If you would were running for president, what would your platform be?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Daggdag, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    if you were running for president, what would you platform be on the following issues?

    Welfare/Entitlement Programs
    National Security
  2. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Relinquish the powers vested in the federal government, except the military which can only be sent into action by a majority vote of the citizens and only allowed if a direct threat is immenint on our soils.
    End the central-planning-global-banker-too-big-to-fail-scheme
    End the hundreds of thousand of pages of entrepreneur-blocking corporate-written regulation
    End federal grip on education
    End all special programs for immigrants and do not allow them on the dole
    End federal subsidies and involvement in energy
    End federal welfare programs and point them to the soup lines or let them plant food and tents on formerly federal lands
    Default on the banker debt and laugh at them
    security - above
    healthcare - get the government away and watch the prices drop, along with the deflation as the Fed bankers are no longer destroying the dollar. Point them to natural remedies, churches, and the goodwill of free men.

    That's right, have the states secede from America as a collective federation, as provided in our Constitution. That's how bad I think we've become in DC.
  3. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Economy - up to the people
    Jobs - up to the people
    Education - up to the people
    Immigration - unite the world and create one nation, other way we are only hurting ourselves
    Energy - more solar, wind, nuclear energy - tax elimination for those who seek this energy
    Welfare/Entitlement Programs - no television or computer gaming for people on welfare, and mandatory sterilization for career welfare people who have not worked too much in their lives
    Debt - wipe off the debt on the count of only idiots could have let government such as USA money - same as lending to bank robber and expecting something back
    National Security - make friends with other nations
    Healthcare - free to those who do not smoke, drink or do drugs, raised for extra fat people and those who did not take care of their bodies.

    Hope that helps. hope I can win the lotto to run on this platform
  4. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Here is mine....

    I would place emphasis on small businesses. Small businesses are the job creators, not corporations.
    Corporations have no incentive to create jobs. They are exist to make profit, and many will cut jobs for the sake of profit.
    Small businesses have to grow and expand in order to compete in the market. So, I would take all of the tax cuts and subsidies that are currently going to corporations and give them to small businesses, on the grounds that these jobs must meet a jobs creation quota each year to keep receiving them.

    Education is the key to the future. If the people are uneducated, the nation as a whole is weaker.
    I would push for the appeal of No Child Left Behind, and the abolishment of tenure in public schools.
    I would call for a bigger salary and better benefits to teachers to make the job more attractive.

    I find it to be very humbling that people around the world want to come to America because they consider our nation to be the greatest in the world. I believe that we should be honored, and welcome new immigrants with open arms.
    I would reform immigration so that we can get the best that other nations have to offer while screening out the bad.

    No nation can survive if they rely on another nation for his power. America needs to cut off all foreign oil to secure itself. The problem is that there is not enough alternative energy sources yet to run the nation.
    I would offer grants to research clean fuels, and other power sources, and over the course of 5 to 15 years, judging by how long it takes to find economically viable alternatives to fossil fuels, I would wean America off of all oils, and not just foreign oil. Emphasis would be solar and wind energy and hemp fuel (because of the abundance of hemp). I would also pose a minimum required MPG rating on all cars in America, both domestic and imported. I would end the circle jerk for electric cars by pointing out that they are not pollution free, in that coal and oil are burned to produce the electricity that charges them. Clean burning alternatives must be found.

    National Security:
    The security of the nation is one of the most important issues. The government has a duty to secure the nation from threats, both foreign and domestic. We must have a standing, well funded, and well trained national guard at all times. We must also always have a standing naval guard. So I would make sure that the coast guard is equally well funded and trained.

    I consider healthcare to be a right of all Americans. That being said, I oppose Obamacare whole heartedly. With all it's BS about helping people get health coverage, it really only serves one purpose, getting private insurance companies more profits. I would repeal Obamacare completely. I would replace it with a form on optional public healthcare. People would have the option to remain with private insurance and private hospitals, or they would have the option to pay a tax that would go towards funding a system of non-profit hospitals, and physicians. Only those who pay the tax will have access to these public health services

    Economy & Debt:
    No nation can be economically sound when they whole as much debt as America does. I would form a bipartisan commission to explore ways to balance the budget, without cutting healthcare or education. This would require higher taxes, and new non-tax revenue. I would push for a congressional requirement that congress pass a balance budget plan, following those guidelines each year, or they take a 25% pay cut the following year. This pay cut will stack up, and if they do not balance the budget 4 years in a row they could end up not being paid at all. I would place an emphasis on making military spending more efficient, and putting the military-industrial complex in their place. I would cut military spending by 40%, giving pay cuts to all non-service jobs, such as pentagon workers, recruitment officers, etc... I would shut down 2/3 of all US bases around the world and bring back all troops stationed in these bases. I would end the war in Iraq and recall all combat troops, leaving an advisory and training force to help train the Iraqi army. All of this would cut spending down to where we are bring in more money than we are spending, and 10% of all surplus would go to paying off the debt. It will be slow, but it will work.

    While I do believe that helping those who can not help themselves is something that should always be done, I do understand that our current welfare system is not very efficient. We need to heavily regulate it in order to make sure that it is not being abuse.
    I believe that drug addicts should have no access to welfare unless they are active in some sort of legitimate rehab programs. I do believe that for people who are physically able to work there should be work requirements, or at least the act of trying to find work, if they are unemployed. Welfare should never come in the form of a check. It should be a single debit/credit card, this way, the state knows exactly what it was used for, and can more easily tract fraud.
    Welfare money should not be able to be used for name brand food and cloths.
    Lastly, I think that people who are able to work, and are on welfare because they are underemployed should have to pay at least part of the money back.
  5. Maximatic

    Maximatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... I have a plan to restore a strong.. (1) !

    My administration will be dedicated to focusing on the creation of.. (2) !

    If I am President, America will be number one in.. (3) !

    Some people work hard when they come to this country... Some people who are already in this country work hard... When my great great grandpapy came to this country... When... My... Some... ... ... ...

    I have a plan that will focus on a responsible, sound, reliable.. (5).. policy with a dedication to the development of future energy sources and 100% efficient machines !

    I believe that sometimes, due to no fault of the government, except the previous administration, of course, people fall on hard times.

    The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... The previous administration... I have a plan to pay off the.. (7) !

    I will have trilateral commis/ uh er unications with our friends and allies and sanctions on our enmities, default on our indemnities to increase the unification of the world. Oh, and strong.. (8) !

    The previous administration's way of having you all pay for one another's (9) is unacceptable. I have a much better way to have you pay for one another's.. (9)... !
  6. ELOrocks17

    ELOrocks17 New Member

    Sep 4, 2009
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    Pull all US forces out of Europe, They dont want us or need us
    Reduce ALL foreign aid by 80%
    Totally restructure NAFTA so it favors the US instead of Mexico
    Start drilling in Alaska to get us off dependence on foreign oil.
    Remove the UN from American soil
    Limit trade with China
    Slash educational spending until the beauracracy is eliminated
  7. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    1. Eliminate our standing Army, in accordance with the founder's intent. Naval forces can stay.
    2. End all foreign aid.
    3. Kick every last illegal alien out of the US, and promise "regime change" to Mexico if they come back.
    4. Change the public school system to use the Socratic method rather than "stuffing it in your head".
    5. Turn the entire Southwestern desert into a solar collection system, then rebuild Wardenclyffe tower and distribute electricity freely to everyone forever. Taxes will pay for the building and maintenance of this infrastructure. Labor will be provided by welfare recipients.
    6. Print as many dollars as it takes to pay back the debt. Store those dollars in a warehouse while the U.S adopts a different currency. Decommission the dollar, reducing it's value to zero. Then pay the debt, owed in USD, with the newly printed dollars.
    7. Repeal ACA. Open a tuition free government run medical school. The way to create affordable care is to increase supply in relation to demand. We need more doctors.
  8. junius. fils

    junius. fils New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Based on much of the above, I would carefully save all the above recommendations and do the exact opposite. This, while it would not give a 100% guarantee of making an intelligent decision, would come close. Anything not covered by the above, I would listen to the Tea Party & the GOP and do the opposite.
  9. Bluespade

    Bluespade Banned

    Jun 7, 2010
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    *Education reform
    *Welfare reform
    *Simplefication of the tax code/close tax loopholes
    *Close gitmo
    *End the NSA spying on Americans/end patriot act
    *End "to big to fail"
    *Congressional term limits
    *Lobbyists reform
    *Push major tax cuts for using alternative energy
    *Streamline the immigration system
    *Raise the age for Social Security
    *Pull troops out of Europe
    *Audit the Federal Reserve
    *Start peace talks between the two Koreas, then remove troops
    *Decriminalize drug use/legalize pot
  10. General Fear

    General Fear New Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    My platform would be State's Rights. The states would handle all social and economic policies and the federal government would handle foreign policy. Tying the hand of the federal government to foreign policy would be strictly enforced.

    In terms of foreign affairs, the US should practice armed neutrality. Get out of NATO, Korea, Japan, etc etc . . . With a US military that focused on just defending our borders we would not need such a large military like we have now.

    How would I solve jobs, education, welfare and such. That would be handled by the states. Blue states would have left leaning policies while the red states will let the free market solve everything. Each state live as they like.
  11. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Economy - First and foremost, the wage disparity between corporations and people putting in hard work is ridiculous. To fix this would require much, much work. Progressive taxes would generate revenue that could be used to boost the economy via things like stimulus packages, repairing infrastructure across the entire country from bridges to railroads, etc. Next, I'd also tax at 1% all financial microtransactions for banking and stocks directly. This alone would generate a lot of money to go towards programs like food stamps and welfare so that people have the chance to stay within the workforce without going homeless first, which becomes a near impossible uphill battle to return to workforce once that has happened. However, there must be jobs, right? I would push to reform trade agreements that allow larger corporations to farm out work to other countries for cheaper wages for things to sell in America, returning manufacturing jobs which used to be the bread and butter of our middle class back home. I would also offer much of the collected money in new tax revenue for grants to business start ups and students to attend college. I would also cut the student loan interest rate to 2% and roll back loans that increased back to this figure so that new people entering the work force would have more money to spend on products that keep the economy going. And finally, for more tax revenue for these programs, I would close loop holes such as offshore tax havens and the low to non-existent tax on capital gains. I'd also cut subsidies for industries and corporations that don't need it and transfer those subsidies to small businesses. As well, I'd increase the minimum wage to 12$ so that more people have money to spend in the economy even if they're working temporary or dead end jobs. Overall, I'd push for a new America where people are given the opportunity to flourish which is the core of how an economy becomes strong. Bring jobs back from overseas, help start new business, fund it through fair and progressive taxes.

    Jobs - As outlined above, my economic issue is strongly tied with jobs creation. By focusing on the small businesses, jobs will follow. Start ups always need people, much more than an established business that is concerned with maintaining profits rather than seeking initial success. I would also push for federal law that prohibits abolishment of 'right to work' states as those do not serve those work for employers, it serves the employers to keep more for themselves instead of giving it to workers to spend in the economy. I would also use the Department of Labor to set up a new task force designed to assist unions as well as watch dog them so as to keep balance within that system of employer/employee and ensure that neither have an unfair advantage.

    Education - I would provide new means of education. For grade school K-12, I would provide funding for computer based programs that can offer more attention to students that need it through software that adapts to the child on an individual level to augment the human teachers. Do not mistake it as replacing as both would be implemented. As well, I would push for increasing teacher pay and benefits as well as implement regulations that prevent lopsided distribution of federal funds for public schools so that areas of high-risk students in poverty for drop out would get the same opportunity for education as those not at risk for such incidents. No school would be better than another in terms of funding or facilities. I would also cut subsidies for 'diploma factory' colleges which offer no substantial education for students. As well, I would implement regulations which would bring all nationally accredited schools up to par with the average regionally accredited school in that particular region. They can still operate, but they must be held to standards to be called a place of 'education'. As stated earlier, I would drop student loans both old and new to 2% fixed forever and increase the grant programs to allow more underprivileged students opportunity to earn higher education. If they do not graduate, however, the grant will be paid back. A little pressure never hurt anyone.

    Immigration - I would grant amnesty to all immigrants effective immediately. The path to citizenship would be shortened to 5 years, not 15. For those that wish to gain citizenship, and are following naturalization policies, they will be eligible for hire just as a citizen and pay taxes just like a citizen. Harsh penalties would come to any business hiring immigrants not following the policy and business would be forced to assist in the initial steps towards citizenship by providing information on where to apply for citizenship to immigrants they cannot legally hire. Citizenship would be granted upon 5 years without felony to families in which one more more members are working legal jobs for at least 4 years and are participating in English as a 2nd Language courses for at least 1. As well, American History/American Politics courses would also be required, paid for by federal taxes. After 5 years and these requirements have not been met, or seen to be adequately attempted (i.e. on 5th year they'vd done everything except history/politics classes as an example), they will be docked 2 years towards citizenship and will be eligible to gain citizenship again in 2 years at which point their case will be reviewed again. Any citizen who is not on this path who commits a felony will be deported to their home country immediately if the felony involves forgery or violence. As keeping with the constitution, immigrants who have not naturalized will not be eligible to vote. For immigrants from English speaking territories, the English as a Second Language will not be necessary. For all immigrants, waivers for work requirements will be granted or time shortened if they can provide solid work or education status from their country of origin, up to and including taking only the necessary time to process paperwork necessary to naturalize.

    Energy - Oil subsidies would evaporate under my presidency to provide real competition to alternatives, but this real competition would not happen overnight, so alternatives would be subsidized equally to all alternatives using those taken from oil. Oil has proven it's 'worth' as well as burden on America already. Evening out the playing field is just what the doctor ordered. I would also fund research for improvements of currently existing alternative energies as well as storage and delivery of that energy. Storage is most important. I would also increase EPA regulation over unclean energy as well, since that's one of the core reasons the EPA was brought into existence for: protection of health. This would also extend to industries with plants that have toxic biproducts as well, however, fines for violations would not be capped at a solid dollar amount but rather percentage of net profits per quarter for violations in order to make the impact actually felt and this percentage would increase for repeat offenders with no cap on the percentage fined.

    Welfare/Entitlement Programs - First corporate welfare would only exist for sub million dollar corporations, new corporations which aren't established. Once the million dollar threshold has been obtained, they will no longer be eligible for subsidies. For individuals, welfare would be expanded, which is sorely needed during the recession we are in. The payout would be, by law, expanded to always be 1% above the current poverty line income per region and expanded to last 3 years. Food stamp eligibility would be increased by way of incomes that fall below 10% ABOVE the poverty line, but progressive still so that the higher incomes receive less assistance. The food stamps would be closely tied in with local businesses so that small business that accept them gain extra subsidies for participating in the program. Social security tax would be increased by 2% and payouts would be tied to inflation rate and fixed at 10% above national poverty level. There's no reason for someone to work 50 years and live on the poverty line. Industrial farm subsidies would be rerouted to small farmers.

    Debt - With the huge tax revenue described above, even with all of the programs mentioned here, we could pay it off. It would not be an instant gratification, but it could be paid off. Too many politicians try to slash the debt too quickly, which leads to substandard economic growth since money that should be pumped into the economy is sent to die elsewhere. The debt would be paid, but just like a home mortgage, it's not going away overnight and I wouldn't be disappointed if I was only able to reduce it by 5% a year. I'd consider that a victory.

    National Security - This is a no-brainer. Our military forces are able to relocate to any country in the world within 48 hours. Our aircraft carriers have enough air power to match the next top 7 countries. We have 7 of them currently in operation. Because of this, I would close down quite a few antiquated bases in countries such as Germany and other long time allies such as Italy. I would end the use of drones and the 'War on Terror' since our actions are definitely terroristic in nature concerning these devices and I would push the UN to add new Geneva conventions which govern the use of unmanned craft so as not to be abused as we have done for the last 10 years. A bomb dropped on any country for any reason, whether by man or by machine is easily seen as an 'act of war' and we've had quite a few 'acts of war' we perpetrated in countries where no war was declared. I would not close all bases, but many would get the ax and those service people would return to the states to participate in 21st century combat training part time. Military contracts would be cut in half to reduce military spending waste for things like tanks, which are so seldom used these days as to be nearly obsolete. We aren't in WWII anymore. Seeing as how warfare is more personal these days with geurilla tactics, any new contracts would be specifically for personnel protective gear and ground weapon technologies but the spending on research and manufacturing of these new technologies would not go out of control to the point where we have more than needed.

    Healthcare - I would repeal ACA and reinstate the original insurance system for those that want it alongside a single payer system which anyone can opt out of providing they have private insurance. I would also use previously stated new revenue along with a 2% of revenue from the single payer system to fund research for non-profit cures for the diseases and ailments we have not conquered yet such as cancer, HIV, AIDS, herpes, etc. Smokers under the single payer system would pay 10% more than non-smokers. They will be found eventually. All hospitals, public or private will be forced to accept single payer insurance at government regulated costs, however, they are allowed to charge whatever they wish if they are a private institution to private insurance, but they will only be required to do the bare minimum necessary per case for single payers so as not to infringe too greatly on their profit motive. However, they are providing health care, it's a human right, so they must comply. Planned Parenthood would continue to operate. I would also legalize most currently illegal drugs and treat them as a health issue and mental issue for those it affects rather than criminal. For pharmaceuticals, I would remove the profitability that patents provide for them specifically down to 3 years maximum, non-renewable. For FDA approval, side effects cannot include terminal disability or death in more than .1% of patients during testing and must be proven 95% effective with negligible side effects (i.e. bowel irritation, loose stools, running nose, headaches, etc.). For approved drugs entering testing (such as those for the top ailments listed), they will receive government assisted funding for testing to meet FDA approval as well. Public health facilities would maintain strict standards and handsome pay for it's high skilled employees such as surgeons and physicians and nurses in order to compete with private medical facilities and set a standard which must be met for excellence in patient care and attention.

    So yeah, I don't think I'd get but 1% of all that done in a 4 year term and could only get maybe 5% of it done in an 8 year term but could very well have the ball rolling for 50% of that by 8 years and all the next guy has to do is make sure it happens and/or fix things that aren't successful. I would also like to add I'd call for campaign finance reform first and foremost before anything on this list. This would go on to fix about 80% of the issues I would address via specific legislation.

    I would also as President probably cuss, especially in presidential debate because some mother (*)(*)(*)(*)ers are just retarded and people, I think, are ready for someone who doesn't sound like a politician but like Steve from next door. I'm not here to bull(*)(*)(*)(*), I'm here to attempt to the best of my abilities to solve issues for people who's chances for a shot at really living have been crushed for the last 35 years by scandalous abuse of law and money. I know I probably left out important things here. I was just shooting off the cuff and I don't expect anyone to sit here and read everything. Which would be cool...I can push it through like Obamacare...lulz.
  12. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    The list of issues for a political platform proposed by the OP can be used only for rhetorical discussion.

    There is only one agenda permitted by the handful of people that truly rule this country, and that is making certain the rich get richer. Republican or Democrat, professional politicians work to this end.

    This country has been picked clean by the ruling class, and the curtain is about to come down on the United States. The trillions of dollars owed is too much debt to be repaid, and that amount is increasing rapidly.

    Add to this the shrinking tax base, as many formerly middle income Americans join the ranks of the millions of poor already living from hand to mouth. With this growing poverty, there is no possible way to create the needed federal revenue for repayment, let alone meet the expenses of wars and domestic financial aid. These entitlement programs, so hated by the conservatives and neoconservatives, are necessary to prevent an uprising of tens of millions of impoverished American citizens. The majority of these citizens have been forced into dire situations and now must depend on this government aid, because without it, they have nothing left to lose.

    All of the wangling over same sex marriage, abortion, immigration reform, and the many other issues that keep the general public at each other’s throats, are nothing more than diversionary tools to cover up the one percent’s picking of the average Americans’ pockets.

    Only fools believe voting gives them a voice in U.S. government. Our “elected officials” are hand picked by the ruling class to serve only them.

    The OP is an interesting hypothetical exercise, but has no place in reality.
  13. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Whatever BUILDS and supports the MIDDLE CLASS overall. Not this BS that only promises things to the same.

    Without a strong, successful and relatively happy middle class... life in America will be sh__.
  14. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Yep!! And that is why I will never support another politician that is not actively expressing their concern AND proven that they have acted on behalf of the working poor and middle class.

    A few wealthy guys and a bunch of poor minions, does not a healthy economy make; it takes more than that.
  15. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Turn political hierarchy up side down with localities being the supreme authority and government only having advisory role.
    Let cities and communities run their policies as they like.
  16. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    It's impossible to change the status quo. The right-wingers fight to maintain a government controlled by the very rich, and too many moderates willingly fall into lockstep closely behind them..
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    to reduce foreign outsourcing, to promote a flat tax, to add a import tax

    this would mean Jobs... Jobs... Jobs... work baby work
  18. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    It will change; time and changing circumstances affects 'everything'. It is only a matter of time.
  19. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Do you include the marines? Air Force? How do we maintain the equipment of defense without people?

    Saving 1% of the US Budget while allowing 100s of thousands to die, eliminating our ability to influence many countries for US interests and of course giving a open field for our enemies to take over the influence.

    Without a standing army that threat would be laughable.

    I am not sure you know what the Socratic method is nor what goes on inside public schools.

    Why use wireless transmission? Forced labor is an interesting idea, but what kind of work do you think you will get out of these people? How will you train them?

    Which would destroy the US economy and thus the world economy in part because the largest portion of the US debt is owned by......the US.

    How will more doctors make health care more affordable.
  20. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    An Import tax would be a fair way to raise taxes on the top 1% without targeting that top 25-50% pool(the Middle Class) that has always unfairly been burdened with taxes
  21. SmokeALib

    SmokeALib New Member

    Oct 8, 2013
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    Freedom, Liberty, and Property Rights.
  22. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Given in my view coercive organizations, I think this sort of system would be the best around. Place supreme authority as close to the individual as you can.
  23. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    My take:

    Economy Since there can never be one answer to how to help manage the economy I would bring together diverse economists and have them discuss a strategy and use their knowledge to craft a governmental response for growth. Not being an economist I would have to rely on many of them, but also my gut. My gut says that in the US the government is one of the largest single consumers and it can change an industry through policy. Perhaps trying to use some of that power to promote US business. But it is all intertwined with the items below.

    Jobs There is little a President can do about jobs short of tax laws and regulations. So I would strike a deal with Congress to give tax credits to businesses under 50 employees who develop full-time, benefited employees during this period of soft economic growth. Make it cost effective to grow a business. Also look to punish companies that out-source jobs that could be done in the US. That would be tricky.

    Education Create a standard curriculum statement for Math, History and Science and then define the role of education for the national good. Then give block grants to communities to create neighborhood schools. Find funding (both private and public) to support arts education in the school. Make cost of teacher education tax deductible for parents and continue programs that excuse student loans for teachers who work in inner-city or rural schools that are failing. Continue to push for more local control of schools but within a framework of solid education so there are no lawsuits over evolution or Bibles in the schools. That curriculum is based on facts and that failing teachers can easily be removed from classrooms but academic freedom still exists.

    Immigration Attack the why of illegal immigration not the immigrants. Use draconian punishment on companies who hire undocumented aliens to make it not worth their while. Use fines to promote citizenship education centers. Let those who have been productive members of our community continue to be here and all criminals deported. Use the power of our country economically or militarily to make sure that there is cooperation to stop the flow of criminals.

    Energy Do what Kennedy did for the space program, make it a national effort to become energy independent without destroying the environment.

    Welfare/Entitlement Programs continue them, but coordinate with job training and opportunities. Look at reasons for need and not just need. Help local communities combat poverty in real ways and on cosmetically.

    Debt Debt is not a bad thing, bad debt is a bad thing. Focus on slowing the rate of growth. Make the tax structure more fair to all by eliminating many specialty tax shelters and set asides that do nothing to boost the economy and do a lot for individuals. Focus on finding a way to eliminate unnecessary programs, reports, and jobs in every level of government. Not nickel and dime stuff for show but real reform.

    National Security Continue to find ways that balance freedom with security. Roll back much of the growing spying market in the government but continue to monitor with judicial oversight those who may be a threat. Forge a balance with developed nations who's defense we still support and refocus our efforts to protect US interests abroad and at home.

    Work to help create a real Palestinian homeland that is able to grow free of terrorist influence and not a threat to Israel or the west.

    Move toward creating a public option for health care while continuing to force insurance companies to provide actual health insurance and not just crisis insurance. Help create a better environment to make people healthy, not by banning sizes of soda, but by encouraging healthier foods and behaviors. Support and effort to create more community hospitals and not over-specialized hospitals that lay half empty because of duplicate services.
  24. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Marines are part of the Navy, so yes. The Air Force has always been unconstitutional. The Navy can take over those duties as well.

    It doesn't eliminate our ability to influence them, it ends our ability to bribe them. If that's the only way they will listen to us, then they weren't our friends to begin with. And it would be more than 1% of the budget, after we downsize the military to cost merely a little bit more than the second most expensive military. Also, we make enemies by playing favorites and funding factions against each other.

    Our aircraft carriers, battleships, marines, and nuclear submarines are laughable?

    Well, then let me assure you. I graduated from public school, so I know how things work there. And of course I know what the Socratic method is, which should be clear, since I contrasted it with "stuffing people's heads".

    1. Near 100% efficiency. 2. Accessible in remote locations. 3. The only reason we aren't already using it is so that electric companies can hook up a meter and charge for it.

    I wouldn't call it forced labor, it's labor for money. They can quit at any time. Just for basic manual labor. There will need to be a few skilled individuals in addition to the general labor pool provided here.

    It might destroy the "world economy", but (*)(*)(*)(*) them. Our economy will be fine, because we will start a new, debt free one. You know how Hitler turned Germany around so fast, after WWI destroyed the German economy? He dumped central bank currency, and adopted a new one. In a few short years they were a major world power again.

    ?!?! Ever hear of the law of supply and demand?
  25. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    My platform would be relatively simple.

    Abolish the corporation and break up monopolies pronto.
    Jail illegal employers.
    Return the voting system to the people, and severely limit political money.
    Those that outsource jobs, must go live wherever they outsource to, and never be allowed to enter the US again.
    Make the people in Washington ALL go get real jobs, and replace them with more 'humble', non rich folks, who are fully accountable for their actions.
    Finally, investigate 9/11, JFK, and prosecute anybody directly or indirectly involved with those two travesties, and demand a FULL accounting of the incidents by those involved, with punishment by death if they refuse to disclose pertinent information.

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