Heterosexual Privilege’ Bulletin Board in University of Wisconsin Dorm

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Steve N, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Countryford

    Countryford Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    On the board there was a "Homosexual" card. However we don't know what it says underneath, since they only took a photo of the "Hetrosexual" card.

    If I was at a church function and I saw two guys, two girls, or one guy and one girl, grabbing each other's private parts, I would say something to them as well. That kind of behavior is not appropriate for a church function. Now, I'm going with what you posted that they were "grabbing each others private parts". I've seen people get all bent out of shape over two guys kissing and trying to blow it out of proporation, claiming it was something a lot more than just a simple kiss.

    When I was in charge of hiring and firing, I would hire whoever was the best for the position. I didn't care if they were gay, straight, male, female, black, white, short, tall, slim, or fat. I wouldn't want to hire only gay guys, it would be too much drama. My next question is, is there a spot on the application where it questions the person's sexual preference? I've never seen it on any applications. I know some gay guys are rather flamboyant, but not all.

    Here in Arizona, the offered "Domestic Partner benefits". The reason they offered it was because same sex marriage was not allowed. Opposite sex couples had the option of getting married, whereas same sex couples did not have that option. Once same sex marriage became legal here, they discontinued "domestic partner benefits". Their reason is now that same sex couples could get married, there is no need for the domestic benefits.

    If you don't like getting hit on, when going to a gay bar, then don't go to a gay bar. Otherwise if you get hit on, politely tell the person you are flattered, but that you are just there hanging out with your friends and that you are also straight. While you may get some that will be upset, who cares. You can't please everyone. If you are offended by the gestures, either call the cops or don't go back.

    It boils down to you are entitled to say what you want to, but they are entitled to say what they want to as well. Even if they are overreacting, they are entitled to speak their minds. Now I'm not trying to say that people don't use the "discrimination card". I know it happens. Not everyone in that particular group is like that. Not all black people will claim racism if they don't get their way. Same way as not every gay person will claim racism when they don't get their way.

    Now for me. When I started at my job. No one knew me. Yet people would ask me about a girlfriend. They would try and hook me up with other females at work. Eventually I told them that I was gay. Not that it was any of their business, but they wouldn't listen to me when I didn't want to hookup with the females. Some had issues with it, some didn't. In the end all that matters, is that we do our job to the best of our ability without issue.
  2. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well they didn't take a picture of the "heterosexual" card, they took a picture of the "heterosexual privilege" card... so let's go ahead and make the assumption that since the "homosexual" card wasn't labeled "privilege" that they were the victims in the scenario... I mean come on lets use some common sense here, we're not stupid people, its quite clear the goal and target of the posting board they created... all the other cards are just generic descriptors people identify with, only ONE card has a negative connotation associated with it and does not describe a "SEXuality" as the topic on the board...

    You should go with what I posted, as the girl had her hand down the top of the other girls pulling her top down almost exposing the girl while she was groping her, so I'm quite safe in saying there is no reason to assume this is another "straight person grossed out cause gay people held hands" incident... I don't care if they give each other a peck or hold hands, thats normal in my society for any couple... but when the line is crossed and people are throwing their sexuality in your face, thats when I could care less who is doing it, its not warranted, its not welcomed, and people need to be respectful of others around them... now there will always be moments for everyone of "young and dumb"... but now when I get labeled as homophobic for speaking up and saying hey it doesn't matter what sexuality you are, thats not acceptable around here, thats when we've entered in-equality in life that gay people can't be held to the same standard others are... because they in some rightful situations have been discriminated against, but it's lead to a culture that assumes discrimination first and closes the door on any other reason someone would dare challenge or question them... its automatically discrimination now when you speak up against someone doing something... thats WRONG...

    I guess I'm wondering the point of this comment, of course there is no checkbox for sexuality on an application, so is it to challenge my ability to spot a gay person, or assume I'm just stereotyping the exceptionally flamboyant guys incorrectly? It's certainly not hard to spot the crossdresser... I would assume most gay people don't "act gay" since flamboyance is not genetic, its a learned behavior, so there are probably more I will never be able to "spot" so clear as at toppers... but like I said, I still shop there because the pizza is just way better than pizzahut, if you've ever been to a toppers you will easily know the difference in quality... either way it was used to prove my point that people in my general experience hire people like them... and not thats some personal opinion, that is actually a proven fact confirmed by many studies done about hiring practices, I don't see why it would stop being factual or relevant just because a minority group practices the same thing a majority group does, it's still wrong for either group to practice that habit they are born with... (and yes being around similar people is a survivor instinct we're all born with, check out the studies done on "racist babies" who prefer to play with like skinned babies, its shocking but fascinating at the same time about human behavior demonstrated at only months of age)

    See this is probably the only thing I can't argue or disagree with so far... this makes sense! this is equality! this is what should happen... I consider myself a "true conservative", since I don't seem to fit neatly in any pigeonhole party I had to make one up for myself... I believe every american has a right to pursue happiness as long as their right to pursue it doesn't infringe on my right not to participate in it... so that means I think gay people if they want to should be able to get married in any state, but I don't think they have a right to force anyone to participate in the ceremony (ie churches, catering, photographers, etc etc)... but they should have the right to pursue happiness if thats what they deem happy... I'd rather go with domestic partnership to avoid tax penalties but thats a whole separate issue really with taxes...

    So if I am sexually harassed your solution for me is to simply "accept it, just don't go back"... what a horrible horrible horrible attitude... if I said the same thing about a gay person being mocked or shunned or treated in any way not right, you would be crazy furious that my solution was, well just don't ever go anywhere in life cause its okay for them to say horrific things to you... come on you're not even using common sense here... its not right anywhere... now while I will give some discount to the fact gay clubs were really the only "safe" place for gay people to go for many years, it does not change the fact certain behavior is not acceptable in society, and you just said its acceptable by telling me to go someplace else... this isn't a matter of simply being "flattered" and saying no... its a matter of people walking up to me and saying so who's mouth is the dick going in first baby... and other seriously inappropriate things, I mean when I'm out with my lesbian friends, and even THEY are shocked at the nasty things said, I know its way over the line when they are speechless, cause they are the most confrontational people I know! but you are right, I stopped going back, and soon so did my friends after they finally woke up to how I was being treated, and they didn't care for it either... thats capitalism at work, but sadly another instance when in-equality is shown to be alive and real because you think I should just accept it more or less from your tone... if the scenario were reversed you'd be outraged...

    I would never disagree people have an "entitlement" to free speech... jerks are allowed to be jerks in life, they come in every sexuality, color, size, shape, whatever descriptor we use... my challenge is the equality at which punishment is applied to those who were not being racist, sexist, homophobic but are accused of being such anytime they challenge or question someone who's just being a jerk... and it's not being applied equally... when I stand up to hold someone accountable to what society has deemed acceptable (no matter who you are) and I get labeled as someone discriminatory, that can have a rippling effect in my life, depending what lengths the person goes to accusing me unjustly... you can't possibly be a supporter of people calling people racist, sexist, homophobic at the drop of a hat simply because they've been trained in their interactions and peers to use that powerful claim first... you can't possibly think everyone who challenges or questions you is just a gay hater and you're being a victim? you can't possibly think that can you? (I don't mean to direct this as you do it, but I'm trying to say, you have seen this occur in your life, on both sides of the issue, some rightfully deserved it, some rightfully did not, but its a very quick reaction and feeling inside I bet every time)

    I can only imagine what its like to have people presume you are straight and want to do something nice for you like set you up with someone cause they clearly think you are a good person and they just want to see you happy with someone... how awful they think so highly of you they want to set you up with someone they know... now hey I acknowledge its probably very scary to tell them one day, you're gay... and I know through my own experience with friends, what a (*)(*)(*)(*)ty moment that can quickly turn into because you have NO idea how the next few minutes are going to go, and because so many times its probably ended with discrimination, its not your favorite moment in life... but the more you hide yourself, the more a reaction will build up with others... I know, easy for me to say I don't have to get the reaction... but its like anything you hide from others, it builds up more pressure and stress inside you and the expectation from them is to try harder and put more effort into something, and they often will get disappointed when they put that effort into something only to find out you didn't tell them the truth... see most people think the reactions are gay hate, often its just, why didn't you tell me the truth... and thats why many are upset, believe that or not I don't know if you will, but people are more hurt by someone hiding something from them, than they are about someone being gay... the ones who are discriminatory, I honestly don't think most will change, it's a matter of enough generations dying off to get most of those folks gone while younger generations just don't notice it I guess as they grow up being a problem... I mean look how much america has changed already, but hiding it, only serves to feed those people who will react and will discriminate... once again, easy for me to say... I get that... I've had gay employees before, you didn't have to know from some, and others I'm sure hid it very well and I never knew, but like you said... at the end of the day, whoever did their job better than the next guy is who gets promoted, and thats all I cared about... ROI, it doesn't discriminate, its very easy to choose the right person with that...
  3. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Different bars will have different 'cultures' that they cater to. That kind of hypersexualized conduct is not deemed appropriate by lots of gays too. You can bet they go elsewhere to meet. I know I would not stand for it. I am not sure that what you describe meets the legal definition of 'sexual harrassment', which is reserved primarily for work situations where the consequences of removing yourself from the situation mean a lack of a job, as opposed to lack of a social evening and it requires a pattern and the potential victim is part of that pattern insofar as he has to communicate that the sexual interest is unwelcome and then the pattern must continue. I think you are closer to misdemeanor lewd conduct.

    In any case, this is more about the culture of the bar, than anything else.
  4. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    I thought it is quite opposite, homosexuals have all the priviliges that cannot be accessed by heterosexual people.
    Pretty soon pederasts are going to be officially recoginized as suspect class and all Affirmative Actions priviliges will follow.
  5. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    We could get into a lengthy legal debate over use of words and the exact legal definition in a court of law and what type of a crime or misdemeanor something is... but thats not the point of it... the point is if I, as a male, did that to a female, it would be unaccepted in society and there could be severe consequences for my actions... but when the same is applied to me, offended by a gay male, the same consequences and acceptance in society is not applied... I'm actually the one who is considered intolerant and discriminatory because I'm expected to just suck it up and take it... thats the argument being made, that things are not being applied equally, and there is a gay privilege that I do not receive equally myself... thats the whole point of this discussion thread...

    Now I agree with you, that IS the culture of that bar, the owner has decided thats the market they are going to accept and commercialize upon... and there are today alternatives for people put off by that behavior, on all sides of the fence... but that goes back to my point of, its not acceptable and would cause that business legal pressure and social pressure to be shut down or change the way people are treated... but its not... its simply, too bad go someplace else... thats the accepted response because if you stand up you are labeled as discriminatory against gay people, instead of someone who thinks that behavior is inappropriate... thats the whole point... the first conclusion is, clearly the person hate gays, instead of hates the inappropriateness of the individuals...

    I'm trying to get to the inequality in application of labels... one gets labeled a victim when someone challenges or questions them, the other gets labeled as homophobic despite nothing being said in that aspect or judgement of the person... bad manners are bad manners, but when I challenge a gay person on them, I'm labeled homophobic instead of, I just don't like his manners... thats my whole point... thats gay privilege... the right to instantly demonize me without just cause...
  6. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Look, a gay person can call you homophobic, a woman can call you sexist, a black or Asian can call you racist, a Christian can call you anti-Christian, a Jew can call you anti-Semitic etc. but the labeling itself is not substantial, and if those labels are not well defined and cautiously applied, they lose their value and their bite. This is not about 'gay privilege', or black priviledge or other minorities, its about jerks and jerkettes namecalling people to distract and dodge from their own crass, stupid and obnoxious behavior. I'll find you some typical WASM's who belong to no minority and they will use other names to distract and dodge from their own crass, stupid or obnoxious behavior.

    There are plenty of folks who are careful about using those references or believing them.
  7. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    actually this entire topic is about privilege... so thats the whole reason we're discussing this... I understand many people can give me many labels... however when the common and quick reaction is to label me something discriminatory, while I am unable to use that same snap judgement to label others, its a privilege... because society doesn't lend weight to me calling someone else discriminatory due to my skin color and sexuality... but when others are given weight to their snap judgments due to their skin color or sexuality, thats a privilege... thats what we're discussing here...

    if you disagree more weight is given to the label awarded by a minority than a majority, you can argue that point... because in todays society, the minority has more power to damage someone in the majority with that label than the other way around... when I do something its a hate crime, when they do something its a result of victimization thats somehow my fault... are you grasping the concept or just brushing over the privilege given to the minority to accuse and have weight behind those accusations even if they are baseless?

    if this is just a matter of, you don't see it as a widespread problem, thats fine I acknowledge that as well... but that doesn't negate the fact minorities have certain privileges that majorities do not... its not to say majorities in some cases don't have a privilege that a minority doesn't, its just to demonstrate and confirm each has privileges that may or may not apply equally to the other... so both sides of the equation should be considered in a discussion, rather than a biased single minded view... however in the instance of the topic of this thread, only heterosexuals had the negative connotation associated with it, none of the other sexuality's were given the same criticism equally... equality... the same for all... thats what we want right, then why is it not being applied equally...
  8. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    yea look how some on the right want to treat rape victims, force them to have their rapists baby, guess they do not care about victims...
  9. Habana

    Habana Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Thanks for proving my point
  10. Aphotic

    Aphotic Banned

    Oct 8, 2014
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    And the right's style of politics demands a hero, some no-name loser with poor statistics and ratings to herald as the champion of neocon chickenhawking, like Ronald Reagan, the phoney invention of Grover Norquist.

    Remember, if you're not blaming and pointing fingers (followed soon by the many barreled might of the US military) then the neocon chickenhawk Reagan worshipers aren't doing their jobs!
  11. Habana

    Habana Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Hahaha bless your heart you think I'm a neocon, well you know what they say about assumptions.
  12. Countryford

    Countryford Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    I didn't notice the two different "Hetrosexual" cards. I initially noticed only the "Hetrosexual" card in the top right corner. I didn't notice the "Hetrosexual Privilege" card. That was my mistake.

    In my reply, I did say I am basing it on what you said. I then said some people do blow it out of proportion. I never claimed that you were. I wasn't there, so I can't say one way or the other.
    At my previous job, there were these two women. It was known they were a couple. One had Tuesday and Wednesday off and the other had Wednesday and Thursday off. So they worked together 4 days of the week. The one supervisor would always let them work in the same area. The other supervisior would seperate the two of them. They tried to claim discrimination on the one supervisior because he wouldn't let them work together. When they worked by themselves, the did a good job. If they worked together, they would talk and wouldn't get their job done. I don't know whatever came of it, since I left before it escalated. If it escalated while I was there, I would have backed the supervisior up.

    The reason I put that, is because you stated some only hire LGBT people. I understand some are pretty obvious, but for the ones that aren't, how would one know? I clearly don't tell when I'm at an interview. If you are happy with the pizza, then by all means continue going there. I've never had their pizza, so can't give my own opinion. I know it has been a very long time since I've had PizzaHut.

    I don't see why there should be something different for same-sex couples than for opposite-sex couples. About the only difference I can think there should be is for those getting married by a church vs. those that are getting married by the state.

    I guess you didn't read my whole response on this one. I said your options are to ignore it, not go back, or call the cops. I guess I should have added, is to file a complaint against the business/person.
    A number of years ago, I was at a gay bar with a friend. Someone grabbed my ass. I didn't know the guy and didn't enjoy being gropped either. I turned around and gave him a look. Now I didn't say anything to him, but by the look I gave him, he knew I didn't appreciate it. He didn't say anything to me either, he just walked off.

    I'm unsure of what "punishment" you are talking about? Is it someone calling you racist? Are you being fined? Are you being sent to prison?
    I am in no way a supporter of people calling others names of any type. Asking questions is just a way for someone to gain more knowledge. If I am unsure about something, an easy way for me to understand, I will ask questions.
    My mother, divorced my dad after 23 years of marriage to him. She left him for a guy she met off the Internet. She eventually married this new guy, who he left his wife, for my mom. This guy was a drunk and was verbally abusive to my mother, possibly physically abusive as well. I know of one instance where he broke down the back door with an axe, while my mom was locked in the bathroom calling the cops. Anyways, she says I'm going to hell and that I'm living in sin, because I am in a committed relationship with another man. I don't think she is a racist, sexist or a bigot. She is a bit homophobic and a hypocrite.

    It was really nice of those guys to think of me and tell me "You should go hit that". That was so nice of them. Then there is the fact that I may very well be happy as a single person. I am an adult and can find my own dates. I now have a husband, I had to hear about the other women at work. I had to hear about the women they slept with over the weekend. Yet if I mention anything about my husband, I'm giving too much personal information.
    I can understand that, you think you know someone and then all of a sudden you find out a seceret about them. One that they have known for years. In the end, I'm still the same person. When you thought I was straight, I enjoyed the things we did together, or enjoyed those palces we went, know that you know I'm gay, I still do. If you knew I was gay from the beginning, would we have become good friends?(I don't mean to direct this as you)

    I had a coworker, we became good friends. He was living in a one-bedroom apartment. I was renting a room from my aunt. I needed to find a place of my own. He and I started talking of renting a two-bedroom apartment in his complex. (cheaper for him). At the time he didn't know I was gay. Before we moved in together, I realized I better tell him. I ended up telling him. He replied "I don't care, just don't hit on me". We are the best of friends now. I consider him a brother.

    When I was 18, I told my parents. I mentioned how my mom took it, but my dad said "I don't agree with it, but as long as you're happy." A couple of years later, my dad and I were talking. He mentioned that prior to me telling them, he could tell that something was bothering me. He said it felt like I had built a wall up. After I told them, he said that it felt like that wall was no longer there. My dad and I have a great relationship now. My mom and I not so much.

    I apologize, if I went too far off topic. I just wanted you to understand where I'm coming from.
  13. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    rape victims ARE victims... not sure I see your point
  14. Habana

    Habana Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Yes rape victims are victims. i never said anything to the contrary. i'm guessing I could spell my point out but you still wouldn't get so I won't waste either one of our time.
  15. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Would we have become friends? I couldn't answer that as I have no idea who you are, and my decision on that wouldn't have anything to do with are you gay, however after I found out years later if that was the case, odds are I would be very weary of what else you haven't mentioned in years... now I would have some consideration for the reality of situation, but I'm a very abrasive person online and offline, so I tend to steer clear of people who deceive, because to me that is a huge huge huuuuuuge factor in how I judge someone... which goes back to why I say, its the deceit that angers most, not being gay, people don't like to be deceived and lied to... especially when one lie, usually requires more lies to cover it up, I don't know to what lengths you went to turn down the girls they threw at you...

    this all goes right back to my point, most people today, just don't like deception, most genuinely just don't care if someone is gay or not... it's been thrown in our faces so much the last decade we're over it... that doesn't mean you won't still get (*)(*)(*)(*) from people thats undeserved, but now deceit is a bigger issue than who you kiss... how do you treat people who deceive you, and then say it was for a good reason... I bet when you first hear it, you don't care what the good reason was, you just care someone deceived you and broke that trust you thought you built with them... later on you may reflect and understand their position, but that doesn't change how you felt in that moment, and for many people thats enough to cut ties with someone or just fade from their life...

    Well your dad is probably like most americans, we know, but we're afraid to just say it, because holy crap what if you say something wrong... and what if you're labeled homophobic as a result, or what if he wasn't ready to be out... but... he knew, most folks just have no idea how to break that ice to open up conversation in topics like this, because the people who say one wrong word, are demonized and turned into horrible unaccepting monsters, when, they just didn't know how to bring it up... we're all so sensitive today, its this culture of "we're all victims" that stops a lot of people from talking about a lot of issues, because nobody wants to be labeled the bad guy... so we're never going to solve them as long as people are willing to destroy someones life because they slipped with the words, its like people are attacking individuals as politicians up for election, instead of people who just don't know how to talk to someone... and I directly blame liberals for creating that culture... all these years they've been pushing for laws to take away someones right, not to give people rights, their approach was awful and divided many people who otherwise would have supported the movement much more than if you attack something they belong to and demonize them for belonging to it... I mean can you see how liberals blaming religious people is not going to go over well, instead of asking them to search their souls and truly ask if they should be the ones to judge, or if god should be the one to judge... tactics and strategy matter a lot today when politics wants to divide and conquer us... unfortunately both sides, are into divide and conquer mode rather than, whats really and truly freedom for ALL to pursue happiness... so they won't pass laws like they used to, until americans get sick of them using us like this... I don't see it happening in 2016 thats for sure, already its divide and conquer politics...

    Hey I babble on more than most people and spin off into tangents, but either way, thats the whole point of this... discussion threads people can just discuss and exchange information... you know, what we're supposed to do in real life but we're all afraid to do so because there are often consequences and divisions when we say something wrong despite the intention to really figure things out...
  16. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Homosexual privilege: The ability to the will of the ultra uber slim micro minority override that of the vast near absolute majority.
  17. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Yes, and this is something that I love about America, that the minority is protected from the majority. Being gay in and of itself harms no one.
  18. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    So people attain "privilege" for using their genitalia correctly? Who knew?
  19. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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  20. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    So would you rather a pure democracy where the minority is crushed under the majority? A pure democracy is tyranny. Sadly even though we are a branch of democracy, specifically a Constitutionaly based Representative Republic, we still have a long history of the majority crushing the civil rights of a minority... slavery, segregation, mistreatment of Native Americans, Woman's Sufferage, Japanses internment camps... etc.

    I prefer freedom and equality over tyranny and subjugation.
  21. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    That is very misleading statement, there were never any kind of democratic referendum held in the U.S. where one group of people would deprive rights of others.
    Those bad laws were instituted by tiny powerful minorities. That is exactly what is currently happening, when small group of semi-educated elitists is trying to force special homosexual rights on the society.
  22. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    What special homosexual rights?
  23. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Special accommodations are special rights. Suspect class status = special rights.
  24. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    Who is getting special accommodations?

    No it isn't
  25. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    It is!

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