My observations on the 'racism' craze

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by sparquelito, May 27, 2014.

  1. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (lifted from a convoluted thread on a similar topic)

    I have lived in and out of the continental United States most of my life.
    I traveled extensively with the Army, and lived in Germany on and off throughout the 1980's and 1990's.
    I visited France, Italy, and Belgium.
    I went to war in Iraq, and based in and out of Saudi Arabia.
    I spent 3 and 1/2 years living on the North Shore of Oahu (from 1997 thru early 2001).

    I can honestly say the amount of racism witnessed, the number of discussions of racism engaged in, and the overall feeling of racial tension in all my first fifty years of life were minuscule.
    Almost not worth mentioning.

    The overall feeling of racial harmony across the US, everywhere I travelled, was good, and it was abundant.
    The amount of animosities I witnessed in Europe, between the Germans or French and the Turks & East Europeans were fairly small. Few and far between.
    The racial tension between the native Hawaiian 'original people' and all the mainlanders was hardly worth discussing.

    The racial tensions in the middle east were beyond my ken, I guess. In my observation, everybody pretty much got along. The Iraqi's I met were generally pretty nice. Most of the Saudis were arrogant pricks, but that was just their way. Nobody much minded them.

    Flash forward to the recent American experience.
    For sake of context, let's call these the Obama years.
    All of a sudden, there is racial tension.
    Now, the topic of racism and 'white privilege' has become a topic of discussion.

    Don't you people think it's curious that this is just a recent phenomenon?
    Can any of you connect the dots to the professional race-baiters, excuse-makers, and the dividers in our Government and our pop culture?

    It is my assertion that people like Barack Obama (truly the most divisive and caustic President in the history of these United States) and his cronies have manufactured racial tension where it didn't exist before.
    Further, they have whipped many of the more gullible non-whites into a frenzy over it all.

    Any why, do you suppose?
    To divide and conquer, of course.
    To set one group of people against another, so that they will lose sight of what is really going on.
    To pander for votes, by creating a bogey man out of 'the privileged white man' and/or 'the rich whites'.

    It's sad, it's shabby, and it is as plain as the nose on your face.
    But there it is.
    I dare ANYBODY to tell me I am wrong.
  2. cpicturetaker

    cpicturetaker New Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I haven't traveled the world but MOST of this country and have lived in many towns/cities. I, for about 10 minutes, thought when Obama was elected, we had turned a corner. Within 8 months of his election, a new DEVISIVE vile group of AMERICANS, racists who sprang up with lots of words I hadn't heard in decades and new words 'coded' for bogus correctness. There were POSTERS, 'art' and attitudes I actually thought were long gone. I spent 4 years listening and about FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATES and slutty mothers who SLEPT with black men. I saw bumper stickers with depictions like PUT WHITE BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE, fake nooses with lookalike Obamas in peoples front yards. Election posters that read don't DON'T RENIG ! Signs that you could never/would never be displayed in a school, a church or place of business without getting you fired or your customers walking out. These were passed around in emails like lunch menus. The BILE was on full display in the public square, downtown, arenas, parks and in the hearts of minds of stupid people with RACIST attitudes in full salute!

    Obama drawing a breath in the Oval Office was all it took! SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE, THEN QUIT LOOKING IN THE MIRROR!
  3. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    You have a lot of anger, sir.
    Were there some whites, a small minority, who said and uttered comments like those you quoted?
    Sure, no doubt. But they were a radical fringe.

    And as a side note, if you think I am a racist, or that I dislike Obama because he is sort of black, you are sadly mistaken.
    Like the majority of Americans who see Obama for what he is (Americans of all colors), and can't stand him,
    I dislike him because he is a dishonest, disingenuous, arrogant, self-serving politician.
    Nothing more, nothing less.
  4. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    And please don't hijack the thread with a lot of hysterical nonsense.

    Perhaps it would help if you would describe where you witnessed all this behavior.
    In the deep south perhaps?

    Or did you just hear about it second-hand?
  5. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    You're wrong. :D

    Racism lives under the surface, it doesn't show its face because it knows not to.

    The internet is a wonderful place to see racism because usually masked thoughts and beliefs are unmasked due to a sense of anonymity. For that reason you'll find a ton of racism online and almost none offline because it interferes with the simple act of getting through the day without conflict. We say the internet isn't 'real life' but the truth is the opposite when it comes to the exposing of beliefs.

    If you want to find a cause for the eruption of (all manner of things including) racism look no further than the advent of the internet.

    By the way, most racism is practiced unconsciously so is unseen and unacknowledged by the person practicing it.
  6. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    I don't doubt you might have seen some of that, but nothing like you'd like us to believe. I think you have blown it up well above what it actually is. I don't think Obama has kept this race garbage going. I think it's the doing of the Democratic Party. They use race for just about everything. They are trying their best to split this country in half with their lies of how Republicans hate Blacks, Hispanics and Gays. They have tried to capture more of the woman vote by saying the Right has a war on women. You can see it with Liberal posters. You see it with their main news station MSNBC. They have been caught editing tapes to make a Black man carrying weapons around President Obama into a White man. They have been caught editing a tape to make Zimmerman sound like a racist. They were caught cutting every minority speech at the Republican Convention out to make it look like a no minorities back the Republican Party. It's as plain as the nose on your face who is pushing racism and it isn't the Right.
  7. iamkurtz

    iamkurtz Banned

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Your POTUS is and always has been a race pimp. And he uses Holder as his race baiting bulldog. He has used race since he got in the WH. Obama pines for the 1960's racial tension that he was too young to experience. He can't help himself since after all, he was a community organizer here in Chicago which is code for dividing people by race. You have a few stories to tell and I have posted links of quotes from your pathetic party and the racist history. And they still spit up racist quotes today as I have also posted. All of your faux outrage, big font and bold type will not change any of the facts I've stated. The OP is right. This POTUS is divisive and caustic who needs to drive a wedge between people in order to take attention off of his failures. I'll let Reverend Manning put it more eloquently..................

    "Obama's Pure Unadulterated Evil" Reverend James David Manning
  8. FrankCapua

    FrankCapua Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 30, 2004
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    The things you mention certainly exist. The problem is that you extend them to all who disagree with The President's politics. Racism exists, but not all who disagree are racists, and the non-racists are the majority, not the minority.
  9. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    You aren't wrong you nailed it. In fact one of the most disgusting things about Obama is the fact that of all the Presidents he is the one that had the single most profound Mt Rushmorian opportunity to unite the country on race issues and he instead chose to put racial tensions on the chopping block and drive that wedge in as far as he could. Why just look at the leftists on here who cry racism with no basis whatsoever. These are the same ones that say Ben Carson is an imbecile even though he is a Brain Surgeon. These are the people that Obama preys on and counts on to spread his wedge of division.
  10. cpicturetaker

    cpicturetaker New Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Well, good for you SIR! I'm happy to hear someone lives in such a state of 'civility' that they rarely run into this. I got assaulted with this GARBAGE in my friend yard while checking my mail (what an AGGRESSIVE act on my part), in a CVS while picking up an RX. How dare I. In the grocery store picking up dinner! Twice I was told, they couldn't believe no one had shot the guy! This from a neighbor 2 doors down living in an $800k+ house whose husband is an architect that designs VERY HIGH END YACHTS. Why was his wife threatened?? Why was he threatened?? They were/are still eaten up with BILE! I had customers that sent me email after email after email that had I wanted to get them fired, could have--one forward to their IT DEPARTMENT. Any one of several would have been enough to get them fired.

    This disingenious man followed a PRESIDENT at the peak of ARROGANCE along with his VP who lied about intelligence to go to war--and killed a million + people--not to mention 4500 of our own. Yeah, that is the PINNACLE of ARROGANCE and DISHONESTY!!

    Anger doesn't begin to sum up my feelings!
  11. Wizard From Oz

    Wizard From Oz Banned at Members Request

    Sep 8, 2008
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    I think you may be looking in the wrong direction for your concern. I truly believe the culprit is the media. Look at any sort incident that happens in the US - flick CNN on. First question, was it terrorism, second question is it racially motivated.
  12. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    A radical few that were fanned as flames by the professional race baiters to some new level that did not exist.

    - - - Updated - - -

    As an example of racism I point to those blacks that have received the most racism and those are the politicians and spokesmen that are conservative.
  13. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I feel horrible about they way you have been treated poorly, sir.
    I feel bad for the injustices you have seen and witnessed.

    But your experiences have clearly colored (no pun intended) your strong feelings on this subject.

    Troubling to me though is your parroting of partisan-political talking points of a certain Party.
    (Bush=evil, Bush=bad, Bush lied, people died, all people who don't adore Obama=bad…..)

    Can you honestly separate your own experiences and feelings from the bandwagon that is the rabid political left and their predictable talking points?

    And again, where exactly is it that you live that you have experienced all these horrible racial injustices?
    I don't want to know a zip code, but a State reference would be nice.

    If it helps you to open up, I reside in northern Alabama.
    I have also lived in Texas, North Carolina, Kansas, a variety of places in Germany, Saudi Arabia, and one unfortunate winter in Iraq.
    In my travels, I have spent quality time in California, Utah, New Mexico, Mexico, Virginia, Tennessee, Washington DC, Maryland, Oregon, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, New Orleans Louisiana, Berlin (Germany), Brussels (Belgium), (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)e (France), and St Louis, MO.

    Share, sir.
    We need context to your remarks.
  14. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    It's not one single person that is being divisive.

    The divisiveness is being caused by partisan politics and nationalism.
  15. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    You are not a bit wrong.

    I'm old enough to remember the last days of Jim Crow.

    I was working in the Rand when the Afrikaaners ran U of SA.

    Never saw such overt racism as the last five years. Hussein Obama has gone far, far afield to gin up hatred.

    James Buchanan was a better president.
  16. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Sinister in the extreme. Now Obama has invented racism and the days of Jim Crow just inspire a warm nostalgia. Nothing to do with the fact that we have a colored boy in the White House. Noooo. Nothing to with that....! Just because the New American Right sound like Klansmen, doesn't mean anything. They are good white Christian boys who only want to get along with everyone in peace!!!

    Of course on the surface this is funny. The (OP) poster is almost posing as an anti-racist being ironic. How brilliant is the analysis - to think that a country, that has indulged in genocide against its indigenous people, has enslaved Africans in their hundreds of thousands and treated them like animals and chattels, denied the liberated slaves democracy, justice and civil rights until the 1960's - to think that such a place has only just discovered racism because Obama has invented it!

    Racism, what racism? America has been a country of harmonized racial relationships since its inception. It's only those liberal elite trouble makers and their Marxist demon black preacher friends, who disrupt this little paradise.

    It was like that in all of American history. If not hadn't been for pernicious liberals with their bleeding hearts, then "injuns" would have been baptized neatly into the white man's ways and absorbed (as cheap labour hires) into civilized white society. But you know those pesky liberals had to insist on giving them reservations and respecting a their savage "culture" so the poor old white man had to protect himself against such barbarism.

    And then with the negro, if we are still allowed to use that term in this Marxist world we now live in. There he was quite happy singing his simple hymns and fulfilled by good honest hard work and a roof over his head with three meals a day, and those pesky liberals, with their Marxist godless preacher friends, had to come and give them unrealistic expectations, confusing them with talk of rights and books and going to college and (gasp) voting. No racism until they came along and caused up the trouble. No racism when the black man knew his place and let the white man know what was good for him. Oh those halcyon days when America was a paradise... before those pesky liberals and their Marxist, godless, foreign, traitorous preacher friends came along and made us all racists with their clever words and devilish trickery.

    This is the most disgusting and evil thing about the American Right. The way that they sneer as they defecate on your face. The brazen monstrous lie, of proportions that Dr Goebels would approve (if you're going to lie, make it a big one) is their stock in trade. Calmly stating that racism is a liberal plot and then standing back and sneering at the anger this provokes, can only be described as an evil act. To deny, dismiss and ridicule the victims of racial oppression in America over four hundred years, is of course an act of immense anger, hatred and venom towards those people, no matter how much contemptuous indifference it is wrapped up in. When they say "sir, you have so much anger", this is nothing more than the sneer of the gauleiter to at the indignance of the Jew whose neck he is standing on, or the slave driver who regrets the defiance of the black man he has whipped because he can still see a flicker of hatred in his resentful eyes. Don't be taken in by the folksy " don't be so angry". The OP is pure unadulterated evil anger, a rage against modernity and progress, seething with contempt, hatred and prejudice. The only suitable response is derision - if such people pose not threat - or even more anger, where such people get anywhere near power.

    For that reason the OP is a truly crude piece of flame bait. A nasty, evil, hateful turd of a post that seeks only to cause pain, hurt, and anger in response.

    But I do find the first bit amusing. The idea is proposed that an American who has been on a few overseas military tours has "seen the world". We are supposed therefore to hang on the every word of this worldly, cultured, experienced global citizen. Of course I wonder how many languages this American speaks, or indeed how many homes he has been invited to as a guest. The way he commands that we respect him as some sort of authority on the world is actually hilarious. Particularly the claim that there is no racism in France, less than a week after a quarter of French voters voted for a neo-Nazi party who's ideologues justified the extermination of Jews ("meme les infants").

    I'm sending this from Shanghai. Even in this city you can spot an American easily. They are the ones that talk so loudly everyone in the restaurant or bar can hear them. And anyone who knows how loudly Mainland Chinese speak will understand that this means Americans have to speak pretty loudly to achieve this distinction. This is the stereotype American - totally oblivious to how he is perceived in the world, acting as if every culture he encounters is like Ohio, or waiting to be enlightened by how they do it in Ohio. Europeans (in the big wide world Americans are covered by this classification - much to my amusement) are despised as barbarians by most Chinese people who have been taught this for thousands of years. Do you think they tell you this when you first meet them? Do you think that the deference they show you is real? Do you think when they say you are their friend that you really are? These things go much deeper. To overcome racial prejudice in every culture is a long struggle.

    But I can get how Americans don't get this. America is an uber-friendly place. Of course I don't tell Republicans who invite me into their homes and are super nice and welcoming that I think they are racist turds when they demonize against muslims and arabs. But a lot of this niceness is superficial. In other cultures friendship is much harder to secure but is relinquished so much less easily than in the USA.

    Back to the OP then. I do pop in to PF from time to time to see the flame bait. And here it is. It is a matter of grave danger to the world to see the intellectual bankruptcy, unworldliness and simple bigotry of the New American Right. PF is a good reminder of this danger and how it can truly derail the world if it is not checked.
    Sadanie and (deleted member) like this.
  17. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Your overwhelming bigotry is showing. Your dishonesty about your bigotry is typical of a liberal.
  18. domer76

    domer76 New Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I would challenge you on the statement of the most caustic and divisive President in history. What basis do you have to make that conclusion? Your extensive and in-depth knowledge of all previous Presidents? Of course not. Just another over-reaching, exaggerated comment by a right wing Obama hater. And, with the "I dare you" crap, a childish one at that.

    People like you who make such sweeping statements automatically qualify for the BS tag. And the remainder of your post pretty much validates that.
  19. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Pretty easy to prove. Obama has immediately taken racist side without knowing the context or even understanding his place as President of all the people.
  20. domer76

    domer76 New Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I live in Idaho and was asked by my redneck nephew (by marriage) how I liked my ni99er President. He even bet $100 that the ni99er wouldn't be re-elected. He's not fringe, but a typical redneck conservative in this state. Not unlike the right's temporary hero, Cliven Bundy
  21. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Truly a majestic contribution to the debate. Your post simply oozes intellect, reason, logic and class. What a privilege it is to debate with such a mind. Please, sir, I hang on your every word!

    Ha, ha! A riled conservative whose only response is to abuse! Come on now Hoosier, that was pathetic now wasn't it?
  22. domer76

    domer76 New Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Really? That's your proof? That's the best you have? Pffft!
  23. Cloak

    Cloak New Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    Maybe the media covers it more now, but the racial tension didn't just pop into existence in 2008.
  24. Nat Turner

    Nat Turner New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    What I find hilarious about all these extreme right wing Jeremiads and rantings about liberal racism and oppression of white people and Obama dividing (previously united?) people is the sight of all these stormfronters falling all over themselves trying to say that they are part-Asian or part-Indian or part-black or marched for civil rights back in the day or The Classic Cliche' : "Some of my best friends are black!"

    Not a clue they are self-parodying. Not a scintilla of self-awareness.
  25. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Obama sycophants will never see the forest for the trees.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is not my problem that you are two faced and cannot be honest.

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