Terribly absurd Visa policy of Germany

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by The Turk, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. The Turk

    The Turk New Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I can't express enough how absurd it is. Couple of weeks ago a friend of mine applied for tourist visa to attend a business meeting in Germany but his visa is rejected by the German consulate general in Istanbul. For the record, he is a good looking guy :mrgreen: with BS in mechanical engineering with MBA. He speaks French and English aside from his native language and plays guitar in his jazz band. He is also very good at 3 cushion billiards and bridge. Lovely guy.

    He's from a secular and wealthy Istanbulite family and he is probably way wealthier than an ordinary German in Germany.

    He has provided all the necessary information to the Embassy including that he has $250K cash at Bank and an apartment house worth $400K to prove that his intention is not to immigrate to Germany to seek economical advantage. :omg:

    He has been to the US twice and he didn't have any visa violation previously whatsoever.

    He is a good, innocent, ordinary guy. Like most of us.

    And Germany rejected him with no reason.

    So far so good!

    But not enough!

    Here's another one,

    Prof. Ali Nesin is a well respected mathematician in Turkey and in the mathematicians world. He's spent his almost entire life abroad: Studied in Switzerland, and taught math in the US universities. Finally he was called to create the department of mathematics in a newly established college in Turkey and then he came. For the record he is also an atheist activist just like his well known father - a Turkish novelist and journalist.

    As you already may guess this guy has attented countless math conferences in the world and given speech about the most intellectual things a man ever grasps.

    Yeah, even for a guy like Prof. Ali Nesin, Germany's touristic visa application (Or more preciesely: Schengen touristic visa application from Germany) is so hard that Nesin finally gave up and protested Germany publicly that he would never go Germany again.

    Yeah, kinda weird to me. But this is not the absurdity I am going to talk about. I find many things in Germany awkward so that's okay. If Germans say that they don't want more Muslims in Germany, that's cool. I would respect their desicions. So Germans are fed up with Turks and don't even tolerate an atheist proffesor from Turkey to attend a meeting in Germany, is, yeah, okay. None of our business. It's their country.

    What I find terribly absurd is that Germany accepts Islamistic, unskilled, poor Turks quite easily. :omg: My friend said that the Islamist guy in front of him in the visa queue got the visa so easily that he shocked! It seems that the more you are islamist, the easier you can go to Germany. Germany is full of Islamist, uneducated Turks that I can't find that awful Turks in Turkey!

    This is what I call terribly absurd.

    Thanks Germany for this unbelievable experience.
  2. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    After 50 years of failed integration, high crime, high welfare, most germans are to fed up to be reasonable.

    The time for unlimited tolerance is kinda over.
  3. The Turk

    The Turk New Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Cyborg, you miss the point. Islamist poor Turks are still allowed. That's the whole point about the topic.
  4. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    One way to stem the flow of refugees...
    Germany steps up deportation of failed asylum-seekers
    Dec 21,`15 -- Faced with an unprecedented influx of refugees and growing anxiety among voters, German authorities have stepped up the deportation of failed asylum-seekers.
    See also:

    Arctic ski resort plays host to refugees
    Mon, Dec 21, 2015 - EXTREME KINDNESS: As Sweden looks to accommodate 160,000 refugees this year, some will have to freeze through the winter in Riksgransen — 200km north of the Arctic Circle
  5. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I think Germany has gone insane, or at least Angela Merkel has. She has publicly stated both before and after the refugee crisis (which she caused) that multiculturalism is a failure, then she invites the whole world to her country.
  6. clarisse150

    clarisse150 Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Probably because accept well intentionned people is not as "tolerant" as accept an islmist... Poor Europe :blankstare:...
  7. Doberman1

    Doberman1 New Member

    Oct 28, 2014
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    The Western establishment thinks in terms of global utopias, what's presumably in the best global interests rather than of the people who elected them or were media-guided to give them the political mandate. They came to believe that the Islamization of Europe or the swamping of the West by the Third World is inevitable and just a matter of time, that it is their job to make this process enjoyable and profitable, and that in no way they would risk a war or allow violence with other countries who have tanks and aircraft to stop it. Undoubtedly, they can afford and are prepared to use a low-risk violence only against their own people who only have sports rifles, who don't see it their way and don't want to make the process pleasant and enjoyable, are not as far-sighted as they are, and therefore stand in the way of enlightenment. The establishment governments have found their niche and purpose. They will guide and facilitate an easy transition to the inevitable, while securing the social and economic position for themselves and a prosperous future for their own families. Afterall, it is ok to kill a patient as long as you don't cause them any pain.
  8. Caligula

    Caligula Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    The OP was from 2011. In just a few days it'll be 2016. :thumbsdown:
  9. MaxxMurxx

    MaxxMurxx New Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    The left liberal daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung from Munich in July 2011 wrote that the professor mentioned above had submitted a Visa application and was invited for a hearing in the German consulate - at 06.30 a.m. Because he regarded that schedule to be "insulting", he didn't come. Consecutively he received no Visa. The article also says that German bureaucrats regret such kind of regulations, not being their task to change them (they have to be there early in the morning too). Nevertheless the government is (was !!) working on improvements.


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