Perhaps you can take time out from insults and cheering to explain why the molten metal story is so significant? How does molten metal disprove office fires as previously claimed? Can you do that without all the extraneous noise?
Is this the same Soupnazi/Blues who complains of Ad Hominem attack ? I suggest that if Soupnazi/Blues want to know what the presence of Molten Metal for an extended time after the fall of the buildings implies, then perhaps they should have done with Willful Ignorance and read the Links provided. And if they then still .............................. feel compelled to call people Liars they could look in their mirror .
I read all of your links and they are proven fiction with no evidence like all the rest of your claims. Everything you have claimed is devoid of any evidence. You are extremely ignorant of science and all the evidence and facts have CRUSHED you in humiliating fashion. You are simply proven to be too childish to admit it.
I read all of your desperate Insulting drivel and it has been proven fiction, with no evidence like all the rest of your claims. Everything you have claimed is devoid of any evidence. & NIST has been shown & proven to be a Liars den You are extremely ignorant of science and all the evidence and facts have CRUSHED you in humiliating fashion. You have simply proven yourself to be too ridiculously childish & Willfully Ignorant to the Facts, to admit to it .
Everything you say is projection and true of you except that most has never been debunked as you claim.
Sorry Soupnazi - But be you should be aware, It is the Willfuly Ignorant who Project their deficiencies & you do a rather Bum job of it Soupnazi , there are two types of Liars - Those who Lie to other people & those who Lie to themselves - ......................... I again suggest you look in the Mirror, & attempt to discover who that strange is
. Unfortunately I expect we will have a heavy handed, yet fair minded PF MOD ........... come along and put an end to, and delete this little têteàtête. To bad, ................I actually enjoy dealing with poorly practiced, incompetent Arrogance
No you are dealing with fact you have no evidence for any of your claims. The a Evidence has crushed and debunked every one of your claims . Fact and you know it. You present unsupported assertions which have been mutilated with evidence by many others. - - - Updated - - - No It is strictly you projecting after being steamrolled by others.
Oh yah Duh Evidence yet you present nothing but your hollow denials You keep saying that over & over ! - It's so Hilarious ! Face the Facts Pal, your a SoupyNazi who's arms & legs have been neatly removed [video=youtube;zKhEw7nD9C4][/video] THANX for an amusing afternoon .
Another vacuous post full of dumb noise. Listen Kid, it is obvious you cannot debate on an adult level, and it also obvious you are merely parroting memes without actually understanding what they mean. In short, you are a time waster, and you can cut that crap about Soupnazi and I being the same profile. It's bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
I'm a time waster ! OMG What ! - You got ADHD ? So Let me give you the quickie version Hardly definitive - But made just for size SMALL [video=youtube;hgrunnLcG9Q][/video] .
Without a shred of supporting evidence. Like all of you posts the video is sheer supposition opinion and fiction.. You and all the other twoofers have yet to offer evidence. Yes I keep repeating the word because it is what you lack.
Yes, you are a time waster and I don't have ADHD. Furthermore, I'm not interested in your dumb DVD. If you can't explain your position I'm not bothering to watch your stupid video. Again: Why do you feel the molten metal is significant? What does it tell you? - - - Updated - - - Well, we're not, so grow the (*)(*)(*)(*) up!
. Much of the evidence was put on a fast boat to China - an Criminal Act in itself that speaks .......................................................................................................load and clear of cover up Much of it was found in the dust of WTC in the form of NANO Thermite - Found & accepted as ... Fact beyond all shadow of doubt, to all but the most hard core of Denialists such as yourselves Much of it is found in the Hundreds of Facts that you stubbornly continue to Willfully Ignore .......................................................................... & mindlessly reject as the Facts that they are Much of it is found in the literally Thousands of curious Anomalies, & Circumstances that ... surround the event, and that plainly defy the all the Laws of coincidence and chance by ................................................................................................ almost infinite powers of 10 Much of it is found in the plain & honest observations of the people who were on sight at the time of the Catastrophe, and who's testimony contradicts the Official Bull Crap line Much of it can be found in the Molten & Evaporated Metals at the WTC sight & the Physical Impossibility of Simultaneous structural failure & Straight Down Freefall collapse of building 7 .................................................. caused by Asymmetrical office fires, 20min before it happened ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- & on & on & on - to the deaf ear But it will NEVER be found in the mind of either bought & paid for Talking Head Shills or ... between the ears of the Dumbed down Sheep who refuse to see or admit that they are ..................................................................................... Food for Wolves and Parasites ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few FACTS for people who do NOT seem to know what a FACT is 24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked 11 Remarkable Facts About 911 What They Don't Tell You - Questions about 9-11 50 Uncomfortable Facts About 9/11—No Conspiracy Theory, Here From The Article: In conclusion, I would like to say that I am convinced some elements within our Government, and others were complicit in the attacks of 9/11. As you can see above, the information that exists today clearly points in that direction. We have pieces to the puzzle, and we KNOW who refuses to give up the other pieces. However, as I said, this is America, and in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. Let’s have a real investigation, be it a domestic or international one, and do what can only be described as the right thing. Holding those responsible for the 9/11 attacks, whoever they may be, accountable. It is long overdue. Justice has never been more needed. The perverse usage of that day can no longer continue. It is time to take away the “9/11 Card,” and let those poor 2,973 souls finally rest in peace. Deal with Them the Facts I mean . .
In fact no evidence was sent to china and there is no law saying debris or wreckage cannot be sent out of the country. . The thermite claim is a proven falsehood not a fact as you claim. I know you will deliberately ignore and deny this but in fact th e dust supposedly from nyc after 911 which was cited as containing thermite was actually found in closet years after 911. With no chain of custody it is worthless and unriable that is fact. In addition the claim failed the peer review process. No thermite was found period.
No anomolies or coincidences defy any such laws as you claim. You cannot and will not answer a simple question. Specifically state what the law of chance states and then what the b laws of coincidence state. Until you do that your assertion that said laws were violated is a proven foolish falsehood.
There were .millions of witnesses and some will always contradict each other and the evidence that is fact. It is also fact that the vast majority of honest plain observations support the official story and evidence so the few which ccontradict it are the predictable error. Those are facts.
The molten of evaporated metals prove nothing you have had that proven to you and are in denial so stop projecting little boy it is strictly you ignoring facts. The buildings fell in no abnormal way and did not fall at free fall speed. Nor did anyone state that they fell at free fall speed to include NIST or the 911 report. You cannot and will not state any page in those reports which describe any buildings calling at free fall speed. Until you do your claim lie so quote the page or be silent little boy.
All your sources are debunked fringe twoofers sites such as AE911. It has been shown that said website is made up of part time fast food workers living in moms basement like you. Not engineers or architects. They screen no one and anyone can join. The founder Mr. Have made a career of designing swimming pools with no experience in hi rises. All facts. All proven and presented to you before making you guilty of going in circles. You have no anomolies. You have no valid sources. You have no free fall or claim of free fall. You have no thermite. You have no vid witnesses You have no laws of evidence broken by anyone. Every claim ypiu have made has been proven to be total (*)(*)(*)(*). Now go to bed little boy
Good reflexiv Rebut ! - yer serious fighter sure It means nothing without the same kind of back up I've given You In a fist fight - I would no doubt be Crippled I pushed a PF button Nice Ta Meat Chaa ! Seriously - I knew a Military US guy from Middlefield OH If you are a VET, why do you allow your country to BETRAY you ? .............................................& why do you call yourself a NAZI ? .