9/11 Fact vs 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Discussion in '9/11' started by Bob0627, Aug 4, 2017.

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  1. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I started this topic because many of the topics being discussed in this section of the forum are based on fact and not conspiracy theory. It has long been my contention that 9/11 should have its own independent topic and not automatically be relegated to the "conspiracy section" of any forum because for one, it isn't all conspiracy theory and for two, it is one of the most defining events of our generation and should have its own section. Once again as always with any topic I am responsible for, I ask posters to discuss the subject intelligently and especially in an adult manner (which means leave out the ridiculing and insults).

    The above is possibly the root of many claims by Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) defenders that anything that questions or contradicts the OCT is a "conspiracy theory". It is alleged that the term "conspiracy theory" was weaponized by the CIA in the wake of the JFK assassination to ridicule and stifle any dissent or discussion aside from the official claims. It is an old government propaganda tactic as eloquently explained:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - Joseph Goebbels

    Examples of 9/11 Conspiracy Theory:

    1. The 9/11 Commission Report in its entirety.
    2. The claim that 9/11 was an inside job.
    3. The claim that Al Qaeda or Mossad were responsible for 9/11.
    4. The claim that 19 Arab hijackers armed with box cutters caused 4 planes to destroy 3 targets.

    Examples of 9/11 Fact:

    1. Several buildings in lower Manhattan were totally destroyed and the Pentagon was severely damaged on 9/11.
    2. Vice President Cheney asked Senator Tom Daschle not to investigate 9/11 on multiple occasions.
    3. President George Bush did nothing after being told a plane crashed into the WTC tower.
    4. Tons of 9/11 physical evidence were quickly carted away prior to any investigation.
    5. Philip Zelikow claimed that most if not all of the 9/11 Commission Report relied on torture testimony

    Examples of neither 9/11 Fact nor 9/11 Conspiracy Theory:

    1. All the NIST 9/11 reports.
    2. The twin towers and WTC7 were controlled demolished on 9/11 (as a collapse theory).
    3. WTC7 collapsed strictly as a result of fire.
    4. The twin towers collapsed as a result of planes, damage and fire.

    The above are just some very basic examples for posters to understand the difference between the 3 categories above. It is not set in stone, so please post your opinions as to what you believe is 9/11 fact, theory, conspiracy theory or none of the 3. Thank you.
  2. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    So since there are no posts in opposition, I take it everyone agrees with the examples given in the first post.

    #1, the first part of #3 and #4 are official government conspiracy theories, certainly not fact. The remainder are conspiracy theories that evolved because the US government has never provided any factual explanation based on any legitimate investigation.

    The FACT is that #2 through #5 are US government crimes of the highest order.

    All the above are strictly collapse theories. Posters (usually OCT defenders) often confuse or falsely claim that any 9/11 theory that does not agree with official 9/11 theories is a conspiracy theory.
  3. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    It looks like I'm having a discussion with myself. So let's take this up a notch and see if I can involve other posters. I will post my estimation of a probability factor with the examples listed, leaving out 9/11 Fact because of course those are documented facts. So the probability that the following theories are true:

    Conspiracy Theory

    1. The 9/11 Commission Report in its entirety. - 0%
    2. The claim that 9/11 was an inside job (in its entirety). - 85%
    3. The claim that Al Qaeda or Mossad were (entirely) responsible for 9/11. - 0% for both.
    4. The claim that 19 Arab hijackers armed with box cutters caused 4 planes to destroy 3 targets. - .01%
    5. The claim that the highest level authorities stood down on 9/11. - 99.9%

    Scientific Theory

    1. All the NIST 9/11 reports (in their entirety). - 0%
    2. The twin towers and WTC7 were controlled demolished on 9/11 (as a collapse theory). - 99%
    3. WTC7 collapsed strictly as a result of fire. - 0%
    4. The twin towers collapsed as a result of planes, damage and fire. - 0%

    You are invited to post your own probability estimates for the above theories or add your own.
  4. Capt Nice

    Capt Nice Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Hang in there
  5. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I will thanks. That's not much of a contribution so I'll take that as your agreement to everything I posted since you haven't presented any contrary/alternate comments/arguments.
  6. Llewellyn Moss

    Llewellyn Moss Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    Psychologists explain why people do NOT want to hear the truth about 9/11.

    Eleuthera and Bob0627 like this.
  7. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Psychiatry/psychology are pseudo sciences and are a profit driven industry. Having said that, they do rely on human behavior patterns and many of these patterns are assigned labels by the industry. These are not diseases as the industry would like everyone to believe and they all have expensive treatments but no cures. There are no verifiable proven chemical tests for any of these behavior patterns, they are just recognizable patterns. Despite, "cognitive dissonance" and the "Stockholm Syndrome" are based on common recognizable patterns of human behavior (denial of the facts in particular) so what these people claim is quite logical.

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