£25million more sucked from Americans pockets.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It is encouraging (better late than never), that there is a clear and obvious awakening on here, by some Americans, who even a year ago, were asleep. I can only take my hat off to these people, for it takes a real man to swallow their pride, and admit they were wrong, and admit that their once proud country, has been hijacked beyond all question or doubt, by Jewish bankers and their tribal agents assorted.

    In recent threads I have shown how Jews have been at the forefront of open borders into American, while at the same time, ensuring Israel is just for the Jews. I have shown how international Jewry yet again is trying to place a blood libel on Germany, and screw them for yet more money. I have proven, beyond all doubt, that the DOHS is 100% bias toward Jews, I have proven beyond all doubt, that the mutual visa clearance programme between the US and Israel, is discriminatory against Americans of Arab descent, while Jews (including Russia mafia Jews), are given unfettered access into the US. All of these things are documented, all of these things are facts that liars want to distort and attack me, the messenger, for informing you, and that too is fine...because when they do it, it simply serves me, in so far as I can then show their predicted attacks etc.:thumbsup:

    And now, now not only has yet another £25mill been screwed from Americans, but this project has leaked all over the internet. The Jews are not happy that it has. But it begs a good question. Was it pure incompetence, or was it done on purpose?



    Sensitive info leak a US warning to Israel

    Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, political commentator, Idaho, about the issue of the US government revealing details of a top secret Israeli military base online, which has made the Israeli government furious.

    Press TV: This is very interesting that all of this has been inadvertently revealed online. Do you think that perhaps there are other hands behind this and perhaps there are entities that actually wanted this exposed or is the incompetence level just that high?

    Glenn: Based on the assumption that this was a blunder then I think what it underscores against is just the purely poisonous and incestuous relationship that exists between the United States and Israel.

    At a time when the United States is fighting these various wars around the world for Israel now we’re going to spend another 25 million dollars to build yet another military base for this country when we have already spent upwards of 500 million dollars since 1998 building other military bases for them.

    But I think that your question is very well taken because certainly over the last five years since Barak Obama has taken over the presidency there’s been a lot of friction between Washington and Tel Aviv - Certainly Obama and Netanyahu do not see eye to eye on a lot of issues not the least of which is the war with Iran.

    It may very well be that this is done deliberately in order to put pressure on Israel. Perhaps there was some intelligence that the United states came in contact with that indicated that Israel was about to do something really stupid such as launch an attack against Syria or launch an attack against Iran or that even Israel was planning to pull another USS Liberty as they did in early June of 1967. At this point the information is too scanty for us to conclude anything.

    But I think given the friction that exists between Washington and Tel Aviv it is entirely possible that this was deliberately released at this time in order... to be a shot across the bow - Washington’s way of saying to Israel whatever you’re planning to do, don’t even think about doing it. If this information, as sensitive as it, has caused you to blow a gasket in this fashion imagine what other pieces of information we could make public as well.

    Press TV: At the same time though the reality is that this base is a reality and the United States has funded the 25-million-dollar facility.

    What do you think if the average American could really make the connection and understand exactly what the US government is doing and the amount of money spent by Washington on Tel Aviv. Do you think that we would have a different situation?

    Glenn: Let’s put this in perspective here - the 25 million dollars that we are going to be spending on this military base is almost exactly the sum that we give to Israel every single day, 365 days a year.

    The three billion dollars that we hear bandied about per year in the USA to Israel is actually closer to 10 billion when you factor in all of the loans and other little perks and fringe benefits that come Israel’s way by virtue of the American tax payer - so that works out to be roughly about 28 million dollars a day, 365 days a years. That’s the real outlay that the American people should know about.

    It’s not just a 25-million-dollar base; it’s the 25 million dollars that flow out of this country literally seven days a week, 365 days a year, all so that Israel can go and make even more enemies around the world that the United States would then be tasked to fight in order to protect the continued existence of the Israeli state.

  2. Knuckleballer

    Knuckleballer New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    SHOWN? I think not.... How about some PROOF rather than the usual specious antisemitic venom.

    To assure we're on the same page as to what I have asked for... Here's a definition of the work PROOF.

    PROOF: Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.

    Note that long harangues about the evils of the world and your usual evasive non sequiturs aren't proof, nor are the common personal attacks or attempts on your part to moderate the forum.

    You made a comment on THIS THREAD, and I am requesting evidence in support of it.
  3. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    We should be thankful, Jack, that some one released the data that the USA is financing and assisting in the development of a Dr. Strangelove Doomsday missile complex that will be able to decimate the Eastern third of the USA as well as Europe and Asia.

    By the way, when Americans object to the Israelis bombing American ships and cities, it is called "anti-semitism".

    But most Americans, Europeans, and Syrians, Palestinians are Semitic. Yet who has attacked these people over and over and threaten them with nuclear blackmail? Those who scream the loudest about their victims being "anti-Semitic".

    Semites are descendants of Shem from whom Abraham the Syrian came, from whom Israel the Syrian came and Jesus Christ, the Syrian came.
    All Shemites - Semites who do not accept the Messiah and His Gospel are cutoff. They are not a part of Shem or Israel.

    Yet those who hate Christ the most are considered to be Christ's chosen people.
    Shows you how incredibly stupid the American and European Christians are.
    Their apostasy makes them cutoff too.
    And their support for the murderers of their Mother and Father Syria makes them liable for stoning per the Law.
  4. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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  5. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Hang on, wasn't this thread about .............

    Which is it Jack, the 25 million or the joos, make up your mind. And, if it's the joos, please provide a non Iranian source to show where and when the Jews declared war on Nazi Germany in order to support your contention of;

  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    So. Another £25mill drained from the coffers of the American taxpayer. School meals getting cutting, which impacts on non Jewish American children, while yet more money is scammed, to pay for the defence of the interests of the Jewish state.

    But wait just one moment. Is it not fair that if 'Israel' identifies as the Jewish state, and since Jews make up the largest % of the World's rich, that they dig into their own pockets, maybe give Rothschild a ring, after all, shouldn't he be finding the £25million, since 'Israel' is his pet project, which is why they have their fingerprints all over it, getting the note of promise for it, funding the Knesset and Supreme Court, paying to populate it, etc.

    I am sure they can afford £25million before the children of America, right?

    Further, it is obvious that an org like the DOHS are laughing right in the face of non Jews in America, of ALL colours.

    80%, yes EIGHTY PER CENT OF ALL MONEY GRANTS...given..to the Jews.

    Even though Janet states 'there is no evidence of ANY credible threat to Jews'.

    So, the DOHS are clearly giving special favours to protect Jews, that they afford no other Americans.

    Deny it.

    I dare you.

  7. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    (8 ) Thread Creation:


    It should contain a member's opinions or questions with sufficient elaboration to establish a foundation for respectful discussion and debate. Threads should not be posted in the wrong forum, or be duplicates of other threads and/or topics (creating multiple threads with fundamentally the same topic is not allowed). Images, links, quotations, etc., should be used to support a member's opinion, not to replace it. Thread titles should be a description of the thread topic (and if not they may be altered by the moderators). Whether a thread has sufficiently set a basis for respectful debate on the thread topic will be at the discretion of the moderators.


    PoliticalForum.com functions as a public forum website open to all individuals of all political persuasions that is centered on the discussion of politics in general. All walks of life are welcome to join the discussions in the tradition of vigorous respectful debate. The purpose of rules and guidelines for the forum is to help create an environment that is inviting to as wide a spectrum of people as possible from all parts of the world, but that does not restrict the ability of users to express their political views, even if those views are inflammatory or unorthodox. In a world often filled with intense political turmoil and polarization of beliefs, PoliticalForum.com attempts to bring opposites together to relate their views and learn from one another.

  8. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    I am confused how a thread that states that all Jews (which includes me) are blood thirsty criminals who hate everyone, and when I point out this is probably a mental illness I am trolling but calling me a criminal murdering thug who hates everyone who isn't Jewish is not. Hmmmmmmmmmm Do the moderators have a bias to support the Jew haters because I was told if I don't attack an individual then it is free speech. That allows then to spew horrible lies based on lunatic writing that have been debunked by anyone with a brain. So I will have to figure out the algebra and I guess put up with the hate.
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It doesn't.

    The main part of it is the actual and very pertinent questions that I asked.

    Why should Jews not pay for this, in the Jewish state?

    Why does the bill always fall on the American non Jewish taxpayer?

    How did this get into the public domain in such an overt manner?
  10. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Our federal Congress is Only delegated the social Power to Tax, To pay the Debts, and Provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; providing for the general warfare should Require wartime tax rates.

  11. Knuckleballer

    Knuckleballer New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Considering that according to your constant harangue, the "Filthy Jews" control all the money and own the politicians, the bill is being paid by the Jews.

    The American non-Jewish Taxpayer doesn't seem to be objecting as they aren't rabid frothing antisemitic zealots. Perhaps they recognize the positive aspects of having Israel as our friend or maybe it's just the typical American value of sticking up for the underdog as Israel is surrounded by people we know cannot be trusted.

    Not being an American jack, I appreciate your concern, but you don't have a dog in the fight so your real agenda is quite obvious.
  12. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What a terrible thing for you to call Jews.

    So much hate.

  13. Knuckleballer

    Knuckleballer New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Stick to the topic jack... or you'll have to throw yourself off the thread.....

    How about you get to the point.....

    Explain why you feel that the bill falls on the "American Non-Jew Taxpayer" and more important, why you feel they need you as a voice for their concerns.
  14. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Not as much hate ass one who makes things up from thin air in order to propagate their hate

    - - - Updated - - -


    Why Jack, you never do.
  15. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    The weekend shift uses the term with regularity.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    If I claimed you said 'Filthy Arabs', and made the same claim over and over, you would expect to be shown where, would you not?

    Not my interpretation of it, actually the words.



  17. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    The House Jews and their minions are looting the American treasury to support Israel, a sovereign nation. Here's a list of the thieves who looted us for Israel's "Iron Dome".
    Mrs. DAVIS of California (for herself, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. SCHWARTZ, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. DEUTCH, Ms. MENG, Mr. KILMER, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. WAXMAN, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. PETERS of Michigan, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. TONKO, Mr. KING of New York, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. PIERLUISI, Mr. LAMBORN, Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. LATTA, Mr. COLLINS of New York, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. KLINE, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. CICILLINE, Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. OLSON, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. YODER, Mr. HOLT, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. KEATING, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. BARBER, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. LANCE, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mrs. BACHMANN, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. SMITH of Washington, and Mr. PETERS of California) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs

    Keep electing them if you want them to loot us for Israel.
  18. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Sounds like it's good for everybody, Palestinians included! :thumbsup:
  19. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    So much FILTHY lies in this post. The way you guys view yourselves to be is nothing short of a chemical imbalance of some sort.

    Americans arent even focusing on your tribe. If they were, they would simply ask why a foreign country/people are so disproportionately represented than themselves.

    I swear the more these people open their mouths the more bat(*)(*)(*)(*) insane they come off. So bloody delusional they couldnt possibly believe any of it.

    Here is what will happen, and they will have nobody to blame but themselves. Jews will keep Israel. It will be their lifeline. Eventually, not one other place on this earth will be safe for them to live.

    Dont mention our questionable activities or we will call you nazis! Pathetic. Get over yourselves.
  20. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Very much every single word of this.

    Notice too, RA, that once more, I get on my horse to inform and show, and just look at the number of posts that the moderation team had no choice to remove, since every single one of them was (yes, you guessed it), abuse, personal attacks, filth, and off topic crap.

    They don't know any other way. Insults, lies, personal attacks, no wonder they are so desperate to close down the flow of information to you, yes YOU Americans.

    They have managed to trick me ONCE with their ways. How did they do that? Before I was properly wise to their game, I fell into the trap of not liking Americans, full stop. I admit it. That was my error. No use my passing the buck. I made that error, right as they intended, to have Europeans and Americans disliking one another (for god knows they are terrified of the day Americans and Europeans work as one, against them). I had formed that view before I was 100% wise to the game, and, therefore, every time there was an Iraq or whatever, all of my focus was on 'America', and none of it was on them, the true guilty party. You can see why that same trick has worked so well for them down the centuries, I am sure.

    This would then be compounded by the apparent 'Americans' online. Then you start to notice a pattern with those 'Americans', as well. They aren't interested in America, and they are only interested in Jewish causes and Israel.

    Anyway, with all of that said, here is some more information for your perusal.


    In the past three years, he noted, US taxpayers have contributed more to the Israeli defense budget than Israeli taxpayers.

    American taxpayers give Israel over $3 billion per year (over $8 million per day), more than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is smaller than New Jersey and is in the top 30 richest countries in the world.

    Per capita, Israelis receive $10,000 more U.S. tax money than average.

    According to the Congressional Research Service, Israel is given this money in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year. Americans then pay interest on money they have given to Israel, while Israel makes interest on it.

  21. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    A) The reason US non-Jewish taxpayers are not organizing protest marches is coz they've have been systematically duped by US MS Media + not been told the full facts US Aid. and why americans are seen as the enemy by most people in the Middle East. I doubt there'd have been a 9/ll or Al-Qaeda etc. if it wasn't for the influence of the Jewish Lobby on US - ME Policies The Lobby has a core consisting of organizations whose declared purpose is to encourage the U.S. government and the American public to provide material aid to Israel and to support its government's policies, as well as influential individuals for whom these goals are also a top priority

    Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to U.S. President Jimmy Carter, wrote: "Mearsheimer and Walt adduce a great deal of factual evidence that over the years Israel has been the beneficiary of privileged — indeed, highly preferential — financial assistance, out of all proportion to what the United States extends to any other country. The massive aid to Israel is in effect a huge entitlement that enriches the relatively prosperous Israelis at the cost of the American taxpayer. Money being fungible,/transposable that aid also pays for the very settlements that America opposes and that impede the peace process"


    "UNDERDOG ? Underdogs ? - hmmm they do tend to behave like packs of dogs at times but I wouldn't think of those arrogant SOB's as "underdogs "

    Bearing in mind the Jewish reputation , you think Israel can be trusted , do you ? Trust is not a word I would associate with yr lot.

  22. Knuckleballer

    Knuckleballer New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    SO, YOU better understand American Politics, society and beliefs than the people who live in them? I think that more than a bit presumptuous, but since presumption tends to get on the way of your near psychotic Antisemitism it's easily swept aside.

    Providing real proof doesn't seem to be your strong suit.

    The National Security Adviser to a one term President who left office with a monstrous quagmire in Iran doesn't seem to me the ideal subject matter expert on Middle East Affairs, but again let's not let facts get in the way.

    "Trust is not a word I would associate with yr lot."

    MY lot? There's a reason the sun never used to set on the British Empire.... God didn't trust your lot in the dark. Sadly your "leadership" and society still wasn't able to keep it together. You should perhaps get your own house in order before presuming to tell people how to keep theirs, especially when yours is beyond decay.

    I understand the disdane the uneducated brits have for Israel, those "Zionists" showed you the door and your feelings are hurt. I get it, the class shown at Lady Thatcher's death speaks volumes for the uneducated brit, you should be ashamed as any clear thinking decent civilized person would, but that too would get in the way of the psychosis.

    See ya....

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