Florida Teen Trans-care Ban Off The Table

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Colombine, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    It seems like you're the one not getting the point of your own statement there.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  2. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Then we simply should not comment on what we don't understand.
  3. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I'm not getting my own point, but you are? Please explain.

    Have blockers been used for decades for medial uses? Yes, or no?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  4. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    If they have some medical use in a different type of situation, does that have anything to do with justifying their use in this situation, for this purpose?

    Amputation can sometimes have a legitimate medical use. That doesn't mean we should use it when there's not a very good justifiable reason for it. (Like to save a life, or someone born with a stunted completely deformed leg that is only getting in the way of being able to get around and walk)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  5. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    That does not answer the question. I am not trying to justify anything. If my child wanted to take it for non-medical purposes, I would deny it.

    The answer is YES. It has been used for decades for medical purposes, because some kids enter puberty too early, at 7-8 yrs of age. Puberty resumes when they stop taking it.
  6. Doofenshmirtz

    Doofenshmirtz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Failure can only exist in the grave. I can easily defend my position.

    When they are using their healthcare plan for this unnecessary procedure, are they paying more than patients with the same plan?
  7. flyboy56

    flyboy56 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    No just understand what biases certain search engines have.
  8. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Maybe you don't need to concern yourself how other people 'use' their private health insurance. Its none of your concern. If we had UHC then there could be a debate on whether or not unnecessary meds like the blockers should be covered, and I think the outcome would be that they should not be covered

    Which engines are you comparing, and are you using the same criteria? This sounds like a new conspiracy.

    Google pulled medical studies.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  9. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yes, and the stories the Detransitioners tell are heart breaking.

    [​IMG]https://nypost.com › 2022 › 06 › 18 › detransitioned-teens-explain-why-they-regret-changing-genders
    Detransitioned teens explain why they regret changing genders

    '"I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs." When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15' her breasts were sliced off. 'Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old.'

    'often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors.'


    'In recent years, the number of children experiencing gender dysphoria in the West has skyrocketed. Exact figures are difficult to come by, but, between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400% among biological females. Meanwhile, the number of young people identifying as transgender in the US has almost doubled since 2017, according to a new Centers for Disease Control & Prevention report.'

    Young people simply do not have the brain development to understand the lifelong consequences of volentary amputation.

    'adolescent girls’ susceptibility to peer influence on social media.'

    'Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her transition.'

    “My dysphoria was definitely triggered by this online community. I never thought about my gender or had a problem with being a girl before going on Tumblr.”

    “There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really personally.”

    Helena Kerschner, on how the online trans community made her feel pressured to change gender.
    'Chloe Cole, a 17-year-old student in California, had a similar experience when she joined Instagram at 11. “I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT content and activism,” she said. “I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends of my own.”'
    'A variety of studies suggest that as many as 80% of dysphoric children could ultimately experience “desistance”— or coming to terms with their biological gender without resorting to transition. Which is why many professionals like Evans think it’s wise to hold off on potentially irreversible medical intervention for as long as possible. “I’m not against transition. I just don’t think kids can give informed consent.”'
  10. Izzy

    Izzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2022
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    There's milder side effects like weight gain ,mood swings and headaches
    Bone density and how it affects children's brain development is a concern and there's no long term studies yet.

    As far as I know this is the latest warning and a very serious one.

    FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling, ...
    https://katv.com › news › nation-world › fda-warns-p...

    Jul 26, 2022 — FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling, vision loss in children ... WASHINGTON (TND) — Earlier this month, the U.S. Food and Drug ...
    Doofenshmirtz likes this.
  11. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    I wouldn't be entirely against limited low level use of hormone blockers, in other words partial treatment, especially in a child that already has or has parents who demonstrate genetically-caused especially strong masculine body characteristics when the child does not want to develop masculine characteristics.

    If that was done, then the worst case scenario, if a boy later changed his mind, deciding he actually wanted to be a boy, he would just end up having a slightly less masculine-shaped body and could still be considered within the range of normal for his sex.

    I think for girls, it might be easier. If they don't want to grow breasts in their teens, hormone treatments could always be used later in life to grow breasts, at virtually any time. The only downside might be they might not end up with as wide hips and this could cause problems or prevent them from being able to have a natural childbirth.

    For females, to reduce the level of irreversibility, it would only be permissible to give them a very limited small amount of male hormones. This would be to prevent her voice becoming permanently too deep, for example, or development of shoulders that are too hefty wide and male-like. The idea being we want to make sure she can still be a normal female if she later wants to. But at the same time, it will also allow her to be in a little bit of a better position to "be a male".
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  12. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Unfortunately there is simply no way to just delay puberty and make it all happen as normal later.
    Growth and certain gender-specific developments need to happen during that time or they will never be able to fully happen.

    After puberty, there are only limited effects that hormones can have, and it becomes mostly too late for certain types of gender-specific development. Although things like breasts can be grown and hormones change the complexion of the skin, or females can develop male-patterned hair. Hormones can only change some things at that point.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  13. Trixare4kids

    Trixare4kids Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    He's a Clinton appointed judge. Go figure.
    I have no problem with your suggestions in your second paragraph. There's been too many cases of gender confusion, REAL confusion that does a turnabout down the road. What's the rush? These youngsters have their whole lives ahead of them. Give it time, haste makes waste.
  14. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I get some wanted to prevent parents from preforming things against their childs consent, but it gets iffy for things that have the teens consent like puberty blockers that give them time to take action when they turn 18

    hard laws to write, like we think every parent should be able to pick their child's name, but then they pick "Adolf Hitler" as the name, we want to prevent it, but how do you put it in law, who picks the ok names vs the bad names

    free country and parental rights... vs protecting the children
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  15. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    If they start puberty blockers at age 16, especially the middle of age 16, then it will not be too late for them to reverse course upon turning age 18.
    But if they start puberty blockers earlier, like at age 13 or 14, and continue those all the way up until the age of 18, it will be a very different story.

    And some might say even at the age of 18 persons may not be fully mature enough to really make a decision. So if they were not permitted to go on hormone blockers until age 18, then if they later changed their mind at the age of 21, there would be only very limited negative effect.

    So I think there are some complicated mathematical considerations to consider.

    Maybe a reasonable compromise would be to let them go on a very level dose of hormone blockers at age 13, either that or to let them go on a full dose of hormone blockers after they turned 16, if they had not been on hormone blockers previously before that.
    Or some combination somewhere between those two. (Like say they want to start at age 15, so they get a 25% dose, then allow them to up it to 60% at age 16 )

    Puberty blockers can, to some extent, "buy time", but they also to a certain extent can (and will) prevent development from ever being able to happen. You can't entirely make up for that lost time later.

    By the age of 18, the majority (maybe 80% I'd guess) of the development that is ever going to happen during adolescence has already happened and it cannot happen again later in life.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  16. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    disagree, starting before puberty is the time one would want to start, after puberty it's too late
  17. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    I was kind of saying that going on a 25% dose beginning at age 13, and continuing that until age 18, might be equivalent to going on a 100% dose beginning at age 16. (Numbers not exact but just there to try to illustrate a point)

    It's really not a good idea for a child to be on puberty blockers too long. Will permanently prevent development. In my opinion, 2 or maybe 3 years is the maximum amount of time you should really want to prevent the child's development.
    Yes, it can help buy some time and delay things a little bit, but also does permanent lifelong damage, because that is a time of development that is missed and never going to happen again (to some extent).

    If a child misses 5 years of development between the ages of 10 to 18, they are never really going to end up as normal. Even if they go on and decide they want to transition their gender in adulthood, there will be some deficits that exist in their physical development and bone density.

    If it's a boy, he's going to be left with a micro-penis for the rest of his life.
    (And let's remember half of transgenders who are born male do not ever want to get the "bottom surgery")
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  18. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Gay civil rights attorney comes out fighting for kids


    Comes out strong against Big Pharma and Big Med Gay Conversion Therapy.

    'There is a growing movement of gay rights activists who are pushing back hard against the alphabet mob who are trying to sexualize children.'

    Too much of the Left fails to note that many LBG are as much against the sexualization and genital destruction of children as the rest of us.

    'Jeffery M. Cleghorn, an attorney who has spent his life working to defend gay rights and to help gay families navigate legal issues has a body of work and biography that is impressive. A former Army Major, he describes it in a letter to the Connecticut State Legislation in submitted testimony regarding CT HB6638'

    'Cleghorn has also worked with the LGB Alliance and is a supporter of Gays against Groomers,'

    'We have seen how transgender madness has spread through the cultural Marxists, and have also been confronted by the fact that the cultural Marxists have captured much of the Democratic Party elite. They have declared alphabet ideology “The Civil Rights Movement of Our Time!,” as if Martin Luther King’s vision of a society where everybody can participate as full citizens is somehow the same claim as toddlers can be transsexuals and are sexual beings.'

    This fearless attorney points out:

    'I have, in recent years, become alarmed at the targeting and recruiting of children by the “LGBTQ+ non-binary queer transgender” phenomena that inhabits what was formerly known as the gay rights movement. …'


    '“Included in the “Q+” part of the LGBTQ+ identity is pedophilia, which activists are seeking to rebrand as “Minor Attracted Persons” or MAPs. Pedophilia, like each of the other “identities” inside the LGBTQ+ gender world, even has its own flag. So when you redefine sexual orientation from sexuality based on sex to an identity based on gender, this completely changes its meaning.'

    'Many within the LGBTQ+ groups deny the inclusion of pedophilia within their “movement,” even as others work to soften the public’s perceptions of pedophiles by renaming them “MAPs” and arguing pedophilia is just another sexual orientation. I remember in 2006 a controversy in Atlanta over the debut of a new play – Love, Jerry – which billed itself as “a musical about pedophilia.”'

    'The regrettable truth is for much of the early gay-rights movement pedophilia was considered by many as just another oppressed identity. The ugliness of that truth is detailed in a 2001 Regent’s University Law Review essay by Steve Baldwin, “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement.” I take issue with some of Mr. Baldwin’s conclusions, but his factual presentation of pedophilias’ historical presence within the gay community is well documented….'

    'I recall becoming a gay activist in the early 1990’s and battling the taint caused by the National Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a group that identified as gay pedophiles.'

    His warning is worth heeding.


    'Groups like the LGB Alliance and Gays Against Groomers, speaking out against the sexualization and medicalization of children and the excesses of gender identity ideology, have launched and are growing. HB6638 has nothing to do with “being more inclusive” or “modernizing the definition” of sexual orientation. This is about imposing an agenda which few understand but many support in the tribal spirit of our times. I urge caution in proceeding further into these troubled waters.'

    I urge the same.
    chris155au likes this.
  19. Fred68

    Fred68 Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2015
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    We have 14-year-olds independently deciding to have their mammary glands removed. We have kids in their single-digit ages given drugs that will forever change their lives and for which we have little/no understanding of the long-term effects. We have schools/teachers not apprising parents of what is done with/to their children in school. Where the hell have we arrived in this country??!!
    Doofenshmirtz likes this.
  20. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Virtually everything gets challenged these days. Lol not surprising.
  21. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    There is no need to do anything except stop taking the blockers, and puberty resumes naturally (your body resumes producing hormones). Its designed for that exact reason, - to delay puberty (not stop it).

    I don't think that is accurate.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
  22. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Of course you do. I expect you simply couldn't find the correct answer. Do you though.
  23. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    No? We have oodles of teachers who claim their autonomy of the law and who are actively indoctrinating kids to believe there is actually something medically wrong with them, and without the consent of the parents, are referring said kids to psychologists who are then flowing them directly into the transition medicine practices. Do you deny this?
  24. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Your claim (puberty blockers mutilate kids) is for you to prove, not for others to disprove.
  25. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Indeed! It has been determined that there are likely only 100 transgender girls/women participating in girls/women's sports, but there was a bill introduced to outlaw it.

    Of the estimated 332 million citizens living in the United States, 1.3 million adults and 300,000 youth ages 13 to 17 identify as transgender, equaling half a percent and 1.4 percent of the population respectively, according to a report published by Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA's Law School in 2022.

    Not all transgender people identify as women, and an even smaller number consists of transgender women hoping to compete in girls' and women's sports.

    Privacy laws make it tough to identify the exact number of transgender athletes competing in public school sports, but researcher and medical physicist Joanna Harper estimates the number can't exceed 100 nationwide."

    "While we don't know the exact number of trans women competing in NCAA sports, I would be very surprised if there were more than 100 of them in the women's category," Harper told Newsweek.

    Save Women's Sports, an organization advocating for banning transgender athletes from competing in girls' sports, identified only five transgender athletes competing on girls' teams in school sports for grades K through 12.

    On the same day the U.S. House passed the bill, the North Carolina House passed a bill that also banned transgender athletes from competing in girls' sports. Of the 15 transgender athletes competing in high school sports, only two are transgender girls according to an article by the Associated Press.

    At the time of the bill's proposal in Utah, Politico reported that four transgender athletes out of 85,000 athletes competed in sports at state high schools. Only one of the athletes was competing in girls' sports.

    Sleep Monster likes this.

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