in the Science section.

    Israel also has the highest per capita of Ph.Ds if I recall and everyone knows that if you have a question about taxes you run and ask your Jewish friends. :banana:
  20. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    If existence only operate ONE way, is the math the 'name' to know?
  21. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    To enlarge upon this information we need to examine what Jesus said about life after this life.

    Then we need examine recent scientific studies and experiments which confirm the intuitive insights that were unsupported in 32D and unsupportable, in that Age when knowledge was not so available.

    Jesus told them that there was whole mentality in us, individually and collective in its sum together.
    Today, we know this to be our own Unconscious mind.
    This is the part of our psyche which comes back, time and again, every time a new born baby is born into the world again.

    The Unconscious mind is only unconscious in the sense that we, consciously, have neither noticed it nor tried be conscious of it.

    But the Unconscious mind is quite well aware of us, and is that long-suspected Third Eye which has subtly become known to us in many ways.
    The Unconscious mind is what Jesus called the son-of-God.
    The Unconscious mind is immortal in that it reappears in every generation to add to those Unconscious minds in the Collective Unconscious of the generating already living.
    The Unconscious mind is the reflection of the past Reality within which we are both trapped and yet nurtured.
    The Unconscious mind is the image of this God which unfolds the next frame of the Life we enjoy at His discretion.

    The logic for this follows from the fact the Unconscious mind contains all the Truth of our phylogenetic past experiences, even prior to that perhaps.
    The Unconscious mind inside us KNOWS the truth because we, in our past lives, have lived through all those millions of years.

    The concrete EVIDENCE for this can be found the experimental studies and theories in writings such as "Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior, by Leonard Mlodinow.

    Leonard Mlodinow, the best-selling author of The Drunkard’s Walk and coauthor of The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking), gives us a startling and eye-opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world and how, for instance, we often misperceive our relationships with family, friends, and business associates, misunderstand the reasons for our investment decisions, and misremember important events.

    The meaning of this is that we are about to evolve into a new State of Mind wherein we WILL be conscious of our own Unconscious past experience and be JUDGED by that facility inside ourselves.

    John 12:48
    He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
  22. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    moshe, where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

    i want you to share what you have come up with.

    you know where my heart is, dont be shy
  23. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    This just occured to me:
    In the Gospels, does Jesus' method of speaking-not the words but the style-seem Jewish?
  24. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Some may think this frivolous, but I would like to know what happened to the Judeans of the Kingdom of Judah, as distinct from Israelis from the Kingdom of Israel.

    Some may believe that Judeans are more Jewish than Israelis.
  25. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    examine what Jesus said about life after this life.

    Then we need examine recent scientific studies and experiments which confirm the intuitive insights that were unsupported in 32D and unsupportable, in that Age when knowledge was not so available.

    Jesus told them that there was whole mentality in us, individually and collective in its sum together.
    Today, we know this to be our own Unconscious mind.
    This is the part of our psyche which comes back, time and again, every time a new born baby is born into the world again.

    The Unconscious mind is only unconscious in the sense that we, consciously, have neither noticed it nor tried be conscious of it.

    But the Unconscious mind is quite well aware of us, and is that long-suspected Third Eye which has subtly become known to us in many ways.
    The Unconscious mind is what Jesus called the son-of-God.
    The Unconscious mind is immortal in that it reappears in every generation to add to those Unconscious minds in the Collective Unconscious of the generating already living.
    The Unconscious mind is the reflection of the past Reality within which we are both trapped and yet nurtured.
    The Unconscious mind is the image of this God which unfolds the next frame of the Life we enjoy at His discretion.

    The logic for this follows from the fact the Unconscious mind contains all the Truth of our phylogenetic past experiences, even prior to that perhaps.
    The Unconscious mind inside us KNOWS the truth because we, in our past lives, have lived through all those millions of years.

    The concrete EVIDENCE for this can be found the experimental studies and theories in writings such as "Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior, by Leonard Mlodinow.

    Leonard Mlodinow, the best-selling author of The Drunkard’s Walk and coauthor of The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking), gives us a startling and eye-opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world and how, for instance, we often misperceive our relationships with family, friends, and business associates, misunderstand the reasons for our investment decisions, and misremember important events.

    The meaning of this is that we are about to evolve into a new State of Mind wherein we WILL be conscious of our own Unconscious past experience and be JUDGED by that facility inside ourselves.

    John 12:48
    He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

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