"Obamacare sign ups are like Jews getting on Nazi trains." - GOP Senator Campfield

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Channe, May 7, 2014.

  1. Channe

    Channe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 16, 2013
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    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A Tennessee state senator who compared the federal health care law to the forced transportation of Jews to concentration camps during the Holocaust appeared to make light of the firestorm about his comments this week in a blog post on Tuesday.

    "I like ice cream, mom, apple pie and puppies," Republican Sen. Stacey Campfield of Knoxville said. "This message has been approved by my campaign staff."

    Campfield, who wrote the Holocaust comment Monday in a post titled "Thought of the Day," said his intention was to warn, and not to offend.

    "Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of manditory sign ups for 'train rides' for Jews in the 40s," he wrote. The misspelling of "mandatory" appears in the original text.

    Campfield's remark drew swift condemnation and demands for apology from both Republican and Democratic leaders in the state.

    "Words matter, and to make the comparison to the Holocaust is wrong, inappropriate and insensitive," Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, a former Knoxville mayor, said Tuesday.


    My take - Remember when the GOP wasn't bought and run by ignorant sociopaths who have no idea what the hell they're talking about ? This is disrespectful to all parties involved. There is nothing comparable to an insurance mandate and what happened to the Jews in Europe during WW2.

    But, alas, I know how the right wingers on here are going to respond. First they'll deflect, then they'll bring up Obamacare, then they'll try to justify this insidious comment.
  2. CowboyBob

    CowboyBob New Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Another crazy republican trying to score political points. But it's not the only crazy thing this man has said.
  3. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Not the very best, politically correct or astute comparison. Let's feed the offender to the Lions.

  4. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    He sure got the libs attention.

    Deleted Off Topic Reply
  5. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Holacaust comparisons are pretty common.

    Here's a lefty animal rights wacko comparing Jews to dogs.

  6. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    That comments made by the Senator are very important for Jews today, as the situation if Palestine has now demonstrated the real facts, that HAMAS will not make peace and only war can stop the terror and propaganda used in America to turn against Israel.

    "Never Again" means never to board those trains and cooperate with a Plan designed to eliminate your whole peoples.
    Dealing with America and hoping for wise advice is wrong.
    Jews MUST act as did the USA after 911.
    Jews MUST bomb the sites in Iran and attack Gaza with the clear view that 90% of the citizens there VOTED for Hamas.
  7. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    LOL! A Tennessee state senator! Better watch this guy. He wields incredible power and influence! lol
  8. Lee S

    Lee S Moderator Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 20, 2012
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    You are so wrong. Campfield was an idiot. Holocaust comparisons are almost never appropriate unless you are talking about Stalin or Pol Pot. It was Republicans who first denounced the comments as is correct. To make this a GOP thing, as opposed to a Campfield thing is just ignorant of the facts.

    Failing troll post failed.
  9. Adagio

    Adagio New Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    The problem with people like Campfield, is that the make these stupid comments, and then attempt to explain away their ugliness with the totally predictable response that "it wasn't my intention to offend anybody. If I've offended anyone, I'm sorry they feel offended". He's a complete jerk. He's comparing the Healthcare Law with the Holocaust. The ACA allows millions of people to get affordable insurance which is crucial to their health needs. The Nazi's weren't too interested in maintaining the health of the Jews that they gassed and murdered. Comparing the Affordable Care Act, to an act of genocide is probably as stupid as it gets, but that's what we've come to expect from cesspool of Republican morons that talk first and think later. So...in a typical right wing, over the top comment this jerk hopes to get some notoriety which he's succeeded at doing. *MOD EDIT Profanity*

    Problem is obvious.jpg

    For politicians of this ilk that think they can use the Holocaust as a comparison to a law or program that they don't happen to like, demonstrates to everyone how easily it is to minimize the Holocaust and use it and those victims as political pawns.
  10. Lee S

    Lee S Moderator Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 20, 2012
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    You are being intellectually dishonest or you are having a serious case of political myopia. Harry Reid just got done calling opponents of Obamacare domestic terrorists. I somehow missed your condemnation of that bit of lunacy. We just had a black congressman saying that anyone who opposes an Obama policy is nothing more than a racist. I missed your condemnation of that, as well. Conservatives came on this thread and condemned the behavior of one idiot. The article in the OP had a Republican rebuke of Campfield by the state governor. I have yet to see your condemnation of anything said by a liberal on this forum.

    Could we get a little honesty, please.
  11. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    But he is right, Americans are being propagandized into going along with a sexually charged Cultural Institution that comes to believe they can avoid the fate coming to every matriarchy including America's.


    The USA is thinking like women, forgetting what the real world is like,...
  12. Adagio

    Adagio New Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    What a schmuck. Hope this ticks off the people of his state and means he loses his seat.
  14. Adagio

    Adagio New Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Are you serious?? Is there a specific gender that the US is supposed to think like? What kind of chauvinistic comment is this? Are you saying send the women back to the kitchen where they belong? Thinking like this isn't going to win over the female vote, or the Jewish vote, but please...do continue to insult every group you can. :clapping:
  15. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Yes it s all directed against the whole Socialism which was what preceded the Holocaust.

    What ALWAYS happens when a culture becomes sexually promiscuous is that the women start running things thru Politically Correctness.
    And the end comes when patriarchies like Islam, N. Korea, China, start ganging up on them.

    ACA is just another feminist supported, socialist idea that is doomed to fail since it does not limit what Medicine can charge but gets government to pay the ever increasing bills that will come.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes, we ought try and try to make sense here so we can stop the fall of America to feminism.
  16. Dollface

    Dollface New Member

    Oct 8, 2013
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    Just another Republicqan trivializing the Holocust for who would have guessed it a cheap political point. It is extremely sad the right has come to this but then again by now it should be expected.
  17. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Jewish groups and even the Tennessee GOP Chairman came out against him.

    Seriously, the ONLY thing you have to do to see the Far Right implode is......let 'em talk.
  18. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Stay on Topic or I will close this thread
  19. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I dont think its a very good idea to put the government in charge of the lives of people to whom they owe money.....

    It seriously bothers me that people dont seem to have a problem with that.

    If the government owes you money, how much healthcare do you really expect them to provide?
  20. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    My understanding was that the gov changed the rules so that they could start charging Bundy.

    But the issue is about "GOP Senator Campfield" using the Holocaust as an example of violating the rules with willing people, cooperating to their own misfortune.

    That was what happened in Germany.
  21. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    If he had referred to the Blacks marching against "Separate but equal," many Black politically connected people would also complain under the Political Correctness we see today, too.

    These leftist voters use these things to avoid talking about what he meant.
  22. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    The reality is that Medicine inflates well above the average rates, almost double over the last 10 years.
    This will keep prices up and insurance is almost too expensive for people now.

    The Unions get it as untaxed pay, one of their untaxed benefits.
    But the average person can not afford it or even keep up with the rises in prices that must come with the charges.

    If they go to Single Payer, we will see service like the VA is now doing so poorly.
  23. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Libs want bad healthcare for all, whether they pay taxes or not.
  24. Adagio

    Adagio New Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    So you are going to justify your bigotry, your chauvinism, your authoritarianism; in fact your entire ideology that informs your bigotry, chauvinism, and authoritarianism, on a value judgment (ACA is just another feminist supported, socialist idea that is doomed to fail since it does not limit what Medicine can charge but gets government to pay the ever increasing bills that will come), that you can't demonstrate as true. However, what you are demonstrating, for all to see, is that you're expressing a foundationalist ideology. Ok...we get that. But what is that foundation based on? It can't be based on itself. A foundation can't be its own foundation. That's just circular reasoning and a logical fallacy. So what are you basing this value judgment on...other than your own values which you can't even demonstrate as true? Your entire bigoted, chauvinistic authoritarian attitude isn't based on anything logical. So why should anybody consider what you're saying as anything more than another failed attempt to justify bigotry.

    Do you not understand that your argument here; "Yes it s all directed against the whole Socialism which was what preceded the Holocaust. What ALWAYS happens when a culture becomes sexually promiscuous is that the women start running things thru Politically Correctness" is an argument of historicism. What ALWAYS happens? Are you saying that this is a scientific fact? Or are you just making a wildly sweeping generality? Adherents of Marxism and psychoanalysis are over-impressed with explanatory power and see confirmations everywhere. How is this not exactly what you're doing? The trouble with your theories is they do not make precise predictions, and any phenomena that occur can be accounted for. You believe that the past dictates the future.

    “Historicism,” is the belief that the course of history is predetermined by scientific laws. Historicism is also described as economism. Marx, contended that the clue to history, even to the history of ideas, is to be found in the development of the relations between man and his natural environment, the material world; that is to say, in his economic life, and not in his spiritual life. It’s the claim that the economic organization of society, the organization of our exchange of matter with nature, is fundamental for all social institutions and especially for their historical development. But of course, you knew all that, right?

    And you also know that Economism is the view that our policy decisions should ultimately be based upon their expected economic consequences. That is the GOP of today, and you’re probably on board with that. But, they are rooted in the very thing that they detest, and that's the core philosophical position of Marx himself; Historicism, which you have embraced as your reasoning for justifying your bigotry. So...it seems that you have something in common with Marx. Economism, is not a theory in economics. It is the philosophical stance that economic facts, interests, and goals are the facts, interests, and goals that should matter most when it comes to policy decisions. The most obvious proponents of economism are economic reductionists, who believe that all facts, interests, and goals can ultimately be defined in economic terms—or, in other words, that economic facts, interests, and goals are the only ones that really exist. Marx is probably the best-known proponent of this view, and the prevalence of economism in contemporary thought is undoubtedly due to his influence. ( Paul Ryan, meet Karl Marx :icon_jawdrop:)

    It’s the theory that history develops inexorably and necessarily according to knowable general laws towards a determinate end. This view is the principal theoretical presupposition underpinning most forms of authoritarianism and totalitarianism, and your authoritarian streak is pretty obvious by what you say. Historicism is founded upon mistaken assumptions regarding the nature of scientific law and prediction. Since the growth of human knowledge is a causal factor in the evolution of human history, and since "no society can predict, scientifically, its own future states of knowledge", it follows, logically, that there can be no predictive science of human history. Your theories are based on a logically flawed ideology. The foundationalist ideology that you embrace, has no foundation to base itself on. It’s called “floating foundationalism”.

    The problem with your provincial thinking, is that it is just too easy to accumulate positive instances which support some theory, especially when the theory is so general in its claims that it seems not to rule anything out. The point is that if someone does make such vague pronouncements, as you have, it is surely not enough to make their theory scientific that so many instances can be found that conform to it.

    There is no logical justification for bigotry or chuavanism or racism. It’s all a product of the “gut” and the gut is nothing but a repository of dark and very ancient fears. Ignorance is the place that fear calls home.
  25. Adagio

    Adagio New Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    That was your understanding? What was the source that informed this "understanding" of yours? The government hasn't changed their rules to go after Bundy. All ranchers pay a grazing fee to have their cattle graze on public lands. All except Bundy. He was freeloading off the government. He was one of those "takers" that Paul Ryan talks about.

    As for this justification for Campfield's ridiculous statement, by offering this: "using the Holocaust as an example of violating the rules with willing people, cooperating to their own misfortune." is a more clear example of the extremist views of people that would actually equate the Healthcare Law, with the Holocaust and then astonishingly find those like yourself that would come to his defense to justify the use of comparing ANYTHING in this country to the Holocaust. Cooperating to their own misfortune?? Seriously? Over 8 million people have now signed up for the ACA, plus several million more thru expanded Medicaid, and these people can now see a Doctor and get treatment without going bankrupt in the process....and YOU equate that to being sent to a concentration camp, and being herded into a gas chamber?

    This is how out of touch with reality the right wing is. The Affordable Care Act = Auschwitz. I doubt that you'll find a Concentration Camp survivor that would agree with you on that, and if fact would probably feel pretty insulted that you would even try to make that analogy. The Holocaust is deserving of more respect than what Mr. Campfield has demonstrated.

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