Ukraine’s Prime Minister Yatsenyuk: Now officially Nazi

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by KGB agent, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    A tomb to Lenin is no different than a memorial to Hitler. Any denial of that truism is the only propaganda being spouted here.

    And to refresh your (*)(*)(*)(*)ing memory this was the post that started the exchange:

    Aww overt bigotry and classical anti-Semitic canards, have you ever taken a look around a room and wondered "why am I on the same side as racist pigs"? Because if not you really should.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And proof positive that overt anti-Semitism is alive and well in the heart of every Russian fascist POS.
  2. Ender8419

    Ender8419 New Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    - I don't care about Jews. Mention of them is always makes conversation speculative and provocative. They just like everybody else. Who cares...
    - Topic of the thread was about speech of Yatsenuyk.
    - Not one of you (pro-western guys) judge him for really Nazi rhetoric.
    - Yes, soldiers died in that plane. I'm really sorry. But it is a war! Soldiers dies at war. They also was warned that rebels will attack planes.
    - Why nobody of you judge Ukrainian side for dozens of children killed by artillery and airstrikes in Slavyansk? It is a double standards.
    - Even if Russia is nazi-state (which it is not true) that's is not a justification of crimes of some Ukrainians.
    - If you want to discuss neo-Nazism in Russia why not creating a dedicated thread? That will be much more constructive.

    - While every thread about Ukraine ends like "Russia is nazi" it obviously just to distract from the topic. Typical demagogy maneuver.
  3. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    I basically agree with you, but would you agree to add to this list more Anti-Christians, like Trotsky, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Frenkel... and maybe some prominent Zionists, whom Einstein compared to Fascists?

    BTW, protecting existing historical memorials and creating new places of warship (like creating new Bandera-Warship-Places) are different things.
  4. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    The majority of Bolsheviks and their central leadership were ethnic Russian and born Christian. Hell Stalin himself was in the seminary.

    Provide the quote please.
  5. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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    Yet do not forget to add Churchill (In Bengal (1943), when Churchill starve 2.5 million people in India and Churchill organized famine 80 million Hindus)., Truman (Hiroshima - Nagasaki), Roosevelt (hunger in the United States in 1933. as they say now - Holodomor.). Hitler and Stalin, in comparison with them, small hooligans.
  6. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Apparently you do:

    Perhaps next time you should try to follow the thread before chiming in.

    And his apparent Nazism which is when the claim was made that Nazi's and Bolsheviks are Jews.

    How dare Ukrainian planes fly in Ukrainian airspace. :roll:

    Because only those in Putin's cult of personality buy that horse(*)(*)(*)(*).

    The only crime being committed is by the war criminals in Russia who have invaded, occupied, and annexed sovereign Ukrainian territory in an illegal offensive war of aggression and conquest.

    Are you (*)(*)(*)(*)ing serious kid? This entire thread was started with the sole purpose of labeling the duly elected government of Ukraine as Nazi and now you are trying to say that we are the ones who are guilty of demagogy?
  7. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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    You're lying.
    First communist government of Russia:

    Chairman of the CPC - Ulyanov (Lenin - mother Blank) - Jew
    Commissar for Nationalities - Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Georgians
    Commissar for Foreign Affairs - Chicherin (mother Meyendorff) - Jew
    Commissar of Agriculture - Proshyan - Jew
    People's Commissar of Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
    Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council - Lourie-Larin - Jew
    Commissar recovery - Schlichter - Jew
    Commissar land- Kaufman - Jew
    People's Commissar of State Control - Lander - Jew
    Commissar of Public Works - Schmidt - Jew
    Commissar social care - Lilina-Knigissen - Jew
    Commissar of Public Education - Lunacharsky (Mendelshtam-Bile) - Jew
    Commissar faiths - Shpitsberg - Jew
    People's Commissar of Public Hygiene - Anvelt - Jew
    People's Commissar of Internal Affairs - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) - Jew.
    Commissar of Finance o Hooke - Jew
    People's Commissar of printing - Volodarskij (Kogan) - Jew.
    People's Commissar of elections - Uritzky - Jew
    Commissar of Justice - Steinberg - Jew
    People's Commissar for evacuation - Sheginshteyn - Jew

    People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:

    1. Commissar - Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) - Jew
    2. Head of the Propaganda Department - Goldenrudin - Jew
    3. Assistant Commissar - Uritzky - Jew
    4. Chairman of the Economic Commission for Petrograd Commune - Ender - Jew
    5. Vice-chairman of the commission hygiene - Mine - Jew
    6. Commissioner for evacuation of refugees - Fenigstein - Jew
    7. His assistant: Krochmal (Zagorski) - Jew
    8. Commissioner Petrograd Print - Volodarskij - Jew
    9. Petrograd Mayor - Schneider - Jew
    10. Moscow Mayor - Minor - Jew
    11. Commissioner Moscow press - Krassikov - Jew
    12. Petrograd police commissioner - Faerman - Jew
    13. Bureau Chief Print - Martinson - Jew
    14. Moscow Commissioner of Public Safety - Rosenthal - Jew

    Enough? If necessary I can show the list of ethnic chiefs Gulag, the Army and Navy, the Foreign Ministry and so on.
  8. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Care to provide one scrap of evidence for this outrageous libel?

    Care to provide one scrap of evidence for this outrageous libel?

    The atomic bombs in actuality saved more Japanese lives than it cost.

    Roosevelt organized relief in the New Deal project.

    Are you seriously (*)(*)(*)(*)ing comparing poverty in the U.S. during the great depression to Stalin's intentional genocide of millions of people? Are you insane? There was no mass death in the U.S. during the great depression you are literally just flinging bull(*)(*)(*)(*) and hoping some of it will stick. It's (*)(*)(*)(*)ing laughable.

    Hitler and Stalin are responsible for more than 100 million dead.
  9. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    No you are the one who is lying my classical anti-Semitic canard spewing friend:

    the overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks and the Central Committee Comisars were Russian IE they were citizens of the Russian Empire prior to the White and Red revolutions.

    In 1907 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish (34 and 20% for the Mensheviks).

    Here is a complete debunking of your regurgitated neo-Nazi propaganda list:

    ”TsK: Members: Artem F. A., Buharin N. I. (Russian), Vladimirskij M. F. (Russian), Dzerzhinskij F. E. (Pole), Zinovjev G. E. (Jew), Krestinskij N. N. (Ukrainian), Lashevich M. M., Lenin V. I. (Russian), Sverdlov Ja. M. (Jew), Smilga I. T., Sokol'nikov G. Ja. (Jew), Stalin I. V. (Georgian), Stasova E. D. (Russian), Trotskij L. D. (Jew), Shmidt V. V. (German)”[3].

    Tsk stands for Tsentral'nyj Komitet (Central Committee), and as is given above, there were 4 jews out of 15 members, not 9 jews out of 12 members. If we count the ¼ jew Lenin then there were 5 out of 15. While a notable disproportionate jewish membership, one that would more than suffice if you're interested in showing notable jewish membership and influence, it still demonstrates the erroneous list of Wilton's. However, for arguments sake let us assume that Wilton might have referred to the prior composition of Central Committee, the pre-October Revolution body of 1917, if so then the latest one in 1917, prior to the Revolution, consisted of the following members:

    ”TsK: Members: Artem F. A., Berzin Ja. A., Bubnov A. S. (Russian), Buharin N. I. (Russian), Dzerzhinskij F. E. (Pole), Zinovjev G. E. (Jew), Kamenev L. B. (Jew), Kollontaj A. M., Krestinskij N. N. (Ukrainian), Lenin V. I. (Russian), Milyutin V. P. (Russian), Muranov M. K. (Ukrainian), Nogin V. P. (Russian), Rykov A. I. (Russian), Sverdlov Ja. M. (Jew), Smilga I. T., Sokol'nikov G. Ja. (Jew), Stalin I. V. (Georgian), Trotskij L. D. (Jew), Uritskij M. S. (Jew), Shaumyan S. G.”

    Here we have 21 members and of those there are six jews, or seven if you count Lenin. Wilton's list continues with more grossly erronous names:

    ”The Soviet government, or "Council of People's Commissars' (also known as the "Sovnarkom") was made up of the following, Wilton reported:

    Peoples Commissariat (Ministry) Name Nationality

    Chairman V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
    Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin Russian
    Nationalities J. Dzhugashvili [Stalin] Georgian
    Agriculture Protian Armenian
    Economic Council Lourie (Larin) Jew
    Food Supply A.G. Schlikhter Jew
    Army and Navy [Military] L.D. Bronstein (Trotski) Jew
    State Control K.I. Lander Jew
    State Lands Kaufmann Jew
    Works [Labor] V. Schmidt Jew
    Social Relief E. Lilina (Knigissen) Jew
    Education A. Lunacharsky Russian
    Religion Spitzberg Jew
    Interior Apfelbaum [Radomyslski] (Zinoviev) Jew
    Hygiene Anvelt Jew
    Finance I. E. Gukovs [and G. Sokolnikov] Jew
    Press Voldarski [Goldstein] Jew
    Elections M.S. Uritsky Jew
    Justice I.Z. Shteinberg Jew
    Refugees Fenigstein Jew
    Refugees Savitch (Assistant) Jew
    Refugees Zaslovski (Assistant) Jew

    Out of these 22 "Sovnarkom" members, Wilton summed'up, there were three Russians, one Georgian, one Armenian, and 17 Jews.”

    Since the Sovnarkom (or Council of People's Commissariat) changed over the years the above must be a list on the years prior to 1921 when Wilton's book (the edition, which included these lists) on the matter came out. Although it would've helped had he given the actual year since it seems his list simply chooses some who were first, and some who were commissars later on, attached with false listings etc. Hence one would then have to include a whole lot more commissars if one is to jump between dates, to be fair, i.e. a whole lot more non-jewish commissars[4] would be included.

    The established Council was originally established with the following members:

    ”Chairman: V. I. Lenin (1/4 Russian, Tatar, German, Jewish)
    Commissar of Agriculture: V. P. Milyutin (Russian)
    Commissars of Army and Navy: V. A. Ovseyenko, N. V. Krylenko, P. V. Dybenko (Russians, Osveyenko was ethnic ukranian)
    Commissar of Commerce and Industry: V. P. Nogin (Russian)
    Commissar of Education: A. V. Lunacharsky (Ukranian)
    Commissar of Food: I. A. Teodorovich (Polish, not jewish)
    Commissar of Foreign Affairs: L. D. Trotsky (jewish)
    Commissar of Interior: A. I. Rykov (Russian)
    Commissar of Justice: G. I. Oppokov (Russian)
    Commissar of Labour: A. G. Shlyapnikov (Russian)
    Commissar of Nationality Affairs: I. V. Stalin (Georgian)
    Commissar of Post and Telegraphs: N. P. Avilov (Russian)
    Commissar of Treasury: I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov (Russian)”[5], [6], [7]

    Let's consider the above list while I comment further on the names of Wilton's list. The first jew on his list is Larin (Ministry of the Economic Council). This is false, Larin was not a minister there-of or in any ministry with the word ”Economy” in it. The ministers of Finance (giving Wilton the benefit of a doubt let us include it) and of the commissariat of Supreme Council of National Economy between 1917-1922 were:[8]

    Finance: Ivan Skvortzov, Isidor Gukovski, Vjatsheslav Menzhinski and Nikolai Krestinski.

    Supreme Council of National Economy: Valerian Obolenski followed by Aleksei Rykov.

    The second jew in Wilton's list is A.G. Schlikhter (Ministry of Food, Food Supply). While I have not been able to confirm whether or not he was in fact jewish, he was indeed minister of Food but only between the 18th of December 1917 and January 1st 1918. The one succeeding him was Aleksandr Tsiurupa (Cyurupa) who became the new minister of Food on January 1st 1918 and acted as such for the following three years. It is worth mentioning that while Schlikhter didn't act as minister for very long, he continued to work as a senior official for the Commissariat of Food Supply and was, under Cyurupa, an ardent radicalist urging the powers that be to use their over arching grasp on the food supplies as a means to further the totalitarian mentality of, as he is cited to have stated, ”organized revolutionary violence”[9].

    The third jew on the list is Trotsky (Ministry of Military and Navy Affairs). Trotsky was indeed a jew and also Commissar (i.e. minister) of Military and Navy Affairs between March 1918 to July 1923. The ministers of this Commissariat between 1917-1922 were Nikolai Podovski who was succeeded by Leon Trotsky.

    The fourth jew on the list is Karl Lander (Ministry of State Control). I haven't found any sources that would confirm Lander to have been jewish, only Latvian, and Wilton did not add footnotes or a bibliography to support his assertions of who was jewish and who wasn't. Nevertheless, Lander was Minister of State Control between 1918 to 1919, preceded by Eduard Essen and succeeded by Josef Stalin then Aleksandr Cyurupa.

    The fifth one is Kaufmann (Ministry of State Lands). There was no Commissariat of State Lands in Lenin's Council of the People's Commissariat. He is not found in any of the existing Commissariat-groups between 1917-1922 either.

    The sixth one is Vasili Schmidt (Ministry of Labour) who's ethnicity is not given in any sources available apart from his name being of obvious German extraction. He was however indeed minister of said section, between late 1918 to mid 1923, preceeded by Aleksandr Shlyapnikov.

    The seventh one is one E. Lilina (Social Relief). First let me point out that there wasn't a Commissariat/Ministry of Social Relief, there was one called Ministry of Social Affairs. Furthermore, there seems to be no sign anywhere in any ministry of an E. Lilina or ”Knigissen” as is the additional name given to her by Wilton. The ministers of Social Affairs (there was no Commissariat called ”Social Relief”) between 1917-1922 were Aleksandra Kollontai, Aleksandr Vinokurov, Miron Vladimirov and Nikolai Milyutin.

    The eight one on the list is A. (Anatoli Vasilyevich) Lunacharsky (Ministry of Education). He was minister of Education between 1917 to 1923. He wasn't jewish though and if anyone has proof to the contrary then they are welcome to submit it.

    The ninth one is Spitzberg, no first name given (Ministry of Religion). There was no Commissariat called ”Religion”, or anything with that name in it, but even if we assume that the Commissariat went under a different tite this Spitzberg isn't found elsewhere in any other ministry during or after the given period of the USSR's Sovnarkoms.

    The tenth one is Zinoviev (Ministry of Interior). While undoubtedly one of the more influental jews in power during the early years of the Bolsheviks new government: he was never the Minister of Interior. The ministers of Interior between 1917 to 1922 were Aleksei Rykov, Grigori Petrovksi and then Felix Dzershinsky.

    The eleventh one on the list is Anvelt (Ministry of Hygiene). Again: there was no Ministry with the word ”Hygiene” in it. The closest one would be the Ministry of Health but the minister of it between 1917-1922 was Nikolai Semashko, not Jaan Anvelt who wasn't part of the Sovnarkoms at any time. However, Anvelt headed the communist party of Estonia and the ”Council of The Commune of the Working People of Estonia”, which was a short-lived republic that existed in parts of Estonia.

    The twelveth and thirtheenth jews are I. E. Gukovs and G. Sokolnikov (Ministry of Finance). The latter is correct but I can not confirm the former's ethnicity to have been jewish. The ministers of Finance between 1917-1922 were Ivan Skvortzov, Isidor Gukovski, Vjatsheslav Menzhinski and Nikolai Krestinski.

    The fourteenth one on the list is Voldarski [Goldstein](Ministry of Press). The was no ”Commissariat of Press”, the closest one would have to be the Commissariat of Post and Telegraphs or the Commissariat of Communication. In any case, Voldarski (Volodarsky) was not minister in any of the given Sovnarkom categorical groups. Allthough, he was the head of the Press Division of the Executive Committee (until he was killed in June 1918) and appointed member of the editorial board of the central newspaper, which he shared with Milyutin, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Podvojsky.

    Let me add though that this does not suggest jews not to have been a hefty part of the Bolshevik publication apparateus as the editorial board of the central newspaper et al had a large overrepresentation of jews until the mid 1920's.

    ”For example, M. Zarubeznyi, author of the 1925 Yearbook of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, has a special list in his publication, The Jews in the Kremlin, with the names and functions of various Jews in the Foreign Commissariat, and he notes that among the key figures in the literary and publishing section of the People’s Commissariat he found “not one gentile.”[10]

    The fiftheenth jew is M.S. Uritsky (Minister of Elections). There was no ministry of Elections and Uritsky was not a minister elsewhere either. Uritsky was appointed in charge of the Checka section in Petrograd, though the head (the actual minister) of this entire section was Alexi Rykov, succeeded by Petrovsky and then Felix Dzerzhinsky.

    The sixteenth is I.Z. Shteinberg (Ministry of Justice). This is correct, Steinberg was jewish and acted as minister of Justice for a period of three months in late 1917 to early 1918. He was preceeded by Afanasi Lomov (Oppokov), Pjotr Strutshka and succeeded by Pjotr Strutshka (again) and Dimitri Kurski.

    The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth ones are Fenigstein, Savich and Zaslovski (Ministry of Refugees). Unfortunately for Wilton, and those using his sources there was no minister of Refugees, those issues would have been dealt by the Ministry of Interior or State Control, neither housed any of the formentioned in the ministry there-of, or as ministers in any of the other Sovnarkom-categories.
  10. Ender8419

    Ender8419 New Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    - Read the thread name. It is about speech of Yatsenuyk. Nobody of you comment it. Sure you ok about his nazi-like statement that someone is a "subhuman" while that someone is rebel.
    - I don't said anything about jews. And not trying to defend anything except to stay within topic of the thread.
    - About plane. If one know that plane will be downed and still send it, then one is stupid and this deaths on his hands too.
    - You say no victims in Lugansk, Slavyansk and other towns?
    CNN and OSCE confirmed that was an airstrike. Slavyansk is almost wiped out, dozens of dead just children, much more adults. al+Buildings+in+Slavyansk,++Pe ople+Killed
    - Sure you will not accept that this is a crimes, right? Only rebels is guilty in everything. You are so honest.
    - And yes this thread full of demagogy. Or you say that while Russia is Nazi then Ukraine is also can be? How don't you understand that statement of Russia is Nazi not justifying crimes of Ukraine. Is it to hard to understand?
    - If Russia is aggressor, if its army is there if it annexed something, why there still no announced wartime regime? Not even emergency regime. Did you know that army isn't allowed to be used in peace time?

    - Also I like how you skip some of my replies when you have nothing to oppose and you don't want to admit it. Good for you.
  11. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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    (laughs) You have to raise the level of education. Not to look ridiculous as here
    I'll tell you just about Churchill. See the rest in the archives.
    And so. Churchill began his career with suppression the uprising of Jose Marti in Cuba and punitive operations in Sudan - against the Latinos and blacks who have not made him any harm. Then participated in the genocide of the Boers. Then participated in suppressing Irish, Somalis, Rhodesians and Hindus. He from banished from their land Kenyans, sent thousands of British homeless children in Australian labor colonies, bombed refugees in Dresden, sterilized (neutered) 100 thousand "unfit Irish" and imprisonment them in special camps. About Hindus, he said: "Dull race, saved only their reproduction, from fate of which she deserved." Already in 1937, Churchill tolerant taught: "I do not think that in relation to Aboriginal Australia was committed injustice - wiser, more pure race came and took their place ...".
    Остальные сами.
    You probably thought that Churchill - pink ass, velvet ears? (laughs) Churchill worse than a serial killer.
  12. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    There was no Boer genocide.

    Care to provide a source for the assertion that Churchill had 100 thousand Irishmen/women sterilized?

    Still waiting for a single source for you laughable claim that Churchill "starved 80 million Hindus" to death. I'll be waiting with baited breath for any corroboration of you libelous nonsense.
  13. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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    (laughs) Seeing Lenin - Russian. Did not read further. Lenin's mother - Maria Alexandrovna Blank. Jewish. Lenin's father - Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov. Kalmyk. As everyone knows, the Jews considered the mother's nationality. Lenin - a Jew. In any case, lennin not Russian. Correct your wikipedia.
  14. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    A) I read the thread title, it's blatant propaganda aimed at labeling opponents of the illegal invasion and occupation of Ukrainian territory as Nazi and it is only fair to point out the cold hard fact that the majority of the world's Neo-Nazi's are Russian and nearly half of all Russians hate Jews.

    B) KGB Agent intentionally changed the term from "inhuman" to "subhuman":

    “They lost their lives because they defended men and women, children and the elderly who found themselves in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders and sponsored by them inhumans. First, we will commemorate the heroes by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil”, - he said.

    Those who shot down the plane are inhumane, that is an apt description. The assertion that this was a call for ethnic cleansing or labeling ethnic Russians as subhuman is blatant propaganda.

    Holy (*)(*)(*)(*), you chimed in on a conversation in which Ronstar was arguing with KGB Agent who claimed that Nazi's and Bolsheviks were Jewish agents, again next time follow the conversation or refrain from labeling those opposed to overt anti-Semitic comments as "western propagandists".

    Blame the victim propaganda, the deaths are on the hands of those who shot down the plane and no one else, your assertion that a Ukrainian plane should not be able to fly in sovereign Ukrainian airspace is utter rubbish.

    Provide the CNN and OSCE confirmation that "dozens of children" were killed in the airstrike. You for some reason opted to post ridiculous propaganda cites instead. Gee I wonder why. :roll:

    Because "info-resist" sounds like a truly reputable source. :roll:

    The OP is pure demagogy.

    The only criminals are those who shot down the plane and the Russian Federation which supplied them with weapons and are currently illegally militarily occupying sovereign Ukrainian territory.

    Holy (*)(*)(*)(*) you are seriously still denying that Russia invaded the Crimea? Are you delusional? Russia invaded and annexed sovereign Ukrainian territory, it is not a debatable topic it is an indisputable fact as proven by video recordings of them admitting that they are Russian troops, as well as, the types of uniforms and weapons they are carrying which are exclusive to Russian special forces, not to mention that Russia has finally admitted it:

    The presence of Russian troops is acknowledged by new Crimean leader Sergei Aksyenov.[56] The troops were subsequently identified, based on their battle dress and equipment, as belonging to the 45th Spetsnaz Regiment, which has previously been deployed to conflicts such as Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.[80]

    Aksenov acknowledged Saturday that Russian troops were protecting key sites in Crimea.

    “We have established cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet in protecting the important assets,” Aksenov said in televised remarks. “I am sure they can carry out tasks to protect public order.”,0,2305350.story#ixzz2w2NyFUvq

    Crimea Invaded By High Readiness Forces Of The Russian Federation



    Unknown soldiers - upper picture.

    - New EMR camouflage combat uniforms used only by Russian Federation forces

    - New 6sh112 tactical vest used only by Russian Federation forces

    - New 6B27 composite helmet used only by Russian Federation forces

    - New 7,62 mm PKP machine guns used only by Russian Federation forces

    - Russian 5,45 mm AK74M assault rifles

    As a conclusion it is evident that the troops in question are high readiness troops of the Russian Federation.

    Unknonw soldiers - lower picture.

    - 6B26 composite helmets used only by airborne troops of the Russian Federation

    - Russian 5,45 mm AK74M assault rifles

    Soldier on the left:

    - New EMR-camouflage combat uniform used only by Russian Federation forces

    - 6SH92-5 tactical vest used only by airborne troops of the Russian Federation

    Soldier on the right:

    - Russian special forces and mountain troops Gorka-3 combat uniform used only by Russian Federation forces

    - Russian special forces Smersh AK/VOG tactical vest used only by Russian Federation forces

    With a 99 % probability we argue that these troops are the 45th Guards Separate Reconnaissance Regiment of VDV (Russian: 45-й гвардейский отдельный разведывательный ордена Александра Невского полк ВДВ), Kubinka, Moscow.

    Ukraine crisis: 'Russians' occupy Crimea airports

    The BBC has seen eight trucks with the black plates of the Russian army moving towards Simferopol

    Unconfirmed reports say eight Russian military helicopters have arrived in Sevastopol[/QUOTE]

    Ukraine crisis: 'Russians' occupy Crimea airports

    The BBC has seen eight trucks with the black plates of the Russian army moving towards Simferopol

    Unconfirmed reports say eight Russian military helicopters have arrived in Sevastopol

    Russia has vowed its troops will remain in Ukraine to protect Russian interests and citizens until the political situation has been "normalised".

    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia was defending human rights against "ultra-nationalist threats".

    Russia is now in de facto military control of the Crimea region, despite Western condemnation of a "violation of Ukraine's sovereignty".

    Russian foreign ministry admits to entering Crimea from its Black Sea Fleet base as the Ukraine's interior minister accuses country of 'armed invasion'

    Russia admits that it has moved troops in Ukraine

    Russia has finally confirmed that it has moved troops into Ukraine's restive Crimea region, after speculation about Moscow's involvement

    Such as?
  15. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Lenin (born in Russia and raised Christian) was 1/4 Jewish, they included him and pointed out that he was in fact 1/4 Jewish, if you had actually bothered to read the complete debunking of the neo-Nazi propaganda which you posted, you would know that:

    If we count the ¼ jew Lenin then there were 5 out of 15.

    Here we have 21 members and of those there are six jews, or seven if you count Lenin.

    Not wikipedia, correct the blatant lies posted in the overt anti-Semitic propaganda bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that you posted.
  16. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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  17. Zarathustra

    Zarathustra Banned

    Mar 20, 2014
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    You do not make excuses. I forgive you.
  18. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Yes, Mao can also be added to this list, but I am curious if my opponent will agree to add Kaganovich, Yagoda, Trotzky, Frenkel and Begin to the company of Lenin and Stalin.

  19. Ender8419

    Ender8419 New Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Sorry I can't play with you whole day =). Need to work. Just quickly...

    - Screenshot of original statement of PM
    later it was edited, also "inhuman" is not much better. "In.." means "Not" so they are "not humans"

    - CNN - open your eyes and ears
    - OSCE - ...these strikes were the result of non-guided rockets shot from an aircraft...

    - Still Putin propaganda? If planes makes airstrikes on cities in peaceful time so don't be surprised if they will be shot down.

    - How don't you understand it doesn't matter what i claim or deny. All matters is fact. Fact - there is still no wartime regime in Ukraine. Fact - USA and Britain didn't defends integrity of Ukraine.
  20. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    What? Your nonsense has been thoroughly debunked.
  21. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    The link in the OP says "inhuman", so KGB Agent intentionally changed it to subhuman when he C/P'd the quote. Furthermore; inhuman is an apt description of those who shot down the aircraft:


    adjective: inhuman

    lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric.
    And where does it state that "dozens of children were killed" in these airstrikes?

    If Russian armed terrorists attempt a military takeover of a city then the Ukrainian authorities are well within their rights to restore law and order, your assertion that an armed sacking of a city is "peaceful time" is utter rubbish.

    Fact: Russia is in illegal military occupation of sovereign Ukrainian territory.
  22. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Nothing about it being an intentional starvation like the Holodomor whatsoever.

    This is an overtly neo-Nazi website just look at the links:

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  23. Ender8419

    Ender8419 New Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    - Keep repeating your mantra.
    - You asked for CNN and OSCE proof of airstrikes in Lugansk i gave it to you. But civilian people who died there doesn't bother you. They just walked in the park. And suddenly was bombed to death. I know that place i lived 5 years while get education in university. I lived in about 500 meters of the place where rockets strikes.
    - A lot of children died in Slavyansk. And adults too. Google it if you care.

    - I don't want to waste my time on you. I gave you video of victims, gave you CNN and OSCE proofs of airstrikes. You still don't care. So who is inhumane?
  24. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    The Separatists who destroyed a military plane after they declared their independence from the Junta are native inhabitants of New Russia, and they are former Ukrainian citizens.
    To call them "Russian terrorists" is not correct.
    Official media call them Separatists. Some of them define themselves as ethnic Russians , others as ethnic Jews, but they are neither Russian citizens nor terrorists.

    Terrorists are people that kill civilians, and that is precisely what the Junta does.

    BTW, USA would still be a British colony, if the Separatists in British North America cared about the point of view of Brits, who believed that the American Separatists were "Terrorists".

    If any Americans is against the right of self-Determination, then he does not deserve the moral right to live in an independent USA.
  25. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    I never denied that there were airstrikes against the armed takeover by Russian terrorists, what I asked for is evidence for your claim that "dozens of children" were killed in said airstrikes.

    The airstrikes were not on civilians it was on a armed terrorist encampment in a building, the CNN article clearly states that only 8 adults were killed contrary to the propaganda about "dozens of dead children".

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