9/11 - 18 Years Later

Discussion in '9/11' started by Bob0627, Sep 9, 2019.

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  1. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    You are incapable of answering a simple question.

    Quit with all you charades, get a pair of balls, and answer the question.

    Was 9/11 an inside job?
  2. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Pot calling the kettle black? Talk about a charade, I asked you many questions, including in the post you just quoted and you evaded most of them and danced around the others. I answered that question in post #13 way back. Oh wait you don't own a computer Mr. "Forensic Structural Failure/Architect" ahem "expert". Does your phone have a CAD app? I'm just wondering how you manage to do your job on your cell phone.

    Let me help you (post #13):

    Why would you expect me to answer that question anyway? Last I checked, no one hired me to conduct a scientific/forensic/criminal investigation into 9/11 nor am I qualified to do so. Unlike you, I don't make absurd/phony claims about my background.

    Having said that IMO the STAND DOWN on 9/11 could only have been an inside job, the 9/11 coverup could only have been an inside job, the controlled demolition of the 3 towers on 9/11 could only have been an inside job (if those buildings were obliterated in a matter of seconds just like a perfectly planned and executed controlled demolition and fire can never duplicate a controlled demolition, the odds are nearly infinite these were controlled demolitions since there is not another choice) and last but far from least, the 12 planned war games on the morning of 9/11 that effectively left the air defense apparatus of the entire northeastern corridor of the US totally impotent could only have been an inside job. So if you add it all up (use the calculator app on your cell phone if you know how) the overwhelming (dispositive) evidence points to an inside job even though it still needs to be proven beyond doubt. And that's why anyone who has any reasonable amount of intelligence and has really studied 9/11 and really cares demands a REAL investigation. And that's why there currently are at least 2 federal lawsuits demanding a REAL investigation into 9/11, not to mention at least 3,238 architects and engineers who are not afraid of jeopardizing their careers.

    But for you anyone who believes the official reports are massive scams must be a "fruit loop" or a "conspiracy wacko", eh Einstein? After all you're "highly educated" on 9/11, so highly educated you haven't been able to cite one single thing in the NIST reports, 9/11 Commission Report or the UAF draft report that means anything or even know who Ansgar Schneider is and what he discovered. Impressive.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
  3. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    So how were the buildings rigged for controlled demolition, all three of them, without anybody occupying the building noticing?

    Controlled demolition means setting controlled charges directly on structural steel members and wiring them for sequencing. With exception of the parking garage below ground, columns are concealed in architectural finishes and construction. That means, in order for the theory you presented to be even remotely accurate, with the charges installed on or near the location of the impact, selective demolition to reveal the columns interior web and flanges would be required along with wiring between each column.

    This is not capable of being hidden.

    This is what the interior fo a building looks like when the columns are rigged with charges and wiring:


    Yet, nobody in the building observed these conditions?

    The attack was not a traditional type in which a country invades the country with unknown aircraft. By the time it was understood that domestic passenger planes were being hijacked for the purpose of using them as weapons, it was too late. Nobody expected the planes to fly into buildings and once they did a ground stop was ordered and fighter jets were put into the skies.

    As I have stated before, there are not 3,238 Architects and Engineers on that list. In order to be called an Architect or Structural Engineer you need to both pass an accredited degree program, complete a residency, and take several examinations. There are 109,000 architects in the United States and about 50,000 structural engineers. These are the only professions with adequate education and experience to speak on the subject. An electrical or chemical engineer has no background related to the subject but are listed on the website like they do. Even if every single one of the signatories was an licensed architect or structural engineer, that would only be 2% of all professionals. The more accurate number of A/Es on that list is about 200 or .001% of total in the profession. But you go ahead and keep believing there are thousands of professionals on board with the conspiracy theory. There isn't.

    I don't prove negatives. That isn't how this works. That is how you frame the conversation to feel like you have won.

    I don't have to prove anything, because I am not the one proposing the theory. You are.

    So keep posting hypothesis of how it was an inside job, and I will keep posting facts that shoot your theories to pieces.
  4. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    What didn't you understand about:

    Also, what didn't you understand about:

    Maybe an "architect" maven such as you claim you are is not familiar with that acronym? Look it up if you're that stumped.

    Except just about everyone in the Bush administration and those who conducted the war games on 9/11 simulating exactly that and on other occasions before that. Man you are such a sponge for the lies you were fed about 9/11, lock, stock and barrel.

    You can repeat that irrelevant crap as often as you want, it's still irrelevant. The only fact here is that there is no architect who has ever posted anything in this thread.

    No one is asking you to prove a negative, not to mention you haven't proven anything thus far except that you've proven you don't have the background nor the 9/11 expertise you claim you have.

    If you defend the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, you certainly are proposing a theory. OTOH I've posted an opinion based on numerous supporting and incontrovertible facts.

    I have yet to read any "fact" that you've posted that validates the official conspiracy theory or refute the many expert analyses that contradict that children's story made for gullible fools. But that's ok you're not here for that, that's obvious. You're here to insult those who don't buy the official 9/11 propaganda and to insult everyone's intelligence with your phony "architect" claims and 9/11 expertise.
  5. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    It wouldn't matter if I posted my transcripts, test results, state licenses, continuing education, project portfolio.... my opinions differ from yours, and thus you will always debate things that you dont understand, cherry picking those stories and those facts that align with your agenda.

    You are here exclusively to push an agenda. Not for discussion, not to learn, but to debate.

    You have convinced yourself that the official report is false, and as such nothing anybody can say that opposes that view holds any credibility. In order for anybody to "prove" themselves, they must disprove your negatives perspectives of the report... a fallacy argument in itself.

    You want to sit on this forum shouting down anybody who doesn't align with your conspiracy theories, pretending that your sources are more valid than anybody else's.

    There are numerous people, with diverse backgrounds and expertise that poke holes in each of the conspiracy theories, and your initial reaction is to invalidate them. Again, because they dont align with the outcome you desire.

    To be quite clear, I couldn't care less some conspiracy theorist on an internet forum discredits me. I know what I know, and I dont owe you a thing. From my position, you just look foolish, which I am sure will continue long after I stop feeding into your hatred.
  6. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Correct. Even what you post doesn't matter, what matters is truth and reality.


    Once again for the reading comprehension impaired, I don't debate and the only thing I have a hard time understanding in this context is the mentality of people such as yourself when it comes to defending the official 9/11 narrative despite the overwhelming evidence contradicting it and even rendering it impossible. I can only attribute it to either cognitive dissonance or some kind of disinformation agenda.

    The only agenda I have is to expose the official 9/11 scam in as much detail as possible and discuss 9/11 issues.

    Correct as far as agenda (see prior response). The rest is false on all counts.

    All the official reports are convincing in many ways as to their fallacies. The numerous disclaimers in the NIST reports and the 9/11 Commission Report alone should be a strong indicator that they are illegitimate even before reading the rest. Furthermore, expert analysis of all the reports and surrounding history confirm that they are indeed a farce intended for gullible children.

    Yes there are quite a few experts that have ripped the official conspiracy theory apart in an incredible number of ways. As already stated, there is not 1 peer reviewed paper from any independent expert with no ties to the US government that supports any of NIST's official 9/11 reports. But please feel free to post the link to any if you can.

    Coming from you and your mentality/position, I'll take "looking foolish" as a compliment.

    This will be the last post I will engage in with you on the subject of you or me as 9/11 is not about you or me. Any time you wish to have an intelligent mature discussion on the science of 9/11 or any other subject related to 9/11, if you're capable that is, please feel free. I posted links to several threads that deal with the science of 9/11 and related issues, pick one if you care to. These discussions with you thus far are a total waste of my time.
  7. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    You admit your bias and agenda to shove your conclusions down people's throats. This is why nobody tries to talk to you.

    Have fun continuing to talk with yourself here.
  8. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  9. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    The free fall of all 3 is one helluva red flag.

    What happened to those buildings has never happened in the history of steel framed buildings. If you ignore the twin towers and blame fires and structural damage there is still bld 7!

    I was watching as one major news outlet announced the collapse of building 7 even as it was shown standing in the live feed It collapsed later on!

    With all of the other coincidences and inconvenient facts involved it takes a special dulled intellect to believe the official story coming from our govt.

    Of course it could have been a supernatural event and the practically impossible happened because god was helping out those muslims that were involved.

    The reason so many dont believe the official story is because what they saw does not happen in this reality unless there was help . The only time we have seen buildings fall as these did is with the help of man and technology. And it was a picture perfect example of taking down a building all in the same day!
    Eleuthera and Bob0627 like this.
  10. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Bob is well armed with in many cases peer reviewed FACTS, you have posted precisely ZERO and have shown nothing productive or debate worthy, nothing what so ever to offer these threads, You have not made a single coherent point, just volumes of babble whining about how you cant get any traction against Bobs rock solid evidence, if the pot is too hot dont sit in it? so why are you here?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
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  11. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Such as anonymous posters who make outrageous claims of being an "architect" and being used as an "expert witness" because of their specialty in "forensic structural failure". The problem with such a moronic claim (among many) is that no steel frame high rise tower is known to have suffered structural failure in the US, ever. And only 4 steel frame buildings in the US have ever allegedly suffered structural failure due to planes/damage/fire or just fire and 3 of them occurred on 9/11. The 4th was the library at the University of Delft, which only partially collapsed, the part that was on fire, the rest of the building did not collapse. So how often would one who is an alleged expert witness in "forensic structural failure" be called to testify in a court case?

    To be accurate, the evidence doesn't belong to me, it exists on its own merit (like just about everywhere one looks) and it is incontrovertible. I just post it, every piece I can find. And it is so overwhelming that attorneys label it "dispositive" (a no brainer). OCT worshipers call it "cherry picking".
  12. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The reason so many still believe the official story is because we were all raised on fictions and fantasies. We were all raised to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Original Sin and other such nonsense. We were conditioned as children to believe in fairy tales and superstition.

    Then as adults we have been conditioned to believe what the government and media tell us to believe.

    Free thinkers in this country are rare.
  13. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Well the propaganda we are conditioned by from the cradle destroys most free thinking and objectivity. And exercising objectivity isnt at all easy

    We also have the other extreme. Some people like eddy bravo who appears on joe rogan sees conspiracies everywhere. Every major consequential event isnt a conspiracy. Yet there are also people who dont believe in any conspiracy ! They have a naive view of humanity and have to ignore the fact that some of us with power will conspire in self interest.

    I think most conspiracies are never caught because there are no red flags and impossible coincidences involved in the event . And the more red flags present and coincidences involved the greater the odds are for a conspiracy.

    911 has to be the greatest conspiracy ever seen in our history. And it intimates something so huge that it should scare the hell out of Americans.

    No doubt that the implications involved with 911 is far more than we can handle and rejecting the conspiracy is how we protect our deeply held beliefs about something as important as the govt and people who hold such power over us.
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  14. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  15. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020

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