My Old Land Lord and the State of Politics in America

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by FinShaggy, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    Whenever I say "Things are not going to change" people are always like "Why do you hate voting?!?" and I just want to post this story from my life so people can understand WHY I feel like I do, even though I still vote.

    When I lived in Florida and was looking for a job I was basically homeless half living with a friend who lived with his parents, half living out of my car. Then I found a place just on the edge of Goulds, it was super cheap and I am about to explain why.

    He made me pay a deposit before I went, but it was the only thing I could afford so I did it. When I got there, it turned out I was renting a closet plus like 1/5 of a small bedroom. And the Land Lord (Darrin McGillis) was sharing a room with me. The room was split in half by drywall, which was held up by bookshelves...

    This guy RAN FOR GOVERNOR, and was even on TV. If you do a Youtube search for "Darrin McGillis Governor" you will see him running for Governor on TV. And if you just look up his name on Youtube, you will find Ricky Martin songs and stuff that he owns because he used to be like a co-manager in America for Menudo (Ricky Martin's old band).

    But this guy was a Democratic candidate, and he was just running so he could get a check for doing nothing. His "Big plan" was to legalize weed, but make it only legal to smoke inside, and if you smoke outside it's a $5,000 fine. So then he was also running on the claim that he could "Eliminate Taxes". He also wants to turn Florida city into Vegas and whatever.

    But anyways, that is the Democratic candidate, so you can see why I obviously don't trust people who just say "I'm a Democrat".

    But then on the other end their are people like Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and Sarah Palin. So it's just like, why can't we get some people in this that want to see a better America and aren't just in a position to dump time and money into a system that they hope will give them a check while they basically do nothing.

    I don't see the difference between Red and Blue in this country, if anyone is extremely excited about this outcome or extremely dissapointed about this outcome, I can only imagine a lot of your time is spent talking about Obama or Guns or both, and either in the context of loving or hating either of those things.
  2. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    Guerrilla Art: This is kinda like when Christians put up Nativity scenes, but usually with a Political or Artistic point.

    A common example of Guerrilla Art apart from Christian stuff, is like when someone writes "War" under the STOP on the stop sign. So it says "STOP War".

    Guerrilla Theater: When people use their bodies in public to demonstrate something, usually political and musical.

    If anyone wants to start a political organization so you can run commercials and support Candidates next time there is an election, here is how to start one.
  3. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    I just want to point out that now that Republicans are in charge, the main goal will be to build a giant pipeline out in the open between us and Canada, while we are starting a war with people around the world.

    So I guess we just cross our fingers and hope gas gets lower and no one comes to blow us up.
  4. jenniferlopez

    jenniferlopez New Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    really great submitted by you
    thanks for sharing.....
    thumbs up
  5. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    And Putin didn't show up to the Nuclear Summit, so he is basically saying "(*)(*)(*)(*) Peace".
  6. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    Wouldn't it be a weird turn if our country tried to beat the other countries by doing some Amazing feat of Physics and making them want to be better at Physics than us, instead of killing everyone.

    Around the last time we had a war of Physics, Russia made the first Satellite which led to Space travel. Now it's just about blowing people up.
  7. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    American Laws Protect A Few Different Things:

    Smoking Marijuana in Public For Shiva Festivals
    Religious Public Speech is protected by these rulings, which were both MEANT to defend the most extreme of groups, since they both ruled this way in defense of the Ku Klux Klan.

    NO law shall be made to promote or hinder a religion.

    Laws may not be passed that decide how religious doctrine should work
    No one has to prove anything about their religion in court unless they want to
    You do not have to define a supreme being. They specifically note that Texas law does not define a supreme being.
    This ruling says that individuals do not have religious exemption in the context of a job
    But religious companies can reject laws they do not agree with according to the Hobby Lobby Ruling.
    Also, Ayahuasca has been ruled legal for religious use by the supreme court, and it is protected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    The Hobby Lobby Case Is Not Just For Christians

    Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. ___ (2014), is a landmark decision[1][2] by the United States Supreme Court allowing closely held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a law its owners religiously object to if there is a less restrictive means of furthering the law's interest.

    I don't agree with companies not paying for birth control, but I want to point out some stuff that the case opened up (this is not meant as legal advice, unless you are in the Tree of Life School Ministry)

    Let's break this down. any closely held (so non franchise) corporation is exempt from a law its owners religiously object to, if there is a less restrictive mean of furthering the laws interest. Meaning that as long as the law can still be upheld in regular society (the people buy things themselves) then it is fine.

    So as long as the laws interest can be upheld in a "less restrictive way", then the law does not have to be followed within the corporation. So in the example of the Hobby Lobby case they don't pay for the birth control, 100% rejecting the laws on the books and people were forced to go buy there own because this is the "less restrictive way".

    So in the case of something like Marijuana and a Shaivite (worshiper of Shiva), you could ignore the law of Marijuana growing and Possession in your Shiva altar space, but outside of the building people would not be allowed to grow or possess. It would be an American Temple. Business in the front, Religion in the back.
  8. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    I think I can point out what is happening here. I personally study religious rights that are legally defended, but are not part of any political party argument. And from this perspective I can kinda see the issue Democrats had and how Republicans won.

    The Hobby Lobby case helps all religious people, even me, but Democrats haven't used it yet because it is like an Ebola rag they don't want to touch. But they could have picked it up and used it as a bat by opening up all kinds of cases and getting all kinds of other religions on their side.

    Atheists are another big point, Atheists VOTE, but they aren't always as liberal as everyone thinks. Tons of Atheists are interested in "Rights" and there are no Democrats arguing for Atheist rights, because "Rights" is a word that the Tea Party has clinged to, even though the Democrats used to champion Gay rights and other rights, they are almost afraid of rights now, unless it is in the context of something like "Fair wages".

    So having said that, I do think that the Republicans being in the house could be good. I have mentioned before that the Tea Party stalled the Government, but from what I can see the Republicans have been trying to separate themselves from the Tea Party, and now they will run the house and will be ready to do their jobs instead of being Tea Party esque.

    My religion involves Marijuana, so if anyone doesn't want the Christian party in charge of everything it's me. But I don't hear anyone championing anything. Democrats are just kind of expecting to win because they aren't republicans and that should be enough to prove that they are good for the job.

    But there are tons of middle aged Liberals (People you might call Hippies or Minorities or other groups that are usually stereotyped as automatically democrat) that have guns and listen to Ted Nugent. So, when there is no one championing "Fun" issues. I feel like Democrats have started taking themselves much to seriously to be the party of the underdog anymore. At least not in the current time.

    For example, Abortion rights are important. Even if someone doesn't want an abortion, they shouldn't let someone else not even get the choice. But Abortion rights aren't something that people focus on constantly, the people who are REALLY pushing for it are usually part of Planned parenthood or in a state where Abortion is being contested or something and the other Democrats just pay lip service. It's not something a majority of democrats think about.

    On the other hand TONS of Democrats smoke weed (Or at least would like you to think they do) but they aren't often championing Marijuana issues, because it's not "Serious" and they are "Too serious" for issues like that. But no, you aren't. Those are supposed to be YOUR issues. Marijuana, Minority rights, Gay rights, Women's rights, Under dog's rights, and I just don't see that.

    I think that having Republicans that aren't the Tea Party + Obama in Office could end up getting more middle ground stuff done than everyone thinks.

    But it is all going to be middle of the Road, nothing is really going to change in a way that is like America sees it, except maybe gas prices.
  9. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    If anyone wants to start a political organization, the first thing you need to do is start collecting E-mails. This election was most likely won by people with Tea Party email lists, sending out emails telling people to vote GOP.

    The Tea Party just got everyone to come outside, and collected emails. Then they stopped gathering and talking about the Tea Party and left the members to support people like Bundy. But they still have all their emails.
  10. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    Another thing about the Atheists in this midterm.

    Atheists are trying REALLY hard to get Youtube Subscribers and Twitter Followers, and I am Following a lot of the main atheists.

    You know what I DIDN'T see from these people who care about getting Followers? I didn't see more than one video telling Atheists to Vote. TheAtheistVoice on Youtube said "Should we not vote so that Democrats know what we want, no we should vote, but Democrats should talk about Atheist issues also"

    New Covenant Group, no "Go Vote" video. Christopher Maute, no "Go Vote" video. The Magic Sandwhich Show, no "Go Vote" video. AronRa, no "Go Vote" video. Atheist Experience, no "Go Vote" video. David GammaAtheist, no "Go Vote" video.

    Now these people might have websites they posted on or some other mode of getting the "Go Vote" message out, but I am following Atheists, and it seemed like they didn't even try to get people to vote in this. And they pretend they are all about Liberal stuff, so that is just something kind of funny I wanted to point out.
  11. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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  12. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    That war on physics was powered by wanting the ability to blow people up. It was based on designs (the V-2) that were used to blow people up.
  13. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    We were in a war of physics until the democrats cancelled our super collider project so they could increase food stamps.

    Yep, that would be great.
  14. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

    May 15, 2013
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    I don't know how many people notice this, but the people who vote for Marijuana are the same people that vote for Guns. And the people who think the Economy sucks, and the same people who are Libertarian...

    Just btw. That is a major reason democrats lost. They were not appealing to their own people.

    The Republicans got what they themselves would probably consider "The Criminal vote" by appealing to guns and getting the people out to vote who get arrested for possessing things, which are usually people that are voting to get liquor or Marijuana in their county. So those people all voted red.

    Then the Libertarians, like the Bitcoiners and stuff. These people would usually vote Democrat, but the economy sucks so bad that there is "End the Fed" sentiment. So tons of Bitcoiners and poor people were voting Red, because Obama's argument is "We fixed it already".

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