Okay to I raise you your six pathetic excuse for hiding behind physical structures and sun glasses.... if they are even really soldiers poorly displayed sign. The body language says it all. Now lets have a look shall we at just one of the many veteran affiliates that support OWS. Lets see your 6/ 17,000,000. Though all the member of Care 2 Causes are not all veterans we bind ourselves to every cause we support. http://www.care2.com/causes/iraq-veterans-announce-support-for-occupy-wall-street.html Oh yeah to be more specific veterans of 4 WARS support occupy you may want to watch the video above to hear the reason why these WORKING MEN support OWS... veterans of 4 WARS support OWS: http://www.care2.com/causes/veterans-of-4-wars-support-occupy-wall-street-videos.html Its possible they are hiding because their comrades have already expressed their support for OWS and they this six bit string are in the slither minority yes?