A 'Better' Prediction of the End Times

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by OverDrive, May 22, 2011.

  1. FreeWare

    FreeWare Active Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Thanks. So you agree that if there exists such a belief that Jesus is God then it creates a contradiction and is thus "dead wrong"?
  2. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says its dat end time financial collapse when rich folks gonna be throwin' their gold an' silver out inna streets like Rev. Jack van Impe says...
    World Entering 'Dangerous New Phase': Lagarde
    Friday, 9 Sep 2011 | Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, warned that the global economy is entering a "dangerous new phase" on Friday, ahead of the G7 summit in Marseilles, France.
  3. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Yes.. its happened many times. Jerusalem was bandit territory on the trade route.

    See Fortress of Har Megiddo.. its ancient and has been rebuilt repeatedly.
  4. OverDrive

    OverDrive Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    That's exactly the attitude of the Godless ppl that will be on the earth at the time of His coming and will welcome in the end-times antichrist global system. Thx for chiming in and being 'the example" of such.

    So, in about 20 yrs or so (I still have my best 'guess' of 2000 yrs from His death & resurrection, which was around about 30 AD) I will be expecting an apology from YOU..

    ......oh, wait. Scripture says that during the tribulation Rev 16:10-11, "... people gnawed their tongues for the torment of their excruciating distress and severe pain, And blasphemed [cursed] the God of heaven because of their anguish and their physical afflictions, and they did not deplore their wicked deeds or repent for what they had done."

    So, in YOUR case....never mind.

    [Oh, BTW, you know who you are, better remember Revelation's warning to the supposed believers on the earth during those times: 'We did all these things in Your name; and He said "I never knew you."']
  5. MrConservative

    MrConservative Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    The idea of The Kingdom of God being limited only towards the end times is only a fairly recent idea. The Kingdom of God can be the Church or the Holy Spirit that resides in each of us. This would be consistent with what scripture says about the Kingdom of God coming while the disciples where still alive.
  6. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Good post... It would also make sense about Jesus saying "the kingdom of God is within you ."
  7. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Yes.. that the old order would pass within a generation ... with the destruction of the Temple and the New Spiritual Kingdom surviving the 3 and a half year tribulation...

    Meaning the teachings of Jesus would prevail.. and there would be an end to blood sacrifice and purification rituals.

    In effect .. a New World Order.
  8. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Margot, I think you are spot on.

    One question though. You said Nero was the '666' but I heard a good case for Titus fitting that description. I'll try to find what I read,it was a preterist interpretation. (I think)
  9. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    I think that "the beast" applied to the Roman Emperors in general.. so Vespasian would have also fit the bill.

    But, Nero was almost supernatural in the minds of the people he persecuted.. so terrified were they of him.

    Do you remember in Revelation where it talks about the Parthians on the other side of the Euphrates?

    Nero Committed suicide in 68 AD.. The people were so afraid of him that the conspiracy theory of the times was that he would come back from the dead (or had never died at all) and.. that he would raise an army of Parthians, cross the river and return to persecute them again.

    Evidently this fear prevailed up until the 5th century.
  10. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero_Redivivus_legend

    The Return of Nero Legend.

    Nero Redivivus Legend was a belief popular during the last part of the 1st century that Nero would return after his death in 68 AD.

    The legend was a common belief as late as the 5th century. The belief was either the result or cause of several pretenders who posed as Nero leading rebellions.

    Several variations of the legend exist, playing on both hope and fear of Nero's return. The earliest written version of this legend is found in the Sibylline Oracles.

    It claims that Nero did not really die but fled to Parthia, where he would amass a large army and would return to Rome to destroy it. Dio Chrysostom, a Greek philosopher and historian, wrote "seeing that even now everybody wishes [Nero] were still alive. And the great majority do believe that he still is, although in a certain sense he has died not once but often along with those who had been firmly convinced that he was still alive."

    Augustine wrote that some believed "he now lives in concealment in the vigor of that same age which he had reached when he was believed to have perished, and will live until he is revealed in his own time and restored to his kingdom."[1] In later forms of the legend, among many early Christians, this legend shifted to a belief that Nero was the Antichrist.

    At least three Nero imposters emerged leading rebellions. The first, who sang and played the cithara or lyre and whose face was similar to that of the dead emperor, appeared in 69 during the reign of Vitellius.

    During the reign of Titus(c 79-81) there was another impostor who appeared in Asia and also sang to the accompaniment of the lyre and looked like Nero but he, too, was exposed[. Twenty years after Nero's death, during the reign of Domitian, there was a third pretender. Supported by the Parthians, who hardly could be persuaded to give him up, the matter almost came to war.

    Some bible scholars see the description of the wounding and healing of the Beast in Revelation 13:3 and the mention of the eighth king who is also one of the earlier seven kings in Revelation 17:8-11 as allusions to the Nero redivivus legend. Domitian is also regarded by some as the Nero redivivus, i.e., Nero returned in the person of Domitian.
  11. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Interesting. Thank you Margot.
  12. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    So the "Roman Emperors in General" Are The Sea Beast as described in Rev 13:1,correct ?

    And this could be Nero,In Rev 13:3 ?
  13. kmisho

    kmisho New Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Here are 3 Hopi prophecies:

    "If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."

    "Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."

    "A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans."

    You clearly are following the wrong religion. heh
  14. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Attempting to predict the end times is a pointless endeavour.

    You nor anyone else can predict the future. Using a 2,000 year old piece of mythology to do it will not get you any closer.
  15. OverDrive

    OverDrive Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    To repeat the words of Jesus that He used on several occasions concerning 'my' interpretation of the scriptures, "My words are for those who have ears to hear."

    Looking at your Sci-Fi, Star Trek, pre-pubescent & adolescent, pointed ears, I would say that you dont have the 'right' ears... 'heh's' back at ya. [​IMG]

    And to the one who imagines himself as the messiah (ref avatar), this 2000 year 'mythology, as modern unbelievers like to attempt to label the recorded words and to diminish in their rebellion, your name is prophesied as well as in the group of "the end-time mockers & scoffers." Congratulations..you are mentioned and are part of history being fulfilled as we 'speak'....[​IMG]

    BTW, plz work at trying to put some 'personality' in your postings, like kmisho does...well,.... he tries!

    [Oops..I just violated my "responding-in-like-manner-is-a-waste-of-time' philosophy, which plays into the folly of Godless, vain, & futile discussion....sorry for the slip.......OD] [​IMG]
  16. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Considering the quality perceptions of the intents of the framers I read, and your non reply and acceptance of the definitions of prime constitutional intent I would hope you would support, your signature is not consistent with your act.

    So I'm wondering what reason you have for not immediately accepting these definitions of prime institutional intent .

    --As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you understand, agree and accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent that the framers of the founding documents intended for us to alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights?

    As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you understand, agree, accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent that the ultimate purpose of free speech be to enable the unity adequate to effectively alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights?--

    Seriously, why not resist the end of a grand experiment? Why not work to make it a grand success because of American state citizens finally understanding how to become " the rightful masters of the congress and the court"?
    DennisTate likes this.
  17. gandrews

    gandrews Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Considering the quality perceptions of the intents of the framers I read, and your non reply and acceptance of the definitions of prime constitutional intent I would hope you would support, your signature is not consistent with your act.

    Nothing in my failure to reply to your posts condones ANYTHING you may have written.
    If anything, joining this forum has depressed me beyond belief and proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Americans who voted for the abomination that is the American president today, and those too lazy or just plain careless to vote against him are truly the "poorly educated" that Trump counted on to allow him to destroy the Grand Experiment.
    I don't care if you agree or not, I state my position and am quickly tiring of responding to the posts of folks who chose to put a pathological liar and egomaniac, who absolutely refuses to divest himself of his own financial interests while in office, instead of concentrating his total attention on the job he was hired to do.
    Time will tell, but I see no golden future for any country run by a man who seems to think that lies, hatred and divisiveness are positive attributes..
  18. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Hmm, you seem obsessed with Trump.

    I'm so disgusted with politics, I will not discuss them. Waste of time. We have way better things to do, but you seem to not know that, and refuse to consider that.

    I'm only interested in your reply to these two inquiries, because judging by what you write, you should easily accept them, but so far you have evaded doing that.
    As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you
    understand, agree and accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent
    that the framers of the founding documents intended for us to alter or
    abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights?

    As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you
    understand, agree, accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent
    that the ultimate purpose of free speech be to enable the unity
    adequate to effectively alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our
    unalienable rights?

    If you refuse to answer, at least state why, please.

  19. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    What great sacrifice do you suffer from agreeing and accepting that the framers intended for free speech to serve the purpose of enabling the unity to effectively alter or abolish? What keeps you from simply accepting that free speech as our natural law has that purpose, and it is ultimate, because without your unalienable rights, you do not exist.
  20. gandrews

    gandrews Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Isn't it Trump who is the greatest threat to free speech? He has threatened to ruin several news organizations who criticized him during his campaign?
    Isn't it Trump who threatens the very core of the Constitution by registering and possibly incarcerating American citizens because of their religion or ethnicity?
    Have we not learned from our shameful treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII?
    Are we as a people supposed to just shut the F up and allow this president to undo centuries of conservation, decades of work to insure our descendants have clean air and water aplenty, just so some of his cabinet can become even richer than they are?
    Are we to just sit back and watch this president hand Russia two, repeat two, state of the art aircraft carriers and an unlimited supply of money from dropping the embargoes on Russia? Must we return to worrying if Iran is secretly building nuclear weapons?
    Are we willing to return to Mutual Assured Destruction as our only defense from our enemies as Trump has suggested?
    How is isolationism going to benefit Americans in a global economy? Are we only going to produce what we consume? If we raise tariffs, so will our trading partners, which means all his plan will do is make EVERYTHING more expensive for Americans.
    Trump ran on catch phrases, fear and hatred and he has shown no sign of increased integrity or maturity during the transition. He won't even admit that the crowds at his inauguration were disappointing. Such a little thing to admit, but such a huge admission, thus showing us a glimmer of maturity in a man who is now the President of the United States of America.
    Just how are any of these things going to make America great again?
  21. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    One point, They way you posted " He has threatened to ruin several news organizations who criticized him during his campaign" that isn't what he said, he said he would ruin those that lied and slandered (MLK statue in Oval office for the latest) , big difference. I didn't read the rest because I knew it would be another Trump bad rant without evidence.
  22. gandrews

    gandrews Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Nowhere in "intended for us to alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights" do I see anything that states that a minority of the people has that right. Trump is the legally elected President, but he did not win with a majority of the popular vote and therefore has no mandate to act solely for the minority that elected him.
    Is Trump not the biggest danger to "free speech" as guarantied by the Constitution, with his threats to muzzle, destroy or otherwise silence any media organization that opposed him during his campaign? He has already begun these attacks against organizations like Moveon.org, politifact.com, CNN and others.
    I opposed Goldwater and Nixon, Reagan, Dubya and both wars I've been an adult for, though I participated in one. I have traveled outside the country enough to have a pretty good idea of what the world has thought of us through all those presidents, and trust me, none made America look good. Most have been a shameful embarrassment.
    Now we have an abomination who has no qualifications or the temperament for the job he has been handed, and quite frankly with the advisors and cabinet he has put together, I don't see how he can do the job. He has insulted and abused the intelligence community which is our first line of defense against our enemies. He wants to isolate us from the world which will leave us with no allies against our enemies. He has insulted and angered a third of the world's population and and threatens to incarcerate American citizens because of their religion and/or ethnicity.
    Donald J Trump is BY FAR the greatest threat the Constitution has ever faced, yet his supporters seem to not care at all.
    I'm old and tired of all this BS. The best I can do today, is do what I can from my computer keyboard. If I can get just one or two Trump supporters to reassess their view of him, perhaps it will spread and with luck and perseverance the United States of America will survive this onslaught of hatred, ignorance and greed. Unfortunately, I just can't see that happening. I wholeheartedly believe that Donald j Trump and his followers will destroy the grand experiment that was the United States of America, and there's not one single thing any of us can do now to stop it. We can look forward to a 3rd Reich type totalitarian government leaving the majority of the people with limited personal freedoms and a ruling class that will decide their lives.
    Our destopian future is arriving in the hands of Donald J Trump.
  23. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Is it possible that you evaded answering those questions again for a reason not stated?

    The PURPOSE of Free speech was abridged in 1792 when the 1st amendment was made law and did not include its purpose. Trump and his antics are but a late, advanced symptom of that abridging.

    Pretending to be obsessed with a misfit in order to conduct evasion is not a competent response.
  24. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    A right that exists under the 9th amendment only requires a majority to make it enumerated law. The fact of it is still a reality, particularly when it is an unalienable right.

    Amendment IX
    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    I propose that Americans create a majority that accepts and agrees with these two inquiries.

    As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you
    understand, agree and accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent
    that the framers of the founding documents intended for us to alter or
    abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights?

    As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you
    understand, agree, accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent
    that the ultimate purpose of free speech be to enable the unity
    adequate to effectively alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our
    unalienable rights?

    Do you oppose that?
  25. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    It's 2018:

    End of Democracy in America's history.

    United States become Federation and named US of America's Federation. Like Russian Federation. And Belgium. And Canada with more in country watch. African countries has Federations Somalia with more.

    Isn't Capitalism in United States of America ?

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