Your feeble attempts at puerile insults betray the fact that you have no rebuttal or real argument to speak of. That being the case why don't you scamper along and pester someone else?
You have to remember you said bump stocks were banned by legislation. I wouldn’t be too critical of sources. Apparently yours are quite suspect. The point is almost ALL anti gun legislation that exists at the federal, state, and local level is the product of democratic/progressive ideology and politicians. Trump banning bump stocks by executive action was a travesty on many levels. But it doesn’t change the fact most existing and proposed legislation restricting firearms is from the “left” side of the political aisle.
I think it's pretty funny how when people accuse others of projection they are the ones projecting. He has a lot of nerve to make such a post when you point out such things as you and I have. It's not even a good attempt at trolling
Good luck. I just looked on Palmetto State Armory and it’s only available in ss195 lead free 27 gr at $1.20 per round. Bass pro has ss197 40 gr v-max for just over $1.00 and I see some smaller retailers have American Eagle 40 gr fmj for $0.75. I’ve actually had decent luck with the American Eagle fmj. It’s not a hot load but penetrates well on larger animals. The P50 is one unique unit. I’d love to hear how well it feeds ammo and how easy mag changes are if you find enough to load multiple mags. LOL
I wish a big sinkhole would open up and swallow all the Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden’s and Trump’s. Life would be a lot better without all the bickering and what-about-ism surrounding them all. Maybe we could start from scratch with a healthier crop of politicians.
There's nothing in a pure BS projection to refute. You make up stuff without any knowledge of the topic
What am I making up? Be specific here or I'll just be forced to conclude that you have absolutely nothing but your own projection. So please do give a specific example of what you feel I'm making up.
...... Looks as though someone has scampered off again...... * Gomer Pyle voice... Surprise, surprise, surprise !
You accepted the premise introduced by Daniel when you made the statement “as was posted”. What was posted was disinformation which was the point of my response. Instead of agreeing the post was disinformation you moved the goalposts a bit and made another false statement that the only infringement in 20 years was by Trump. This is also untrue. Your sources failed to tell you about the Obama executive action opposed by the ACLU that infringed on the rights of those with disabilities. That’s one example of an infringement not put in place by Trump but actually overturned by Trump. I hope this helps.
It's good to post the information for the rest of the readers who are actually interested in learning the facts but that person that you're talking to has long since abandoned thread.
I’ve become a believer in pattern recognition as an effective guide in life. One pattern I’ve seen that’s quite consistent is the inverse relationship between the emotional attachment to an idea/subject (in this case firearm restrictions and their sources),, and the baseline knowledge of the subject possessed by the emotional party. There are exceptions of course. And it’s not usually the fault of the parties I’m referring to. They have been intentionally misled and misinformed by others they trust.
Interesting, but I don't speak gobbldeygook. Are you trying to say that radical left wing gun grabbers don't know much at all about firearms? If that's so, I could not agree more wholeheartedly.
That’s another way to express it. The thing is it applies to lots of other things as well like climate change, infectious diseases, etc. Seen this?, but I haven't bought any in years because I have accumulated so much, and don't shoot too much at this time.
Sure, they'll ban guns any day now. LOL. I used to be a member of NRA, and they'd call me at least once per month during Obama era to tell be bans were going to happen any day and they needed a donation to keep it from happening. I had to cancel my membership. They kept sending me the "American Rifleman" magazine, which was nice.
Accepting his post “as stated”, and changing a word while still making a factually incorrect statement? Good arguments contain facts, not misinformation easily shown to be such. I’m after accurate information, not rewording of false premises.
I'm still waiting on him or her to tell me which part of my post I made up earlier in this thread but of course he was unable to do so.