A Convenient Treaty

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Flanders, May 28, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    There’s some sneaky business going on here:

    UN-loving traitors are using America’s disabled veterans to justify ratifying every UN treaty. And isn’t it convenient that the CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) pops up in time to legitimize ratifying the LOST (Law of the Sea Treaty)?

    No American objects to giving this country’s disabled veterans everything, but the United Nations should not be involved. The CRPD is another piece of International law crap no different than every other UN treaty.

    Trotting out war hero John McCain is supposed to make bipartisanship in the name of the United Nations okay:

    It all sounds wonderful until you read the text:

    Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


    As usual, a UN treaty is loaded with hidden taxing authority for the United Nations. Just about everything the CRPD calls for ultimately requires funding. Where is that funding going to come from? Why, taxes of course. Who will collect and administer those taxes? Why, the United Nations of course.

    The CRPD is not the first time John McCain showed his internationalism. Back in 2007 he sounded a lot like Hussein, only he went one step further. McCain proposed another International organization in addition to the United Nations:

    Tuesday, May 1, 2007 7:18 a.m. EDT
    Sen. McCain Favors 'League of Democracies'


    McCain never called for America to withdraw from the UN. Why settle for one “world body” interfering in America’s affairs when you can have two? At the time, he appeared to be courting media liberals when he said his League of Democracies could act where the UN failed to act. That recommendation came dangerously close to the American military functioning as the world’s police force.

    The UN has always been a train wreck for the American people. It follows that UN treaties add to the damage.

    Finally, the first Geneva Convention in 1864 set humanitarian treatment for soldiers wounded in battle. The Red Cross came out of the first Geneva Convention. Other than the aid supplied by the Red Cross, the Geneva Conventions have been an abject failure ignored by brutal governments while humane countries don’t need them.

    The human race has become more inhumane in spite of the Geneva Conventions. The tens of millions of murders totalitarian governments did to their own citizens in the last century proves my point. The CRPD may have noble intentions, but going down the same “global solution” for the disabled will only bring the same results the Geneva Conventions gave the world. Love, humanity, compassion, or whatever you want to call it simply cannot be incorporated in law or in treaties.


    May 25, 2012

    Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Tom Harkin (D-IA), John Barrasso (R-WY), Chris Coons (D-DE) and Tom Udall (D-NM) today announced their support for U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Senate consent to U.S. ratification of CRPD will recognize the fundamental values of non-discrimination and equal access for persons with disabilities in all areas of life and help protect Americans with disabilities who work and travel abroad from discrimination, including disabled veterans.

    “As a cosponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the ADA Amendments Act, I have long advocated on behalf of equal access and non-discrimination for all Americans, including our veterans and today’s disabled soldiers returning home from serving their nation in war,” said Senator John McCain. “I support U.S. ratification of the disability treaty, as it seeks to advance these same fundamental values of equality and human dignity around the world.”

    “The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities promotes independence, dignity and inclusion while protecting the rights of Americans with disabilities when they travel abroad,” Senator Dick Durbin said. “These basic rights should be promoted and emphasized across the world and that’s why I support ratification of this important treaty.”

    “Each person has the inherent right to life and should have the opportunity to pursue happiness, participate in society, and be treated equally before the law,” Senator Jerry Moran said. “The CRPD advances these fundamental values by standing up for the rights of those with disabilities, including our nation’s veterans and servicemembers, and respecting the dignity of all.”

    “The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities builds on the U.S. experience implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act and promoting equal opportunity and full participation for all people with disabilities in the lives of their communities,” said Senator Tom Harkin. “As a lead Senate sponsor of the ADA, I look forward to working on a bipartisan basis to ratify the Convention and reaffirm our country’s commitment to improving access and opportunities for people with disabilities around the world.”

    “The United States must remain the leader when it comes to providing opportunities and protections for individuals with disabilities,” said Senator John Barrasso. “This agreement will work hard to ensure all Americans with disabilities are guaranteed these same protections while traveling abroad.”

    “America has long been a global leader in recognizing and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, and ratification of this convention is an essential step to ensuring disabled persons are protected globally,” Senator Chris Coons said. “All people deserve to be granted full and equal basic human rights, regardless of their physical or mental capabilities. I strongly support ratification of this critical treaty, and urge my colleagues to do the same.”

    “The United States is a leader in advocating for the empowerment of disabled Americans, including our veterans who have returned home with life-changing injuries," said Senator Tom Udall. “This treaty is an important tool to improve conditions for citizens living and working abroad and ensures that we remain a beacon for fairness and opportunity around the world.”

    An American delegation under President George W. Bush negotiated and approved the Convention in 2006. The United States signed the treaty in 2009 and submitted it to the U.S. Senate this May for its advice and consent for ratification. The treaty requires no changes to U.S. laws or new appropriations.

  2. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    more importantly they are using treaties to work around the constitutional authority since treaties trump forcing americans to sue on an individual basis to protect their rights.

    governments are instituted to protect rights then used to destroy them in practice.

    great post, really exemplifies what is going on in the mafia people call government
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Kokomojojo: Absolutely. Worse still, the government no longer wants to abolish constitutional Rights one by one. A few UN treaties will wipe out the entire Constitution more effectively than everything Democrats did to date.

    The poison incorporated in every United Nations treaty remains lethal forever because unratified treaties have an indefinite shelf-life. Here’s Dick Morris talking about treaties —— before the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was put in play:


    Dick Morris: Obama Poised to Betray America Through 4 United Nations Treaties


    I believe that the people who control the Senate see that Hussein is on his way out; so why not lay it all on him before he goes. That’s why every unratified treaty is being dusted off for a run at ratification. The theory is that at least one, possibly two, will get ratified. It matters not which one. It only takes one to give the United Nations the authority to tax the American people. See this thread:


    In addition to losing the White House, conservatives might end up with the 34 seats necessary to defeat ratifying any UN treaty. Losing a senator like Richard Lugar frightens the United Nations more than losing the White House. A president only gets 8 years, while senators can work for the United Nations from one administration to the next. Lugar was there for 36 years as was Biden. Everybody knows about them, but how many voters in their respective states can tell you how many times their long-serving senators betrayed the country to the United Nations?

    Note that the House of Representatives has no say in ratifying treaties. That means the Senate and the president dictate which Rights to give away by treaty. It’s no secret who the Senate works for.

    Unfortunately, the president alone takes the heat for treaties when senators deserve at least as much blame if not more. UN-loving characters like then-Senator Joe Biden tried his best to ratify the LOST. Instead of being held accountable he became vice president. Come reelection time nobody in the media, and certainly not an opponent, brings up a president’s, or a senator’s, loyalty to the United Nations rather than to the US Constitution and America’s sovereignty.

    Incidentally, make what you will of this:

    May 29, 2012 11:46 pm
    Rockefellers and Rothschilds unite
    By Daniel Schäfer in London

  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I have to admit that Stella Paul’s interpretation of the 2008 election knocked my socks off:


    Here’s Stella Paul’s brief article:

    June 1, 2012
    The Producers Theory of Sarah Palin
    Stella Paul

    Watching Mitt Romney deftly punch back against Obama brings back traumatic memories of McCain's pitiful failure to do the same. To some careful observers in 2008, McCain seemed to be deliberately trying to lose.

    So here's a new thought: Suppose McCain's real job was to gracefully lose and that picking Sarah Palin was part of the plan? McCain's dim-witted brain trust figured that picking an obscure first-term governor from Alaska was a certain deal-breaker with the American public.

    Instead, they discovered to their horror that Sarah was a smash hit and she might actually lead them to victory. Call it "The Producers" theory of 2008: their beautifully planned certain flop was now a disastrous success.

    What lends credence to this novel theory is that George Soros has been significantly funding McCain since 2001, and that many members of McCain's election team had Soros ties.

    Furthermore, McCain was implicated in the Keating Five scandal in 1989, in which he received campaign contributions in exchange for protecting criminals from investigation. So his integrity is hardly unimpeachable.

    I think perhaps a back-door deal was struck. What else could possibly explain the media career of Meghan McCain?

    Well, if George Soros catapulted Sarah Palin to national prominence, I finally found something to be grateful to him for.


    I always chalked up McCain’s disaster to his stupidity in trying win over the media coupled with the fact he is a leading RINO. Let’s face it, DISASTER is the only way to describe it when a legitimate war hero did not beat a street hustling, America-hating, community organizer. Now, I’m not so sure McCain would have been better than Hussein since it turns out they are both George Soros sockpuppets. McCain might have been worse because no one would dare question a war hero’s loyalty to America’s sovereignty.

    First loyalty aside, conservatives never had any reason to vote for McCain. They still don’t just because he says a few things on the talk shows that sound good. His actions are still the actions of a RINO loser, only now everything he does will be seen as tainted by Soros. Now I can see that McCain’s support for the CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) smacks of George Soros. The question is: How many other UN treaties will McCain vote for?

    Naturally, it’s all speculation, but if Stella Paul’s take is correct, one has to wonder if Sarah Palin had any inkling something was going on behind her back. She was campaigning to beat the band while McCain had already sold out.

    In my own defence, I did not know about McCain’s ties to George Soros before today.

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