What is hate speech?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Conservative Democrat, Nov 18, 2023.

  1. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Dang. It sounds like maybe the folks who misused their federal power to try to overturn the 2016 election through illegal spying and lying to FISC, followed by trying to jail Trump for protesting the election they rigged, may not have thought through the downside if they lost and Trump re-assumed the presidency? Is that your claim?

    By what Constitutional power are you claiming that Trump is authorized to create concentration camps, or are you just blowing second-hand smoke?

    Do you figure he's going to waterboard Dirtbag Merrick, Whitewash Weiss, and Lying Jack Smith? What about these corrupt Judges and prosecutors? Do you figure they will get the business too? And Bribed Joe. Bribed Joe is trying to jail Trump, do you figure The Trumpster will jail Bribed Joe?

    I tried to figure out where you dug up your ridiculous claim, since you didn't bother to provide a source and pull quote, and it looks to me like a twisted fabrication of some sort that could be a combination of resuming forced treatment on the mentally deranged among the homeless, which even Greasy Gavin spoke favorably of in his debate last night, and/or, detention camps along the border for those captured illegally crossing our border while they await adjudication.

    It's hard to tell what you are going on and on and on about, but, I gave it a shot.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
  2. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Yes, there is "politics" everywhere including the election of the New Pope. However, employers are allowed to limit any type of speech when using their equipment, representing the company, and so forth. It is outlined in their policy handbooks. Companies are well aware. There are external stakeholders and internal stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include employees, managers, senior executives, and the board of directors. External stakeholders include the customers, vendors, the community, etc. So, they want to keep an inclusive, or welcoming view of everyone and anyone with the blantantly obvious not being allowed. I have worked with people who are gay. They don't try to force you or anything else. And we all worked on our assignments even though we are working together. That is fine and somehow that is a threat to far-right populists who tend to be extremely judgemental. Same with their external customers. Look at Barbie for christ sake. Originally, they were all white. Now Barbie has friends who are Asian, Black, Hispanic, Gay, etc. And yet far right conservative populists think that is a threat. Give me a freaken break about being so judgemental that you don't even recognize it.
  3. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I have chosen my words carefully in my attacks on these political philosophies seeping into the biggest workforces on the planet. For example, I like to say, at work, "If you were developing a checklist with the intent of determining if a group, or idea, is inherently political in nature, the first question you would ask is: does it have a flag? Right?", and then I will gesture at all the LGBTQ flags throughout the workplace,

    And then in response to the above perfectly rational observation, you will have a group of people target you (persistently over time) whose entire purpose is to frame you as spreading hate speech.

    I'm just telling you what's happening in major workplaces from the perspective of the bottom. There are people openly bringing in their politics on one side only, and they brook no dissent. And how they are justifying this behavior in their heads is by equating their politics with virtue. Which is another thing I say that gets under their skin: I'll point to their political symbols like a book display that's been brought in, and say, "That's politics, masquerading as virtue; it shouldn't be permitted in an American workplace."

    What I'm doing in these workplaces is not hate speech; it is legitimately calling out hypocrisy. Before I started being censored by the US government, when I heard "hate speech", I thought, who is trying to be the next Hitler? Now I immediately think, who is the government (or a bureaucrat(s) within it) trying to censor....
  4. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    I don't think you chose your words "carefully." You are harping on the cultural wars without being so direct. Companies make policies for that business to function. For that business to function effectively, people need to get along, even if they are all white, heterosexual males. However, that is not reality, and people come in all different shapes and sizes. People in business should not be dismissed based on political views, gender, age, religious views, skin color, sexual orientation, and so forth, at least not in the US. Everything has a flag from professional sports to college sports to even high school sports. And yes, there is a flag for social issues, not to mention lapel pins of certain colors that range from cancer to domestic violence to whatever. But in business, that is set aside as long as you don't use their equipment to promote your cause. Just because there are LGBTQ flags throughout the workplace does not mean squat. The more important question is are they doing their job? If the answer is yes, then I don't see a problem. I have worked with LGBTQ people, people who admired MLK and other civil rights leaders including John Wesley Price, a controversial figure within the Dallas Civil Rights community, even among blacks, naturalized US citizens, and from every walk of life. I have interacted with every walk of life in my professional career and saw no problems and I had no issues because I didn't bring it up and if they did, I explained why I was there to begin with. We call that professionalism. And it is not a problem in the workplace, just perceived that way by some who want to impose their moral code onto others, including the workplace.

    Your problem is that you want to minimize certain groups in your version of a "culture war" and want businesses to do it for you. Businesses are rejecting that idea, especially large companies, MNCs, international companies, and even to some extent smaller companies that are privatized. Office politics is a different nature than the politics you are describing. We have seen the office politics of IBM and Google with AI and so forth. Nothing to do with cultural wars.
  5. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    My problem is with fascism. We are a constitutional republic. There are multiple narratives being pushed by major corporations within the workplace from LGBTQ, to Covid, to Ukraine. I don't believe the narratives arose organically. They are being constructed and disseminated from the top down. They are government narratives. Our politicians and bureaucrats are playing a game of you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. The big corporations push the government's narrative, and in return, they are treated nicely by the government bureaucrats charged with their regulation. We are seeing fascism in its infancy. And those LGBTQ flags are not like other flags; it's more akin to the situation with the swastika in 1930's Germany. I've yet to see ANY other flag displayed in the workplace, to include flags for social issues like the Boy Scouts. None.

    We, the people of the various states, need to formulate an amendment that breaks this fascist trend. Our politicians aren't going to initiate an amendment to fix a problem that they benefit from.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
  6. Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland Banned

    Aug 3, 2022
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    This might be the golden thread this month at PF.

    When ur hot you're hot.

    When I saw the #BLM
    Flag over UVM I was horrified.

    In big yellow letters in from of trump tower on 5th avenue,
    Proclaimed this is not provocative.

    Then they scorched the summer...
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
  7. Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland Banned

    Aug 3, 2022
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    It was rigged 9ways to siperbowl Sunday,
    Trump explained it, how it would b done
    Two years b4 it happened

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