Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Margot2, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The enigma of Assad: How a painfully shy eye doctor turned into a murderous tyrant

    This offers a lot of insight into who Bashar Assad is and what has changed him. He's not so unlike his father now.. That's a real shame since everyone was hopeful when he took over in Syria..............

    Syrian president Bashar al-Assad never seemed cut out to be a dictator. As a young man, Assad—the second son of strongman president Hafez al-Assad—was so painfully shy that in conversation, “he wouldn’t look in your eye…he covered his mouth with his hands when he talked, and spoke in a low voice,” says Ayman Abdel Nour, a university friend. Indeed, Assad generally avoided gatherings of more than handful of people, and would hunch over to make his tall frame less conspicuous. “He was a totally regular citizen; you wouldn’t guess he was the son of the president unless you knew him personally,” Abdel Nour remembers.

    While Bashar’s flashy older brother Bassel quickly rose through the ranks of the military, Bashar chose to study ophthalmology and took a softer posting as an army doctor. “The doctors aren’t considered real army,” Abdel Nour says. “They’re not real fighters—there’s no army in the world where the major general is a doctor.”

    But Assad’s relatively quiet life changed dramatically when Bassel died in a car accident in 1993. Studying in London at the time of the crash, Assad was called back to Syria where his father dubbed him the new “hope” of the Syrian people. Seven years later, after his father’s death, he took over as president.

    In 2013, the urbane, Phil Collins-loving would-be eye doctor reportedly slaughtered around 1,400 people in what the UN called the “most significant confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians since Saddam Hussein” in 1988. On April 4th, Assad used chemical weapons (paywall) on his own people again.

    “There’s an irreconcilable Dr Jekyll-Mr Hyde tension in the person of Assad,” says Nadim Houry, who directs Human Rights Watch’s terrorism program and spent 11 years monitoring Assad’s regime. “There’s this clean-cut guy who gets interviewed by outlets, always has an Apple laptop on his desk and speaks very calmly.

    He’s very far from the image of an Arab dictator like Saddam or Gadaffi with their rifles in the air. Yet when you look at the behavior of the regime, it behaves very much like a typical, brutal Arab dictatorship—massive torture, massive killing of civilians, indiscriminate and deliberate bombing.”

    The world has reacted with horror to Assad’s brutality, but while his cruelty is nothing new in the region, his transformation is more perplexing.

    What could possibly have transformed this soft-spoken man, who promised to reform his late father’s heavy-handed dictatorship, into a tyrant so desperate to hold on to power that he
    would eventually gas his own people to do so?

    Ask 10 different Syrian experts and you’ll get 10 different answers. No one really knows if Assad ever genuinely cared about the reformist ideas he initially championed, but there was at least some early inclination towards economic liberalism. What we do know is that these desires were repeatedly trampled by two factors: the entrenched authoritarianism of the forces around him, and the instincts that shaped him.

    “He’s a child of the Cold War on the side of the USSR; of the Arab-Israeli conflict on the side of the Arab states; and, most of all, he’s the child of his father,” says David Lesch, a history professor at Trinity University in Texas, and the author of two books on Assad’s Syria. “These are the influences that shaped his worldview, rather than being a computer
    and liking Western music.”

    The “Damascus Spring” and high early expectations

    After 29 years of strongman Hafez al-Assad, an air force commander who came to power in a coup, Bashar’s sleek suits and British investment-banker wife seemed like a breath of fresh air.

    His inaugural speech in July 2000 called for “democracy,” “transparency,” and “constructive criticism”—it even contained implicit criticisms of his father. “The speech created a great deal of hope,” says David Lesch, a history professor at Trinity University in Texas, and the author of two books on Assad’s Syria.


    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  2. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The inauguration was followed by a period of relative openness, known as the “Damascus Spring.” Some opposition parties were allowed, the press got a little bit freer, and hundreds of political prisoners were released. Liberal intellectuals founded discussion salons across the Syrian capital and put together political pamphlets and petitions for reform.

    But this openness didn’t last long. “Of course, it didn’t take more than a few weeks before people were demanding regime change because the regime was so corrupt,” says Joshua Landis, director of the University of Oklahoma’s Middle East Studies Center and author of the Syria Comment blog. “It stunk. The whole thing stunk—so, any kind of critique had to lead to regime change.”

    Within months, Assad was warning (pdf, p. 5) that civil society groups criticizing the government were, consciously or unconsciously, helping “the country’s enemies” and, ominously, would be “dealt with.” A few months later, 10 opposition leaders were imprisoned.

    Even now, there’s little agreement among analysts on whether Assad actually wanted the “Damascus Spring” to last. Dovish voices like Lesch believe his mildly progressive ambitions were thwarted by hardliners from his father’s government. Many others believe the early rhetoric was merely a front to attract international investment to Syria’s backward economy. “It was a PR campaign to normalize the government,” says Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

    Radwan Ziadeh, a human-rights activist and fellow at the Arab Institute in Washington, DC, agrees. “The Damascus spring was only a cosmetic step to try to get legitimacy,” he says. “Assad actually got this because lot of international leaders praised him early on.”

    “The Damascus spring was only a cosmetic step to try to get legitimacy.” Ziadeh has good reason to be skeptical of Assad’s motives—he was one of the opposition intellectuals Assad targeted in 2001. Never persuaded by Assad’s promises of reform, Ziadeh criticized him in articles published under a pseudonym in Lebanese newspapers. When the crackdown started, the government took his passport away, censored his writing, and had him followed by the security services for almost a year, he says. He eventually fled to the US in 2007 under the pretext of buying medicine for his father, who had cancer, and has never returned to Syria.

    The family ties that bind

    Even if political reforms were a veneer, Assad did seem committed to economic liberalization. His father had shored up power through what Landis calls an “authoritarian bargain.” In this Soviet-style model, the regime provides the means for basic sustenance for the rural working class, who in exchange give their political allegiance to it.

    However, during the 29 years of Hafez’s reign, the country’s population had more than doubled, and as the world globalized, the country badly needed to open its economy up to allow non-oil sectors to develop.

    Despite resistance from old hands in the security services who worried that any openness would lead to opposition, Bashar did bring about some economic reforms. Banks were privatized, the internet was introduced, and foreign investment was made easier. However, his motivation for such changes was hardly altruistic, argues Abdel Nour, Assad’s university friend, who worked as a voluntary government adviser in the early 2000s.

    In reality, he says, changing the economy to help ordinary Syrians was far from the top of Assad’s priorities; what was most important was enriching his friends and, especially, his family.
  3. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Abdel Nour says this ulterior motive finally dawned on him in 2003, when Syria’s parliament passed a reform bill he had worked on. Assad’s uncle persuaded him not to sign the bill until it had been changed to include six or seven clauses that would directly benefit his cousin’s businesses.

    “I realized then that I’m not working for a country, I’m working for a family business”—Ayman Abdel Nour, former friend of Assad That was the last time Abdel Nour spoke to his old university friend. “I realized then that I’m not working for a country, I’m working for a family business,” he says. “I discovered that all this about reforms was wrong; it was bullshit and propaganda. So I decided to inform the Syrian people about what has happening so they would push for reforms themselves.” Abdel Nour stopped advising Assad, and set up the opposition news website All4Syria, which he now runs from Los Angeles.

    In keeping with another common dictatorial trope, Assad’s cronyism eventually backfired, Landis says, as it undermined the “authoritarian bargain” that kept his father in power. “The class gap suddenly just widened,” he says. “That created tremendous resentment because the elite would get wealthy beyond belief.” This division would set the stage for Syria’s 2011 revolution—an event that would also solidify Assad’s transformation into a cold-blooded mass murderer.

    Assad would also learn that even limited change can embolden the opposition. For example, by insisting on bringing the internet to Syria, he made surveillance impossible at the levels his father had maintained.

    The security services had managed easily when snooping meant tapping phone lines and reading mail— but they just weren’t capable of covering the giant spiderweb of the internet. The web also gave people access to information and enabled debate. Both factors helped spark the 2011 uprising.

    The Iraq war and the power of paranoia

    Assad’s shift away from reform dovetailed with a change in his personality, as he withdrew into a bubble of authoritarian power. Lesch notes this behavior has been a hallmark of Syrian leaders for decades. “The Syrian leadership since the 1950s has been a very paranoid leadership because of constant coups and counter-coups. There have been enough imperialist shenanigans to make them believe that any opposition is a conspiracy,” he says.

    Lesch says he first glimpsed this alternative reality when talking to Assad shortly after his re-election in 2007. The only candidate in what was technically a referendum on his presidency, Assad waltzed to victory with 97.6% of the vote. Lesch had spent hours and hours interviewing the president while writing a book about him in 2004 and 2005, and says he got to know a “self- deprecating, unpretentious, humble guy.”

    “I remember thinking…that he had drunk the Kool-Aid of power and that he would be president for life.” But when Lesch asked him his thoughts on the sham vote that had brought him back to power, he was taken aback by the reply. “I really thought he’d say, ‘You know, it’s not a real election,'” Lesch said. “But he sat back and said, ‘The people love me; this shows they really love me.’ I remember thinking to myself at that moment that he had drunk the Kool-Aid of power and that he would be president for life.”

    Assad’s paranoia, too, began to noticeably increase. “He became a psychopath, believing that if you are not with me, you are against me, and you should be killed,” says Abdel Nour. Assad’s fears were only heightened by the Iraq war and US president George W. Bush’s rhetoric of “democracy promotion” and “regime change.” Dictators throughout the region saw their fears of external enemies validated.

  4. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Assad’s tough talk regarding the Anglo-American invasion further soured his relations with the US, which had been fraught ever since Bush widened the “axis of evil” in 2002 to include Syria, Cuba, and Libya. Then came a more direct attack: In December 2003, Bush placed sanctions on Syria over its decades-long occupation of Lebanon and backing of terrorist groups.

    Assad initially refused to withdraw his troops from Lebanon. But after being accused of ordering the murder of Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri, he bowed to the international pressure and pulled out. The capitulation stung and “fed the feeling that [Assad] is insecure, and that he can’t handle these regional or international crises,” says Ziadeh.

    An insecure dictator playing with fire

    By the time journalist Reese Erlich interviewed Assad in 2006, he found an insecure dictator, obsessed with the conceit that his people loved him and reforms were not needed. The forces that would shape the 2011 civil war were becoming clearer.

    And yet, Assad refused to address prominent issues like the possibility of free elections or opposition parties, whether Syria should grant citizenship to its hundreds of thousands of ethnic Kurds, or how to deal with the country’s rampant inequality.

    “He basically brushed off all these things as either unimportant or plots from the West,” says Erlich, whose book Inside Syria documents the dynamics that led to the civil war.

    “…when I turned the mic to him he would suddenly jump.” Paranoia marked those interviews too. Assad became jittery at the sight of Erlich’s radio microphone, which ever so slightly resembles a gun. “The security people had checked it so they knew it wasn’t a weapon,” Erlich said. “But he got all nervous… I would point the microphone at my own mouth when I spoke and then when I turned the mic to him he would suddenly jump.”

    In public, however, Assad was defiant. In 2010, despite his promises to help constrain the Lebanon-based militant Islamist party Hezbollah, the US received clear intelligence that Assad’s government had given it Scud missiles. When John Kerry, later US secretary of State but then a senior senator, confronted Assad with this discovery, the Syrian president was unflustered, Tabler says: “At first, Assad denied that they are Scud missiles, and then he said, ‘No, no, these are [fake] Israeli films.”


    For Tabler, this episode highlights Assad’s duplicity, his nefarious priorities, and his relationships with nations like Iran and Russia. Iran’s support and strategic backing of Hezbollah enabled Assad to openly lie to Kerry, just as Russia’s political and military assistance continues to give him cover to use chemical weapons.

    The other effect of the Iraq war was increasing sectarianism and the spread of radical Islamism across the region. According to Tabler, Assad contributed to this increase by “allowing jihadists into the country through Damascus airport to go and fight US forces in Iraq.”

    But like his economic policies, this decision, too, would eventually hurt him. By the end of the Iraq war, large groups of the disenfranchised, radical Sunnis he had let in were based in the east of the country—Syria’s poorest region. They would eventually become recruits for ISIL. Meanwhile, Assad’s power relied in part on the support of Christians and other minorities, along with Sunni urban elites. As a member of the minority Alawite sect in a country with a heavy Sunni majority, Assad’s meddling was playing with fire.

    From father of the people to executioner
  5. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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  6. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  7. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I thought you would be vindicated.
  8. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Oh that's nice. :applause:
  9. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Well there are members on the board who are forever trying to whitewash guys like Gaddafi, Mubarak, Saddam and Bashar. .. as if they were all victims of outsiders. Crazy.
  10. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    It's because they build stable societies. Some people think because everything was controlled the people were happy, and everything was okay.
  11. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Islam has a long tradition of consensus or consultative governance in the Majlis.. It sort of means that once a week the tribal elders can approach the king or Emir to air grievances or problems. Its not exactly a parliament, but it serves a purpose in that it gives the people a voice. I don't think Syria or Libya had a majlis.
  12. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Well they're certainly not stable societies now so some low actor with lots of money and toys has been up to something nefarious and ugly.

    Who could that be, I wonder?
  13. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Syria probably has 10 different political parties .. they appear to be different variations of Communism or Socialism. Were you think of some low actor promoting democracy?
  14. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    High actors promote democracy. Low actors pretend to promote democracy. So we're on the tail of a low actor who lies a lot about what they're actually up to, has pots of money and a kind of corporate private army, *hearts* regime changing (it's like a new you!), and is pretty ******ned paranoid about absolutely everything and everyone, so we can add unpredictable and highly dangerous to the mix.

    What could possibly go wrong?
  15. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Don't be so criptic.. Who are you talking about?
  16. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Really? After all that it's not obvious that it's the good ol' USA?
  17. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Oh I should have known... Its sort of a mantra that the US control Syria and every other tinpot dictator.
  18. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Im pretty sure it's because the US doesn't control Syria that's the issue.
  19. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The problem was Assad's treatment of the people. Nothing we could do about that.
  20. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    One nasty dictator good, the other bad.

    One terrorist bad, the other a rebel freedom fighter.

    No consistency, humanitarian concerns are faked. The abject hell left behind when the US (and UK and Israel) act against these 'brutal dictators' speaks for itself.
    Mackithius likes this.
  21. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

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    We invaded Iraq which was extremely stupid, but we didn't invade Syria, Egypt or Libya.
  22. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Fomenting fake uprisings works too. The US has many tricks in its bag, all of them used sooner or later. I don't think the US citizenry benefit at all and for sure other nations citizens don't. Arms industries, the military, corporations, power mongers, various high level criminals. They seem to benefit.

    The occasional mercenary like this guy:


    An Englishman who started Syria's White Helmets and stands to become extremely wealthy if/when Assad is removed.

    If he doesn't cop a bullet to the temple beforehand.

    There all manner of low actors in Syria doing America's bidding. No invasion needed.

    Trump might anyway, just to flex the brain he keeps in his pants.
  23. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    From the article:

    Abdel Nour says this ulterior motive finally dawned on him in 2003, when Syria’s parliament passed a reform bill he had worked on. Assad’s uncle persuaded him not to sign the bill until it had been changed to include six or seven clauses that would directly benefit his cousin’s businesses.

    “I realized then that I’m not working for a country, I’m working for a family business”—Ayman Abdel Nour, former friend of Assad That was the last time Abdel Nour spoke to his old university friend. “I realized then that I’m not working for a country, I’m working for a family business,” he says. “I discovered that all this about reforms was wrong; it was bullshit and propaganda. So I decided to inform the Syrian people about what has happening so they would push for reforms themselves.”

    Abdel Nour stopped advising Assad, and set up the opposition news website All4Syria, which he now runs from Los Angeles.

    In keeping with another common dictatorial trope, Assad’s cronyism eventually backfired, Landis says, as it undermined the “authoritarian bargain” that kept his father in power. “The class gap suddenly just widened,” he says. “That created tremendous resentment because the elite would get wealthy beyond belief.” This division would set the stage for Syria’s 2011 revolution—an event that would also solidify Assad’s transformation into a cold-blooded mass murderer.
  24. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The low actor in Syria is Assad and his family. They are above the law... big in Smuggling and kidnapping for ransom.
  25. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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