Kevin Barrett is familiar to many if not most researchers: KEVIN BARRETT • SEPTEMBER 2, 2023 The obvious fact that the authorities lied and are still lying about Building 7 raises the question of what else are they lying about—and points to the only slightly less-obvious demolitions of the Twin Towers. Like Building 7, the Twin Towers disappeared at near-free-fall acceleration into the path of most resistance, indicating that they too had had all of their vertical supports taken out with synchronic precision. Just as the sudden demise of Building 7 cannot be plausibly blamed on a few minor office fires of undetermined origin, the likewise sudden, symmetrical, and complete destructions of Towers 1 and 2 cannot possibly have been the result of random damage caused by relatively modest office fires kindled by kerosene (jet fuel). But the Towers were “overkilled” in unconventional explosive demolitions quite unlike the implosion of Building 7. Indeed, so much explosive force was used to pulverize the Towers that most of the contents of the buildings, including more than 1100 human bodies, were apparently vaporized into nothingness. And of the 1,640-odd victims who did leave at least a sliver of fingernail or a splinter of bone to be recovered by the most meticulous sifting-and-bucketing operation in history, many were blasted to smithereens, leaving only a few bone fragments to be recovered years later from the rooftops of neighboring buildings: “For example, a search in 2010 found 76 more fragments of remains on the roof of the 40-story Deutsche Bank building 250 feet from the South Tower. Previously, over 750 human bone fragments, each less than a half-inch long, were collected from this roof.”* How the massively explosive destruction of the two Towers, and the vaporization of its occupants and their office equipment, could ever have been mistaken for a natural gravity-driven collapse is one of those mysteries that will leave future historians scratching their heads. Full article:
"Researcher"? That's a big word. He sells batshit books to the easily-led. This has been covered ad nauseum. There have been no "obvious lies". This crappy circular reasoning doesn't need a new thread. is a pretty good source of info on a lot of topics. I highly recommend it for 9/11 research.
No it isn't. It is a niche business catering to the conspiracy theorists by selling them things. It specializes in all the popular batshit conspiracies. And then you post a link to the ramblings of a moron. Everything on that clueless website has been covered ad-nauseum and you have virtually ignored every argument made accordingly. Proper research includes finding ways to disprove any particular line of thought/hypothesis. You however, exclusively provide batshit links that do nothing but reinforce your claim without any scientific rationale whatsoever. Your links never contain any analysis from you supporting them. It's almost as though you don't understand any of it, but so long as it supports your claim it must be true.
Or better still, when will they stop labelling themselves as "truthers" and pick a name that better suits their tendency to only believe hogwash. "Hogwashers"?
Yes, that bit about the finding of bones fragments in 2010 is included in my notes from those days of study. Here's a bit more from the NYC Coroner's report, likely before 2010: 19906 remains were recovered. 4735 have been identified. About 200 of those belong to the same person, suggesting that one person was blown into 200 different pieces. 673 people were identified by DNA alone. 293 intact bodies were found, suggesting that many more were blown into smaller pieces. By jetfuel fires? No way, Jose.
Haha, what a ridiculous strawman. Hushabooms? No. A plane disintegrating at 550mph? Well of course that will do it. As will hundreds of tons of failing steel and concrete.
22 years later many if not most people understand something is wrong with the picture regarding 911. That number is slowly increasing, mainly because more and more people are realizing their government lied to them about the shots.
The proof that the US government was involved is crushing. The story about the hijackings is a lie. That much is clear. There are still a few unanswered questions such as who the exact people who planned and carried it out were.
A ridiculous spammed statement, made 90 times on just the 911 forum. The proof that this "crushing proof" is batshit conspiracy crap is crushing. There are too many links and none of them are worth posting because the "crushing proof" needs to ignore them, to allow it to be spammed over and over again. Four planes hijacked and crashed. Everything surrounding this, is some of the very worst batshit on the web. Space weapons, nukes, no planes, the joos, hushabooms, molten steel blah blah blah. A never ending conveyor-belt of ludicrous and contradictory hogwash. So, 22 years later WE will get the truth. Conspiracy theorists incapable of assimilating anything that doesn't agree with their worldview, not so much.
If you really believe what you say, you should check out this info.
Comedy. It's almost as though you think your spam hasn't been seen before and had the backside kicked out of it - here, there and everywhere! It's almost as though you believe that conspiracy theorists, the least qualified of all people assessing anything, remarkably are the only ones "smart enough" to figure it all out! When I say figure it all out, that would be fairly loosely when you people never offer a full coherent workable story that doesn't contradict dozens of other people and provides irrefutable proof to go with it. You should check out this info:
That stuff is just damage-control written by paid sophists who know that 9/11 was planned and carried out by people in the US government. The viewers can look at your info and the info to which I linked in post #10 and come to their own conclusions. Thinking people aren't swayed by rhetoric.
False. It's written by people sensible enough to see the difference between batshit and reality. Your spam arm-waved dismissal is noted (similar posts calling somebody a sophist - 111 of them!). Ahhh, the old "viewers" thing again! Yes they can. Since you've spammed that pile of crap nearly a hundred times, why do you figure the same posters are the only ones hanging about? And I and the viewers are not. Thinking people aren't swayed by batshit. That's batshit. It's written by people who get paid by gullible people giving them money, clicking their ads or buying their products. They know it was a terrorist attack, they are just looking at money-making opportunities.
Start watching this at the 11:55 time mark. FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Takes On Piers Morgan On Gun Control [VIDEO] Alex jones was asked if he thought the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. He could have simply said "Yes", but he gave a rather vague answer. I think he's either working directly for the deep state as the controlled opposition, or he's being pressured somehow. I don't trust him.
This video doesn't have much that isn't in anything else I've seen but it shows a lot of cases of fires in buildings. It begins at the12:25 time mark. The Anatomy of a Great Deception