Now we want to set up a propaganda site

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by dwarrior, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. supaskip

    supaskip Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    They say lots of bad things.
    Didn't you know hot air is helping to cause global warming? :-D
  2. Iron River

    Iron River Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    I agree that islam is not a real religion but neither are any of the others; in that they are not even aware of the origin of God. But the leaders of Iran have led Iran to a point od no return. They are trying to build nuclear weapons and to think that the leaders are doing that with no intention of using them is foolish. You may know what is in the hearts of the Iranian leaders but I can only go by what they do.
    Let's see; they could send a ship to New York City or Houston and pull up to the dock for inspection. if the device is found they would detonate it right there. If not then they truck it down town.

    Iran is opening killing our troops in Iraq, financing terror all over the world and you think that they are restrained in some way?

    So, you would have just shrugged off 9/11 and not asked the Taliban to give up OBL and close the terror camps in Afghanistan? You would have left Saddam killing his own people and financing terror in Israel?

    If we had done as you would have done: crawled under your bed, Saddam, OBL and the rest of the islamo scum would have doubled their efforts against us.

    I guess that Saudi Arabia is brainwashed by our government into thinking that Iran is a threat to them ??
  3. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Linkie please, or withdraw.
  4. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Is there a site were one can Participate?:mrgreen:
  5. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Lol... you mean those "terror camps" where dudes wearing turbans are swinging from monkeybars ... haha yep.. shut those camps down!!! The terrorists were trained here in the U.S with U.S dollars.... you dont actually think that the terrorists that flew those planes into the buildings learned how to do so at the monkeybar terrorist camps in afghanistan do you?
  6. MurkyFogsFutureLogs

    MurkyFogsFutureLogs New Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Nations either fall in to line with the U.S or, become isolated or, and under siege by the U.S.

    Who are our governments to tell other countries how to conduct themselves?

    Do you really think Iran would be hostile to the U.S and it's allies, if they were not interfering in the region? What reason would they have?

    I continuously see individuals attack Iran, because of the majorities religion, because of their political establishment, because of their governments conduct and because of their supposed aims and hyped up fears sourced from Israel about Iran's supposed threat to the rest of the world.

    What I see is nothing other than people criticising another nations way of being, to excuse violence and war, what I see is nothing other than negative opinions of another culture clouding peoples judgement when considering supporting military action against the state of Iran. These same arguments have been used against every nation invaded by the U.S in the past 70 years, by imperialist war mongers and their supporters.

    Because they have a different format to us, different laws and different rules, and significantly a different culture, doesn't mean their ways are truly inferior to ours, and this is because there are pro's and cons to every political system and every culture, according to an other culture, it's based on perception, more than truth, and perception is easily tweaked if one is only brought up to have one perception of an others way of being.

    The imperialist war mongers feed negative propaganda down to the grunts in so called "first world" societies, in nations such as Israel and the U.S especially, and knowing there's enough dumb hate filled people to accept their propaganda, they continue to claim they have public support for their aggression and globalist imperialism.

    This is intolerance on a whole different level than, intolerance to sections of our own society, this is an intolerance to allow a society defined by it's culture to exist to what it has become.

    When people of the west, you me, him her, excuse mass murder, because we've been brainwashed into thinking they're truly inferior, then how can you be truly superior if what you wish to achieve can only be done through the very same contexts in which you criticize regimes targeted by national propaganda.

    Does violence, war making and bombing and invasions, one culture invading another, one culture telling an other how to be, and backing these demands up with violence, then give an example to these nations which some people consider inferior from which they can learn from?

    Of course not.

    Violence and war, hatred and the like, push the same.

    I condone military action when it's to protect the culture in which one would find him or herself come to being in, supporting and being a part of, considering this, our global imperialists threaten Iranian culture and society, forget our nations opinions and perspective for one moment, and try to flip the roles, imagine we were the ones under threat of invasion, we were the ones being besieged and sanctioned, and we were the ones under threat of nuclear weaponry, would we welcome such threats with open arms, or brave resistance? How would the invaders portray our resistance to their own liberal minded individuals? Freedom fighters or terrorists?

    America is the biggest threat to any nation on Earth right now, any nation which counts itself as the military leader of the world can be considered as such. It's because nations of this position have a position to abuse, to corrupt and to enforce on any isolated, weak, non-nuclear deterrent capable nation, and there are many cultures on our planet, which are not prepared to have hypocritical condescending American culture shoved down their throats, this is where propaganda comes to play to justify public support for such aims in nations such as the U.S. If the U.S spent only on defence, and I mean defence not offence, for the past 70 years, how would the world look like today?...

    Would we have had Korea's, Vietnam's, Iraq's, Afghanistan's and 9/11's?.. Who knows, maybe, maybe not, maybe soviet Russia would have invaded the world with communism if America did not behave as it did in the last century. However I'd find such a possibility hard to believe to be capable to being, when it's already known that once empires outgrow their capabilities, they are then to crumble from within, because there will always be people in it for themselves before the system, before the nation, before the empire and before the people and there are no politics that I'm aware of that would hold accountable such behaviour, as it appears to be just an other human trait.

    I believe powerful nations should lead by good example, but this is yet to happen, because as a race we still largely conduct affairs in regards to expansion and growth, when it's at the cost of another's expansion and growth, and while it continues, there will always be people considered an enemy of another, an enemy of another's success, enemy of another's religion, enemy of another's government, enemy of another's culture, as long as someone is benefiting, and it's usually those benefiting who are held accountable by rational thinking people, and when they are, their only argument is to excuse their selfish behaviour with hate and hypocritical examples of negative conduct, conducted by those they have been brainwashed into hating or benefit from hating.
  7. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Well seeing as 9-11 was an inside job by the US MIC.. of course I would have left the imaginary bogeyman in Afghanistan.

    Now if you want a real ISLAMIC dictatorship.. Saudi Arabia is the one for you.
  8. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    And what is it that they do?

    That is like saying... I can only go by what the US does... which is to bomb the F out of women and children in illegal "wars".... so that the MIC is consistently well fed and the American public remain poor ..having to pay for all of it.
  9. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    There would be no need for that... simply strap it onto a passenger jet... and crash it into the Pentagon, White house or building of your choice.

    After all... we all know that the Pentagon has no way of defending itself and we all know that the US never scramble fighter jets when any suspicious or hijacked plane enters US air space.

    A trillion dollars a year is not enough to defend against a passenger jet.
  10. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    I notice that he has no link or proof. However I am pretty sure that his media have told him that they are.
  11. spud4444

    spud4444 New Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I have to agree with you. As an Australian, I see the U.S using their much loved and hated power to get their way. I understand exactly what you are saying and believe it too. For example, this is in no offence to any one, an extreme example is to look at the nazi's. Hitler was feeding them propaganda just like what the Americans and their Allies are getting today. People today, say "why did these soldiers follow the orders to invade other countries?" In highensight most of them agree that it was the wrong thing to do, but at the time, Hitler portrayed these people and nations as threats and as if they were after Germany, to enable him to win support of his fellow nazis. Well, the way I see it, it is happening in America right now over this very issue, but Americans and their Allies think it is the right thing to do. I ask why? Is it because it is, or is it because the U.S Government says so?
  12. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    I am afraid she really does think this.

    Those videos were comedy gold. CIA controlled patsies swinging from monkey bars.. training to attack the west. HA HA HA.

    (*)(*)(*)(*) I do hope that we wiped out all those monkey bars... I do not know how we could defend ourselves against such highly trained terrorists!

    WAR ON TERROR is all an invention. It is hollywood. Before 9-11 there were no terrorists wishing to kill Americans. Now after the US carried out genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan and committed all sorts of tortures and atrocities..(such as locking up innocent men in Guantanamo for a decade)... Now there are a few pissed off people... but still there is no such thing as AL QAEDA.
  13. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    I have to agree. The parallels between 1930s Germany and the US of today are remarkable.

    The US is flooded with lies and propaganda. When you entirely control the media.. this is a very simple process.

    Muslims are the Jews of today. An invented enemy to justify invasions and occupations. However the US powers are more successful than the Nazis.. as they control all the media.
  14. spud4444

    spud4444 New Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    That is exactly right. The USA is more successfull today because they have dragged their allies with them giving their governments the same belief, eg; Australia, Canada, Britain - these are just some of the countries. Where as the Nazis had almost, and eventually everyone offside. I can't think of any other way of putting it. Many people in Australia feel that we have been dragged into the Middle East, just the way we were in the Vietnam War. Vietnam War is another example, using the threat of communism and the "domino theory" as an excuse to invade it.
  15. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Make no mistake .. Blair and the like .. knew full well that 9-11 was an inside job. They knew full well that there was no such thing as a War on Terror.

    The majority of the public however are too busy to really think much about it.. and just assume that their leaders are not evil Nazis. Bad assumption.
  16. Lady Luna

    Lady Luna New Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    That is not my understanding. The FBI was using Carnivore to spy on the emails of Americans, but it was very limited, early surveillance software, so now the feds have switched to NarusInsight, which is capable of rapidly sifting through large packets of info on the internet.

  17. spud4444

    spud4444 New Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I don't know about 9-11 being an inside job. I honestly don't know what to think.
  18. MurkyFogsFutureLogs

    MurkyFogsFutureLogs New Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Indeed. Terror is being used by our governments to subdue middle-eastern nations, force regime change and sell weapons and then our governments whip this into claiming that it's they who are fighting the war on terror.

    One cannot "fight" a war against terror without creating terror, and terror spawns many emotions amongst populace, as we've seen from 9/11.

    Yet 9/11 was a one off, and it was a horrible thing to happen, and many Americans had the right to be angry and want justice... Yet what if they Americans were living in north Pakistan? There simply won't be one off's there, pretty much drone strikes every week.

    What's more terrifying? A one off attack that occurred 10 years ago, or 10 years of continuous bombardment, bombing and drone strikes? Come on it's simple to understand which is the more terrifying, and which would cause the most damage to societies, and which would fuel more anger, more bitterness, more opposition to the U.S and it's allies, but particularly the U.S, because as much as grunts living in the U.S believe Afghanni's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's are cavemen, they clearly know who their real enemy is, and when they believe backed up by religion and personal experience is reason enough to commit themselves to what we in the west call terror attacks, then I believe they do not see their activities one of terror but one of martyrdom, one of resistance and one of bravery in the face of adversity.

    It's their culture but, they're not coming to violent conclusions without reason and in their eyes, without a just cause. The U.S have given them a just cause, but that doesn't matter to us in the west, it plays into globalists hands. The globalists kicked the bee's nest, just so they could hire the exterminators, and our national media propaganda machines are working overtime to make sure we never see it from this perspective.

    However with all this considered, we must remember the 9/11 attacks were planned and conducted largely by well funded Saudi men, not Afghanni men, not the Taliban, not Pakistani men, but as long as our governments can get the media to convince us, it's all somehow connected, they can put our minds at ease, while our professional killers, (our national armies) are doing their "heroic" duty...
  19. Peter Szarycz

    Peter Szarycz New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    In U.S. and Canada they do what they want, but of course they go through formalities of obtaining secretive court orders. Then they get a full compliance from internet and phone companies. I've known this lawyer who received a letter once that his business line was under surveillance for the past 5 years because ONE of his clients was under suspicion of having a suspicious affiliation with some group. I've heard also of other instances where people's places of residence were bugged and studded with surveillance spy cameras and the information collected passed on to the preferred media for the purpose of caricaturization that would then be associated with 'enemy' groups, individuals or organizations.
  20. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Actually I think Muslims have taken the place of Communists as the bogeyman du jour. Now that there is no longer a 'Communist threat' (not that there ever was one), a new enemy has to be conjured up...
  21. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    You are certainly right here.

    The war on terror was invented to replace the cold war.
  22. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    There was certainly a Communist threat for the neighbors of Communist countries.
  23. spud4444

    spud4444 New Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Quite true ...... it looks as though the U.S needs a threat to fight in order to survive or get some joy out of or something stupid like that.
  24. KingRichard

    KingRichard Banned

    Oct 20, 2011
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    The cold war.. meant that the power in the US went entirely to the defence industry/CIA. When the cold war ended.. these people wanted to maintain their power.

    As soon as the neocons came into power... it was obvious that there would be a false flag attack in order to regain that power. That there would be a new exaggerated enemy invented.

    I was certainly awaiting a false flag attack. I was surprised it took them 8 months to do it.
  25. dilligaf

    dilligaf New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    As Australian you have no clue about WW2.....

    What PROPAGANDA was Hitler feeding his people that was not true?

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