50% of us are poor and low income; what are we doing about this? Part II

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by BuckNaked, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    You shouldn’t be OK with it. The fact that almost ½ of the people on government subsidies are employed definitely shows that something isn’t working right. Comparatively, workers in the 70’s made a much higher income when adjusting for inflation and the actual cost of living. Living expenses (rent & utilities) for the average household only took about 20-30% of a single breadwinners income. Today the average household has both parents working multiple jobs just to make ends meet, and if they are part of a single parent household even if the parent has more than one job they are eligible for some form of government subsidies, or at least food stamps.

    If people would actually stop and look at the decline in wages over the past few decades, they would see that most of that decline is because of the government’s involvement in manipulating the economy to better suit a smaller minority of the population. It is driving force in keeping the peasants in check. The rich have become richer and the working class is being forced into levels of poverty like never before, since the end of WWII.
    Obviously you don’t get the news, otherwise you would have read that the government is busy working on excluding some workers from being bound to such laws, and laws that protect employees who work over time.

    Oh and by the way $7.25 is not a livable wage, in fact $10 isn't a livable wage that is comparable to the cost of living.

    Doesn’t matter over 1/3rd of the people who actually graduate are not finding jobs comparable to the degre they hold or even in their chosen field of expertise. You got retards on this forum everyday making ridiculous statements like, “If everybody would get an education there would be less unemployment, since there are so many skilled/professional jobs available.” And the reality is, no it wouldn’t, and no there isn’t.

    If “everybody” had a degree, almost every professional position would be minimum wage, unless you also don’t believe in that supply and demand thingy. A large number of degrees are bogus anyway, and the emphasis placed on having one for some positions is simply overrated, but the winners have to have some reason to ridicule the peasants.
    Read an article a few years back when it was talking about all the factory/skilled labor work going to Mexico. I think it was GM that found out they could teach an uneducated individual from Mexico, living in a shack with no running water or electricity, to do the same task in a couple weeks that was normally filled by a skilled laborer in the US where a degree was necessary. Which is nothing new, since factories that have been going elsewhere for the last 30-40 years have been teaching uneducated people living in grass huts with no running water or electricity to do the exact same thing.
    the problem is government- the federal gov creates so many regulations, it takes a room ful of lawyers for a buissness to grow, even if it's small. Steve jobs could have never started apple with these regulations implaced. And the tens of thousands of apple employees would not have a job. Get rid of the high taxes and regulatoins and more jobs will be created, lifting many out of poverty
    Yes they (the best government corporate money can buy) create regulations to stifle competition that allow monopolized industries to flourish and rake in maximized profit margins like never before. Companies like Apple have so many elected officials on their pay roll, that they are not even effected by regulations, in fact they are most likely responsible for the implication of those regulations to keep the competitive level to an acceptable limit. The small businesses and mom & pops which have been driven almost completely out of existence, because they can not stay in competition with corporate entities that are provided exemptions, loopholes, tax breaks, utility discounts, etc… etc… by the best government corporate money can buy, and people who fall for the BS continue to place elected officials in office that support this sort of cronyism. If there is no competition there is no capitalism.
    Nobody in either party is going to enforce any immigration laws, they won’t even hold the organized criminal entities that hire them accountable, which is the only way this problem is going to get solved. The two party system is pro anything that f(*)(*)(*)s the average American, and they both work exclusively for the rich/elite!
  2. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Then we're screwed because paying able-bodied Americans to sit on their butts and do nothing is ruining the work ethic in this country.

    Besides to can only squeeze so much out of the rich before driving the country into bankruptcy.

    Then Obama voters will really be in a bind for some walking around money.
  3. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    The rich have already just about bankrupted the country, and Obama and the next guy, whomever it is, will also be owned by them. That's the problem now. You are witnessing the results of the best government corporate money can buy now.
  4. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    I think if we turned the country over to the Occupy Wall St crazies the country would go downhill even faster, don't you?
  5. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    So your saying our only option is to go for the other extreme??
    How about we start holding elected officials accountable. Institute some viable election finance reform, and start putting about half of these lobbyists in jail for bribing public officials, and they discuss it with their new roommate the prick they bribed. Stop rewarding companies that use slave labor, either domestically or on foreign 3rd world sh&%holes and impose tariffs on any US company by name only who uses that slave labor and tries to sell their goods in the USA. Stop the practice of giving exemptions to the people who bribe public officials to create manipulative regulations to begin with, and charge people who hire illegal’s with racketeering/organized criminal activity, and treat them with the same respect we do drug dealers, confiscate their property and assets, then fine them out of existence if the confiscation of everything they own doesn't do the job properly. Work programs for anyone getting welfare. Take half of the military budget and use it to stop the fraud and waste in government cronyism and investigate the banks and lawyers/elected officials that got us into this mess, prosecute them and then fine & convict their sorry butts into the poor house. Impose a flat tax of 16% across the board no exceptions, 10% to the state an 6% to the federal government, eliminate all other forms of taxation, and demand that within the next 10 years the budget is balanced and the debt is significantly reduced, or put the elected officials in jail for malpractice.
    Do that and you will see this economy robust again. Vote republican and/or democrat and be ready for business as usual and more of the same decline.

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