Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by RoanokeIllinois, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    That makes no sense.
    Ahh, the old false flag conspiracy theory.

    Nice try, no Trumpy Bear.
    That still makes no sense.
    Premise debunked.
    Your attempt to rationalize that your party made him what he currently is isn't going to wash, sorry. Nice try, no Trumpy Bear.
    More 'false flag' conspiracy theories.
    The real question is, why did you vote for him in 2016? I didn't.
    I knew form the getgo he was a con man.
    Another false premise. If I beleived half of republicans say about democrats, I would still be a republican.
    There is no way in hell any democrat would ever engage in this grandiose false flag operation you are suggesting, that's crazy talk.
    No politician in history has ever solved the immigration problem. Democrats do not have a monopoly on 'letting illegals in'.

    IN fact, the only president I can remember who gave 2 million illegals amnesty was a Republican.
    Really? Who?


    Feeling a bit guilty, eh? I know you want to rationalize why you voted for Trump, and you are ashamed, and that's a good thing, however, you have to swallow the bitter pill of reality. Guys like you brought Trump to politics, and you'll have live in the bed you made.

    There is a much simpler explanation of Trump, and it's more in line with 'Occam's Razor'.

    Trump is not anything posing as anything.

    He is an empty suit, he is whatever the situation requires him to be. He's just a poser. He is an opportunist and has no core values whatsoever.

    When he had Celebrity Apprentice, given that most Celebs were Democrats, and he had to curry favor with Celebrities to make the show successful, he was a democrat. When he decided to run for President in 2015, he realized his chances of success would be better with Republicans given that they are friendly towards rich people, he was a Republican.

    In fact, Trump has changed party affiliations 6 times.

    But one fact is true, and this fact is the inescapable truth........

    Republicans elected him. There would be no creature in politics named Donald Trump but for Republicans support of him.

    They had an opportunity to get rid of him, not once, but twice, when he was impeached.

    The monster that is Donald Trump is a Republican creation.

    Democrats tried to get rid of him, Republicans wouldn't let us.

    So, cut the crap.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2022
  2. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Why don't you do what you really want to do, and go over to the philosophy and religion forum and debate the existence of God.

    You'll feel better.
  3. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    OK, then it becomes important to be specific.

    One issue with congress is that passing ANY bill, regardless of topic, comes with negotiations favorable to individual congressmen. They need to go back home and present their accomplishments. Like, "Yea, I couldn't stop the bill, but look at all the jobs we got!!"

    So, we have the fabulous SLS rocket - a total dinosaur that is STUPENDOUSLY expensive compared to what we see in private enterprise, and can't possibly live long. To get it through congress, the pieces of this mission are spread all over states so that congressmen can sell all those jobs to their constituents. They are literally saying, "We're going to the moon, and look at all the jobs we get in helping!"

    Obviously, this general problem of passing expensive bills can't be allowed to go crazy. But, there is no way to cut it out and there will always be those opposed to the bill who can point to various expenditures and pitch them as justifying the death of the bill.
  4. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Unfortunately, the whole crap about racism, helped set off other things like the trans movement.

    Trump helped divide the country, just like most other democrat politicians in America want to, and do aswell.

    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Cause and effect.

    It takes two to tango. Democrat Politicians, could not do this on their own. So they had to have one of them enter the Republican party and earn their trust.

    To destroy us from within.
  5. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I agree that racism and sexism come from similar patterns of thought.

    But, recognizing that there are LGBTQ people around does NOT cause people to change their sexuality.

    And, there is no possibility of showing any kind of evidence supporting your idea of the GOP being infiltrated to cause them to be more racist and sexist.
  6. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    whoops! posted it in the wrong thread originally. I accidentally posted this in democrat beliefs in America, or whatever my other thread is.
    meow meow. This is for everyone, but I figured, I'd post it in response to you, because I really like your picture icon, and screen name.
    It's hard to find things in life, that will make a person smile or laugh every time they see it. plus I really have a soft spot in my heart for animals.

    Here are some pros and cons, or positives or negatives, or possible reactions, or possible outcomes with Trump. Possible scenarios.

    Trump, weather a democrat or a republican values loyalty and someone sticking by him. Even though, he is not faithful with his wives.

    My uncle really likes Trump, and always has. He is my mentor, and my hero(My Uncle). Weather Trump is or isn't a republican it is hard for me to trust him.
    However, part of this could be, is because of how intellectually, when it comes to politics, him and I are so much alike. Minus several moral things.
    He does things pretty much exactly how I would, if I was willing to stoop to a liberal level or morality. However, if he does them from a republican aspect, they're still extremely
    smart strategic wise, I simply just wish that he could do so many things, whilst keeping a moral compass more so intact. Because that is one of the greatest differences that has always seperated Republicans from Democrats.

    that is part of the reason he is so difficult to figure out, especially, since he overturned roe vs wade and sent it back to the states. Because I know for me personally ,that is the biggest reason I vote Republican. I think trump knows that, and most republicans are with me on that as well.

    Now possible theories, or possible scenarios for or about Trump....: If Trump is really a Democrat, what will happen if he loses in the primaries to another Republican? What will happen, if Trump is really a Republican, and loses in the primary election? Will he support and give the nominee his blessing?

    If Trump is a Republican, or a democrat, is it all about money, and power with him, or is he really different? and can he, and has he, or has he been trying to actually reform the system of government within America? Because, I could see it going either way. That he has or hasn't and is or isn't different, and really has been trying to reform the corrupt system.

    If Trump was/is really a democrat, what would happen if he wins or loses the 2024 election, and wins or loses the primaries? What would happen if he admitted he's been a democrat all along, posing as a republican? what would that do to American politics? would it destroy the republican party and tear us apart?

    What is trump losses in the primaries, but then came out and said he's been a democrat all along? would that hurt or help the Republican party?

    I dunno. I overthink most things, but here is some food for thought.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  7. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    You can not ignore the racism and antisemitism exhibited by the GOP leader, Trump, and the party as a whole that is fully accepting of this belief system.

    There is a claim that there are contenders who want to take leadership of the party.

    But, nobody in the GOP is even bothering to note this feature of the party.

    In the past, arch conservative leading lights such as Buckley, the John Birch Society and others were strong gate keepers against the racists and anti-Semites who wanted in.

    Today, the GOP has moved away from Liz Cheney and her father before her and toward the likes of Trump and the QAnon crowd.

    There just aren't any actual adults in the party leadership, it would seem.
  8. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    How clever of us to recognize how easily your own hypocrisy can be turned against you
  9. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    I've just never seen a Republican do what he's done. Such as keep their opponents so confused and off guard.

    Democrat Politicians intentinally throw out like 10 things at once to Republicans to try and defuse, whilst Republicans work on a handful of things at a time normally, and take their time.
    Trump is just like a democrat on that aspect. he and his team would constantly throw out so many things to keep the democrats busy.

    he mimics a democrats movement and actions in so many ways. Just like democrat politicians and china, he's in it for the long-term goal. Even if that means cheating, he's ok with it.
    Much like democrat politicians, don't care how they win, as long as they win. Just like elections.

    Just like Democrat politicians (example joe biden bragging about not getting the money if the prosecutor for his son wasn't fired), Trump would constantly brag about bad things as well. He could walk down 5th avenue and people would still vote for him.

    But one of the biggest things that bugs me about Trump is quite simple. If he hadn't been President, would our Country currently be divided as it is right now? Because Democrat Politicians want to divide us. It fits into their Agenda/Narrative, and in that aspect, Trump is more of a Democrat and has helped the Democrat Party, more than any one other has for decades. Trans, Racism, Riots, Anarchy, Fear, division, Antifa, BLM. If Trump hadn't been President, would America currently be as radical as we are now?

    For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction. Cause and effect. however, things might not seem what they appear to be.
  10. Dirty Rotten Imbecile

    Dirty Rotten Imbecile Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2016
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    Your opinion is predicated on the idea that Democrats “want to divide us”. I think that Democrats and Republicans have differing world views. Democrats push for what they think is right and Republicans push for what they think is right. I don’t think either party has a specific goal of dividing, it’s just that arguments over things like the right to life/women’s right to choose are by their nature divisive. There are quite a few irreconcilable differences between parties whether it’s the rights of the LGBTQ+ or the right to bear arms or the climate change debate etc.

    If anything, I think the constant dehumanizing of the other side is divisive and both parties engage in it. Still, it’s a side effect of the divisive views, a weak system of choosing leaders, and cultural differences that are magnified and blown out of proportion by the internet.
  11. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    What if donald Trump was really a Democrat, and admitted it?
    What if Donald Trump wasn't a Democrat, but he pretended to be, and came out, saying that he was? What would that do to the system, and what would the American people think about it? Everything is Donald Trump's fault, according to the liberal media, and liberal Politicians. and Donald Trump is sooooo Racist, correct?
    But if Donald Trump is a Democrat, or says he is, wouldn't that disrupt things in general?
    If donald trump is a racist, and he is a democrat, then what? lol.
  12. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    I never liked how Trump was friends with a cheater like Tom Brady and stook up for him. Trump wasn't for orgnizations like the Cubs, because he said he roots for winners, not losers. or something like that. But many root for the underdogs. Yes, I realize how corrupt and evil chicago is, but it's the Cubs. This was before 2016.

    I also don't like how trump is friends with ye ye, or Kanye west. A man who's ex I believe makes porn.
  13. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    According to you I'm a Democrat and so is every other conservative poster around here...
  14. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Tell us again how you believe that anyone who doesn't take the vaccine should be taken to prison for one year and their children taken away from them and forcibly vaccinated and fined $1,000.
  15. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    You said that you would defer to Lincoln. So there you go..... Get to deferring.

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