Killing 100,000 endangered animals would be considered to be vile, repulsive, inexcusable. Unless its for religious purposes, then its all ok.
I don't know, seems to me if there are 100,000 turtles they are far from being endangered. Killing them other than for human survival I would agree is vile, repulsive and inexcusable. This is why I do not partake in religion for religious sake. However, I do believe in my Savior Jesus.
I'm part of a religion sponsored by Planned Parenthood that celebrates the worldwide destruction of about 5 million human babies each year.
Well, for one thing, this is providing food for humans. It always amuses me when rich white westerners (*)(*)(*)(*) and moan about what other people must do to survive. Most things people must do to survive are icky. We're just not as open about it.
Wiping out species when we have to eat is one thing. But when it's a result of catering for superstition then it's an entirely different issue. These turtles are consumed for exactly that purpose. Livelihood will also be lost if the utterly stupid superstitions concerning the horns of the few remaining species of rhinos will go away but I will rather be a rich whining westerner than trying to protect those livelihoods.
The best thing I have ever eaten (in Cozumel) was turtle steak with lime.. We should help breed more turtles.
We should help teach that eating certain rare organisms does not make a life longer or a penis harder.
What? Are those YOUR assumptions. I never knew you were superstitious. I think we should be raising turtles.. Perhaps the Saudis will look into that. In Dubai they recently released a half million sea turtles into the sea.
Margot, I would agree with you that we could breed turtles. I have no problems with that. However, the turtles mentioned in the OP are not eaten for food (except on the supply side). They are consumed because people think they'll get longer lives by eating them. The shells are then sold as aphrodesiacs. So all demands originate from superstitions, not from survival issues.
100,000 is not that much......imagine if there were only 100,000 humans.......That is not even enough to sustain a viable population...
..... there is always cattle. Oh wait, cows are sacred. See where the religion is preventing people from doing the obvious?
I don't know about that. Adam and Eve were two. Noah and his family were eight. I'd rather imagine there were only 100,000 mosquitoes world-wide, or cockroaches or Liberals.
Well, for one thing, rich white westerners are the thrust behind job creation, supporting a strong economy and defense all the while being taxed to the hilt and denigrated by the liberals who pretend to care about the poor but in reality could care less as long as they maintain power. Jealous ingrates, they are.
Adam and Eve were not the only people created.... When Cain was bannished, he expressed fear of the people of the outside world.....If Adam and Eve were the only people created than there would be no one in the world but their family....
I was talking about the illiberal liberals. Mostly white, mostly living off daddy's trust fund. Socialist to the core, eve though they've never wanted or owrked in their lives. Aghast at the notion that poor brown people kill a few turtles whilst at the same time doing nothing while millions starve around the world.