....our republican government conspired to kill thousands of its own citizens to promote their agenda. Still, to this day, we have an ever changing "story" with "footnotes" and modifications. To the thousands of the family's loved ones who were slaughtered for PNAC and their right wing followers, I say God bless you all and never forget.
So you think this is a ring wing thing, then huh? Do you realize what this line of thinking implies about the left wing leadership as well? How is it that the PNAC lost power without exposing evidence of your accusations? I never understand why anyone could believe in conspiratorial theories that require people involved to be both monumentally stupid and omnipotent at the same time. To this day the conspiracy theories are ever changing with footnotes and modifications. You have no problem with that, though, do you?
I don't doubt others were complicit, irrespective of party affiliation. Bush and his crew headed it up though and I'm referring to 9/11...not any other conspiracy theory, despite your attempt at redirecting the thread. All roads lead to Dick Cheney, as I'm sure you know, of which Cheney and most of the rest of the cast of the evil pr*cks in PNAC hung out. I guess the rest of the team will be along shortly???
Where are Bush and crew now? How is it that you believe that "Bush and his crew" killed thousands of Americans in an attempt to enact a new world order just to fully hand over the reigns to liberal leadership 8 years later and that liberal leadership hasn't said a (*)(*)(*)(*)ed thing about it? Is Pelosi right wing? Is Obama right wing? Is Reed right wing? Are you right wing?
Sorry- just a wing nut conspiracy theory and even more hurtful than the wingnut Birther conspiracy theories. Another distraction from remembering the reality of what happened 11 years ago.
It was compartmentalized. Only key people knew the particulars, and those people were lied to and just following orders. They didn't know their "paint" was nanothermate, etc.,etc. I am not, nor would I ever be, a criminal right winger and be permanently branded "one of those that destroyed our country"...never, ever,,ever,,never. Are we clear? On a lighter note...I appreciate you calling off the dogs. It is a pleasant surprise.
Eleven years ago a group of religious crazies listened to their version of the invisible man in the sky and brutally murdered 3000 people. One of these was a sweet little girl, a friend of my family who never had a harsh thought against anyone in her short life. Religion kills. All it represents is hatred and lies. Angry little men who pray for the assassination of others.
http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/11/13809524-evidence-piles-up-that-bush-administration-got-many-pre-911-warnings?lite#__utma=238145375.1119923419.1337068724.1346051223.1347429651.4&__utmb=238145375.1.10.1347429651&__utmc=238145375&__utmx=-&__utmz=238145375.1347429651.4.4.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not provided)&__utmv=238145375.|8=Earned By=msnbc|us news|security=1^12=Landing Content=Original=1^13=Landing Hostname=www.msnbc.msn.com=1^30=Visit Type to Content=Earned to Original=1&__utmk=67789138&__utma=238145375.1119923419.1337068724.1346051223.1347429651.4&__utmb=238145375.1.10.1347429651&__utmc=238145375&__utmx=-&__utmz=238145375.1347429651.4.4.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided)&__utmv=238145375.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Cus%20news%7Csecurity=1^12=Landing%20Content=Original=1^13=Landing%20Hostname=www.msnbc.msn.com=1^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Original=1&__utmk=67789138
So tell us what actionable intelligence he received, Jango. Besides, as I pointed out to another poster who was so ignorant as to think 9/11 was due to Bush's lack of action, the President doesn't have any say in the matter in the first place. Do you honestly think the President has to give permission to the FBI to do their job? Does he receive reports and then tell the field operatives how to do their job? No. He doesn't. This is just bitter whining by bitter people.
You're not answering the question I asked. Why aren't other liberals as informed as you are? Here you have a current liberal leadership that would jump at the chance of making conservatives look bad. You're claim is that previous "right wing" leadership conspired to kill thousands of Americans and then inexplicably gave up power to people who represent the very opposite of what you claim their goals were. 1. Why would they give up power. 2. Why would current leadership keep quiet about it? That you think there are dogs to call belies your premise that the conspiracy was compartmentalized. You can't hire people to cover up something without knowing their job is to cover something up... At each turn you accuse us as being part of the conspiracy, yet not one of your accusations is supported with any concrete evidence.
That is your contention, I understand. I equally understand why you do what you do here. What you contend though only serves your agenda, and you and I both know what that agenda is. I take back my comment about the attack dogs too. Boss dog chimed right in...
Well you certainly have the opportunity to speak truth and yet instead you choose to remain evasive. Are you trying to cover up the truth?
there you go with your obsession over the republicans agenda again yet you ignore how Obama is participating in the coverup as well.
As I stated in the other thread, you aren't worth having shills. You've had all this "information" to confirm the "conspiracy" and you've done jack (*)(*)(*)(*) with it. The government isn't going to pay people to make you look dumb when you have succeeded on your own with no help. There are no shills, there are just people that like to prove you wrong. I can't be positive why others here do it. Some do it for the lulz, others do it to make sure influential minds aren't distorted by your (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up world view, and maybe others do it out of sheer boredom. Either way, you are not a danger. The government has no fear of you exposing anything, other than maybe yourself to innocent bystanders. That can be handled at a local level though, no need to get the gubbmint involved.
Good Lord!! Something interesting from 9/11 was an inside job. How shocking. So how about it, RWF? Is 9/11 was an inside job a shill now as well?
Well, since you won't mention it, I will. I believe "A Clean Break" and the PNAC document everyone knows is the concept of 9/11. If you recall, shortly thereafter the attacks, we looked for a way to get into Iraq. To liberate them, the removal of Sadam, and the "WOMD". Israel did their thing in Lebanon, and now the "spontaneous" Arab Spring has caused a Civil War in Syria. I believe we swill see the transition that is wanted by Western Powers in due time in Syria.
I'm not worth the paid shill attention..well...that's debatable. There ARE shills, and they're right here. It's been confirmed. So the next question you should be asking is "why are there paid shill in here"?? Why do they need to be here?
Fair enough. I could comment more, since I have dabbled in intelligence work before, but... And everything else I said?