If you expect billionaires and political weasels to save the Earth, then you’ll love the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. The Swiss...
…“White woke values that are so out of the mainstream are starting to disenfranchise regular, everyday Hispanics,” Kirk told Breitbart News at his...
[IMG] Source: Mark Humphrey/AP Photo If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past 6 years, one thing you’ve noticed is how Donald Trump...
Media pundits and publications spun on inflation, critical race theory, and more Lindsay Kornick8 hours ago [IMG]Video Throughout 2021, the...
When Joe Biden was installed as President on January 20th, he promised to work just as hard “for the people who didn’t vote for him” as the people...
… Perhaps the most disturbing movement underway in the left's crusade to divide us along racial lines is the notorious 1619 Project hatched by...
“the "most chilling fact" for Americans is that "European-style speech controls have become a core value in the Democratic Party." "Once a party...
...”former ESPN and MSNBC host Keith Olberman continues to outdo himself, calling for criminalizing policy differences and turning "Trump...
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