“SpyGate”, The Inspector General, and the Expanded FISA Investigation… May 26, 2018 With much of the media, and indeed the President himself, fueling the ongoing headline discussion over the ramifications of the Obama administration setting up “surveillance”, “informants”, counterintelligence operations and “agent provocateurs” against their political opposition, ie. “SpyGate”, it is perhaps time for some mental sorbet. Relating to the overall issue, on March 28th, 2018, the DOJ Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz formerly announced an additional investigation of how the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation engaged with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in matters relating to the FISA Title-1 application filed against U.S. person Carter Page. However, one part of the OIG notification was generously overlooked by a defensive and IC compliant media: As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications. (pdf link)Two months later on Monday May 21st, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein added a significant DOJ mandate to the Inspector General review. Rosenstein expanded the original FISA review to include looking at whether officials within the intelligence community may have unlawfully used human intelligence assets to “spy” or “surveil” the Trump campaign: “The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.” (link)The overall FBI and DOJ corruption and political weaponization discussion has now shifted to issues of politically motivated spies, surveillance and the use of intelligence agents to conduct domestic operations. Source: https://theconservativetreehouse.co...-general-and-the-expanded-fisa-investigation/ ~~~~~~ It is worth noting then Senate minority leader suggested in late July of 2016, that intelligence officials withhold intelligence or even lie to candidate Trump when briefing him as a candidate https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/harry-reid-trump-classified-briefings-putin I think the first large IG report yet to be published will tell us how serious they are, and whether Huber has indictments unsealed same day or within a week or so? There should be a few plea deals, right? The enormity of this perfidious affair of Obama and his administration demands accountability…not merely to exact retribution…for the very survival of the Republic. It is inconceivable that PDJT and many other good people do not realize this. Inconceivable…and that word means precisely what I think it means.
As expected, "Spygate!" has, of course, sputtered, fizzled, and deflated like a surplus whoopee cushion left over from the Boer War hyped by a huckster purveying such exquisite items from the boot of a 1978 Zastava Kora on a Hong Kong alley off Lascar Row to unwary marks staggering homeward in a befuddled forenoon fug.
Actually, seeing the jamokes all wee wee'd up over their fake "Spygate!" was quite amusing. One wonders what paranoid delusion will next capture their fancy.
You're bound to here much more about this "flight of fancy" very directly. Congress will reconvene very shortly, only to discover that yet another DOJ subpoenas deadline for compliance has not been met. Rosenstein specifically withholding "Spygate" docs that outline surveillance activities associated with Trumps campaign in the months preceding the FBI's initiating it's formal "counter intel" probe. Rosenstein is now in contempt, and congress promised there would be consequences.
Some may still be awaiting Trump's investigators reporting from Hawaii ("They can't believe what they're finding!" according to Trump) but the truth is that his "Spygate!" fantasy has fizzled like birtherism, the thousands of invisible folks cheering terrorism in New Jersey, and those millions of bogus invisible voters against Trump. Normal people, including Trey Gowdy and Paul Ryan have accepted the reality.
Trey Gowdy's confidence in his own premature assessment is what's fizzled. If you're going to endeavor to be a foreign political voyeur, at least mahe some effort to stay current, if not knowledgeable. The House passed a resolution more recently, and Nunes, Gowdy, and Grassley are preparing 15 witness subpoenas and propose merging committees into a joint congtessional panel. Focused specifically on "Spygate" and related FISA abuse. Whether that precludes Rosensteins impeachment remains to be seen.
Trump is a well-established liar who regularly indulges in self-serving, fake, paranoid claims. He has provided no evidence whatsoever that this fantasy differs in any way from his usual pattern. “Watergate times a thousand!” Sean Hannity warned. “This is 100 times bigger [than what led to the American Revolution!" Sebastian Gorka insisted. “[This is] a component of what looks like a much larger conspiracy involving the #Obama DOJ & FBI & more!” tweeted Iowa Rep. Steve King,clearly incensed. They were referring to a memo compiled by G.O.P. Congressman Devin Nunes... yet when the memo itself was revealed to the public, it turned out to be such a hopeless dud that the conspiracy around it dissipated almost immediately. Trump, who tweets every other day that collusion does not exist, continues to make it appear as if there was a grand conspiracy in the law enforcement and intelligence communities to first, prevent him from winning the presidency and now to take him down. "I DON"T NEED NO STINKIN' EVIDENCE!"