Getty We now know for a fact that Spy-in-Chief Barack Obama weaponized the various intelligence agencies at his command to do something unprecedented: spy on a rival presidential campaign, specifically Donald Trump’s. From what we know so far, Obama’s spies spied on Trump in seven spying ways. Just one of these seven items should make us gasp. Put together, they add up to something that makes Watergate look like a pillow fight. Wiretaps The Obama administration placed wiretaps all over the Trump campaign, and we are just now learning that it now appears as though wiretaps put in place by foreign countries were part of the operation. FISA Warrants Obtained Using Lies The Obama administration obtained warrants to wiretap Trump associates by lying to FISA judges. Sending Spies to Spy on the Trump Campaign Obama’s FBI director, the disgraced James Comey, ran an all-out spying operation that even utilized spies to spy on the Trump campaign. The Obama administration called this spying operation filled with spies to spy on Trump… “Crossfire Hurricane.” Paid Foreigners to Gather Lies from Foreigners about Trump’s Peeing on Hookers If you want to talk about foreign meddling in a presidential campaign, how about Obama’s FBI (along with the Hillary Clinton campaign) paying foreigner Christopher Steele, the English leftist who created the hoax dossier, to gather up lies from Russians about Trump’s peeing on hookers. Unmasking Another way the Obama administration “wiretapped” Trump was through an unprecedented unmasking operation that was basically a workaround to avoid the American courts. By wiretapping foreigners Trump officials were in contact with, the Obama administration effectively wiretapped Team Trump. Illegal Media Leaks Trump won despite a sitting President spying on his campaign. Obama betrayed the constitution to try to keep Trump out of office. Obama resorted to something no prior president did to the campaign of the opposition to become his successor.
Did Mother Goose get a little old and now you read and repeat adult fairytales. Just to point something out that makes your whole argument sound rather silly. What did Obama gain? You are pushing the "fake dosier" theory, yet if you watched the congressional hearings you'd know that the FBI was following Russian agents who kept running into Trump associates a few years before the dosier appeared.
So the Obama Administration had the FBI do all of this and never said a word about the fact that the Trump campaign was under investigation until after Trump got elected.... Oh....
The point of what they did was to prevent him from being elected so that Hillary could sweep all of her and Obamas crimes under the rug. Trump winning his upset election overturned their plans and they have been trying to get rid of him ever since.
Obama was trying to gain the selection of his successor. He knew that she would hide and cover up all of his lawbreaking attempted transformations of America as we know her. They are trying to dig up dirt on Trump to try to keep him from exposing their very real crimes committed in office.