Russian Terrorists Admitted Shoot Down of Passenger Airliner

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Face. Your, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    The video shows a plane which is falling down off a much lower altitude.
  2. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Gotta laugh at the pro-Kremlin folks spinning this with loads of horse manure.

    Separatists got a hold of an advanced weapon system capable of shooting down an airliner, likely trained by Russians, and they launched a missile at what they thought was a Ukrainian transport plane. I certainly don't think it was intentional, but they are complicit in this. Denying it will only validate what side is worth supporting in this conflict.

    Own the mistake.

    Separatists shot down Malayasia flight MH17, mistaking the aircraft for a military transport.

    All legitimate evidence points to this reality. The "Ministry of Disinformation" at the Kremlin is busy at the moment flooding the internet with all sorts of conspiracy stuff and misinformation. It's their job, doubling down on the denial of what actually took place.

    The United States is not stupid...we possess advanced tracking technology..and that area has been in the cross-hairs of satellite reconnaissance for a while now. The truth will be outed. We have a weak President now, he will do nothing substantive....but enjoy your petro-ruble binge on nationalism are not what you were in the Cold War militarily.

    The United States does not fear you, our Armed Forces do not fear you.
  3. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Can I see a single one of these evidence, please?
  4. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    the rebels admitted to downing a plane at the same time the plane went down.

    the rebels had the missiles to do it.

    the rebels had been shooting down aircraft for weeks.

    the plane came down in rebel territory.
  5. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Those are your evidence? lack of any consistency.. It is necessary to analyze the bodies, wreckage, the Flight Recorders
  6. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    None of this is the reliable evidence.

    It is not so. The rebels really reported of shooting down AN-26 a transport plane which was trying to supply the encircled divisions of ukrainian army. But they didn't report of the jet. They never denied that they were shooting down choppers, bombers, fighter-bombers, which nazists were using against civilian people with a blessing from US. Which is good. Because agressors should be shot down. But not the civilian jet which has nothing to do with this massacre.

    If the rebels agreed that they shot down a MH-17 plane by mistake (which is quite possible) it would be still understandable. But of course those who made such a mistake should have been prosecuted. I mean the rebels could have told that. And then it would have been the evidence. They didn't it is not.

    They denied it. (which is a contradiction with the first statement BTW). They can have only old soviet BUK missiles. Which cannot fly that high and that fast. In theory newer russian models of BUK are capable with the issue. But it is possible only with a help of radars. Which the rebels don't have. So the presence of such an anti-air missile is not proven. And even if it is proven - there were ukrainian missiles and jets in the area of war as well. BTW can you tell me what were ukrainian AA missiles doing against the rebels?

    military aircraft. Military aircraft flies lower. This is not a proof. The difference between an army jet bomber and civilian liner is that an army bomber needs to aim which makes it to fly lower and ata lower speed. Liner was designed to fly out of sight with a high speed. BUK is not very effective against of it. It is not a proof of a certain crime. Ukrainian army was also killing civilians for months before. But it is not a proof that they have done this crime as well.

    Which is a proof that it cannot be BUK. It should have been a fighter who shot the jet down. A jet can fall down after a jet, or it can follow the inertion of flight. such a heavy machine after a speed of 1000 kmh and the hieight of 10 km can fly quite far after being hit by BUK missile.
  7. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    + Rashka TV., did it as well
  8. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    chances are even Putin will admit the rebels did this.
  9. Fabien

    Fabien New Member

    May 7, 2014
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    The EU should do all it can to destroy russian economy whatever it will cost.

    Russia must be punished until Putin will get removed. Any other option is unrealistic. Russia is now a terrorist state.
  10. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    And here it is folks, proof that Kiev committed a false flag attack to implicate Russia. This recording which supposedly was between a Russian General and someone else talking about shooting down a civilian air plane, was dated before the shooting even occurred.

    It appeared on Youtube, and then quickly removed but it was a little too late. Over eight hundred people heard it. What I would like to know is just how long are we going to support criminal regimes?

  11. rammstein

    rammstein Member Past Donor

    Aug 25, 2013
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    Here's this same guy's update to this story ---

    This whole thing is beginning to smell like the false flag chemical attack in Syria.


  12. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Woops, a captured audio intercept between the same guy who made that post 20 minutes after the downing of the Malaysian civilian airliner proves conclusively that it was the Russian terrorists who brought down the aircraft and murdered nearly 300 innocent civilians:

    Igor Bezler: We have just shot down a plane. Group Minera. It fell down beyond Yenakievo (Donetsk Oblast).

    Geranin: Pilots. Where are the pilots?

    IB: Gone to search for and photograph the plane. It's smoking.

    VG: How many minutes ago?

    IB: About 30 minutes ago.
  13. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Your claims are (*)(*)(*)(*)ing laughable, Igor the man who made the post in the OP was caught in a captured audio intercept claiming responsibility for the shoot down 20 minutes after the shoot down:

    a captured audio intercept between the same guy who made that post 20 minutes after the downing of the Malaysian civilian airliner proves conclusively that it was the Russian terrorists who brought down the aircraft and murdered nearly 300 innocent civilians:

    Igor Bezler: We have just shot down a plane. Group Minera. It fell down beyond Yenakievo (Donetsk Oblast).

    Geranin: Pilots. Where are the pilots?

    IB: Gone to search for and photograph the plane. It's smoking.

    VG: How many minutes ago?

    IB: About 30 minutes ago.

    It's beginning to smell like fascist conspiracy theorists have no (*)(*)(*)(*)ing argument but much like in Syria will wax apologetics for mass murderers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The post in the OP and the captured audio intercept from the same guy 20 minutes after the shootdown taking responsibility for shooting down the aircraft.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's irrelevant if they knew or not, they shot down a civilian airliner and killed nearly 300 civilians, this is what happens when you hand over advanced long range surface to air missiles to a bunch of untrained terrorists.
  14. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    It was posted an hour before it was reported, and we have captured an audio intercept of the same (*)(*)(*)(*)ing guy admitting it:

    Igor Bezler: We have just shot down a plane. Group Minera. It fell down beyond Yenakievo (Donetsk Oblast).

    Geranin: Pilots. Where are the pilots?

    IB: Gone to search for and photograph the plane. It's smoking.

    VG: How many minutes ago?

    IB: About 30 minutes ago.

    It's a translation. :roll:
    No they deleted the original post and then tried to spin it with nonsensical conspiracy theory nonsense.

    A) There is no evidence for your assertion.

    B) What do you think that means even if it is true?

    This is an overt lie, the rebels have been witnessed by an AP reporter to be in possession of the BUK system so nice try.

    A launcher similar to the Buk missile system was seen by Associated Press journalists earlier Thursday near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne, which is held by the rebels.

    What utter nonsense, first you're going to have to provide the exact coordinates of where the missile impacted the plane, your evidence that it was out of the range of rebel controlled territory, and finally your complex physics formula for proving that it wouldn't have fallen where it fell.
  15. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    lol you have no evidence that the captured audio intercept was ever posted an hour before the shoot down, you're desperate and your in 9-11 truthtard sandy hook territory now, which is not exactly shocking coming from an avid reader of RT and Press TV, notice the only one who even acknowledges your garbage is a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing holocaust denier? :roll:
  16. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I would expect untrained terrorists to miss or blow themselves up, my angry and biased friend.

    Anyway, just what was that plane doing there? Primary responsibility goes to whomever decided that a warzone was a safe place for civilian air traffic to be flying.
  17. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    The air traffic was cleared for a flyover at above FL320. The airliner was at FL330 as it passed over rebel held airspace. What went down was an incompetent anti-aircraft crew which never eyeballed the aircraft...they saw it on radar, assumed it was a Ukrainian military transport and launched the radar guided missile. This was caused by extreme incompetence and to a lesser extent the fog of war. I've no doubts Russian soldiers trained a haphazard bunch of para-military separatists how to set the guidance, arm and launch the missile, where they failed was instructing them on proper identification of the target. These mobile launchers are stand alone, they are not linked to any other radar systems or data center capable of identifying friend or foe, capable of reading the transponder squawk of a civilian airliner. The airliner did nothing wrong, they were above the cleared altitude....

    Blaming the crew of an unarmed, civilian airliner is merely spinning the truth and the truth shall set you fear.

    Above all else, the primary cause which led to the effect was an undisciplined, poorly trained anti-aircraft battery crew. The equivalent to giving a 5 year old a loaded gun.

    I'm highly amused at this point at the attempts to spin this I really am, it's entertaining. Meanwhile the loss of 298 innocent civilians are being grieved by loved ones..their lives snuffed out by a ragtag, poorly trained, trigger of separatist rebels trained and equipped by Russian soldiers.
  18. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    So poorly trained then my conspiracy theorist and overt apologist for mass murderers "friend".

    Malaysian airlines set the flight path, are you saying they are responsible? The no-fly zone established by the Ukrainian government was 32,000 feet the airliner in question was flying at 33,000 feet. They took that route because it is the most direct route.

    Passenger planes have long been presumed to be safe from most conflicts, for the practical reason that the weapons typically used on the ground are far too primitive to reach an aircraft flying six miles high. The combatants in Ukraine have been thought unlikely to have the kind of sophisticated weaponry that could reach a target at such an altitude.

    Tony Wheeler, the founder of the travel guide publisher Lonely Planet, recently blogged about a Qantas flight from Dubai to Heathrow over northern Iraq: “Azwya, and Mosul, which we flew close by, have both been flashpoints for the Isis takeover of parts of Iraq in recent weeks. It's remarkable how peaceful everything looks from 40,000 feet.”

    The loss of flight MH17 shows that supposed immunity of passenger planes to terrestrial conflict may have been tragically misplaced.

    Airlines are naturally predisposed to fly the most direct route between two points, subject to weather patterns, and on many routes from Europe to Asia that involves transiting eastern Ukraine.
    It is actually rather common for commercial airlines to fly over conflict areas.
  19. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Well, I'm not going to say you're wrong about any of this, because who knows? I do think it was irresponsible for that airspace to have been cleared for civilian aircraft use at ANY altitude, though. This sort of thing was too likely to happen under the circumstances.
  20. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I'm not engaging in any conspiracy theories. I only want the discussion to stay factual and for all of the emotional hype and political exploitation to stay out of it.
  21. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    "Grief is the only appropriate reaction to the death of so many people on Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17. The point scoring and guessing games are macabre. Of course, some people have to suppress grief and get to work urgently to secure the crash site from interference so there can be a proper investigation of what happened.

    We have no idea what evidence lies behind the various statements as to who did or did not shoot down the plane. There is no evidence I have seen that it was shot down at all. This could relate to Ukrainian violence, it could relate to MH 370, it could be an unrelated incident. We really don’t know yet.

    What is particularly ghoulish is the false grief, what I might call the triumphalist shroud waving, of those seeking gleefully to blame the side they do not support in the Ukrainian conflict. In the current total absence of evidence, this is abominable behaviour."
  22. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    of course there is plenty of evidence, including the admission of the pro-Russian terrorist in charge to his russian military handler that the Miners group did it, there is the boasting posts by terrorists' PR machine on social media about downing a Ukrainian cargo plane, quickly deleted when they realized that they shot down a passenger plane with 300 souls aboard, there is the terrorists MO of shooting at the plane in the region, there is their bragging about having BUKs... it all points in one direction only, the evidence is as lopsided as it can ever be.
  23. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Frankly, there is so much noise coming from partisans' on both sides, the dust needs to settle and everybody needs to calm down and wait until impartial and thorough investigations on the ground arrive at definitive conclusions. In the absence of said investigations I will not play political football in relation to this tragedy. At this moment in time I have only compassion for the the people on board who lost their lives and those of the their loved ones. I will say this, however, reading between the lines of Putin's words, I'm fairly confident that it was the anti-Ukrainian Russian-speakers who were responsible for what was almost certainly a tragic accident.
  24. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    lolz he hasn't seen any evidence? Well I guess he hasn't read this (*)(*)(*)(*)ing thread now has he? The rebel leader admitted it in a public posting 20 minutes before it was reported and he admitted it an hour after during a captured intercept between himself and a Russian kernel.

    And the emotion that one should be feeling in the face of the mass murder of civilians is not grief but outrage.
  25. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Are you (*)(*)(*)(*)ing kidding me? Meanwhile the Russian terrorists have refused to let investigators in and the black boxes have been taken by Russian authorities! Tell me where exactly is this impartial investigation supposed to come from? The Russian Authorities who provided and trained the Russian terrorists with/on the BUK advanced SAM system which shot down the plane? You must be joking.

    And did you just label the downing of a civilian airliner with a missile as an accident? Can the Ukrainian transport which the Russian terrorists though this plane was even reach an altitude of 33,000 feet? At the very least this was gross negligence and providing these people with the BUK system itself should be considered a war crime. It would be like handing a loaded machine gun to a toddler.

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