I am 63 years old and I have vomited only on two occasions that I can remember . One occasion as a tweener (11 or 12 ) and another when I was about 38 years old. I am cast iron stomach royalty. I don't drink alcohol but I will eat and drink just about anything else. No such thing as 'sat out too long' in my vocabulary.
Over 65 eating too much fatty food, that includes two or more eggs, late in the day is a problem due to lack of stomach acid. Half a teaspoon of vinegar in 4 oz water fixes it if it's not too bad.
Um, that one isolated unusual characteristic is a factlet. like "Gee whiz did you know light goes at 186,000 miles per second?" pretty meaningless in isolation, 299,792,458 metres per second can have the additional information that it is a definition, so that takes it up to the next level of being a fact, I guess.
I was born left hand and left eye dominate. They retrained me to be right hand dominate. I can use both hands equally as well. If I'm aiming at a target, its odd but my left eye needs my brain to readjust the "come together focused spot" to hit the mark. First time I tried to hit a target with an arrow I was off to the right consistently. No clue why until a friend asked, are you left handed or left eye dominate? I was using a bow set up for my right hand. Here's a link to eye dominance if anyone is interested. https://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-care/eye-tests/dominant-eye-test/
I am right-handed but I always shoulder a rifle on my left shoulder and close my right eye and aim with my left. Eye dominance is a very real thing. If I would have ever had a professional teach me how to shoot they probably would have said that that was a bad habit I needed to get out of. But I have consistently hit the target all of my life aiming a rifle that way... Aside from the times I miss, of course. Now I do hold a bow with my left hand and draw the string with my right hand and cant the bow somewhat to the right.... Which I am pretty sure is normal right handed shooting for archery.... But I still aim with my left eye
Yeah you're not kidding. Eye dominance is a very real thing. You dont realize it, until you do. Then its an I get it now moment. Are you left eye dominate?
I'm right handed and bat, golfed and played hockey in what people call the right handed position. If you take a bat, golf club or hockey stick and get in what is called the right handed position, you'll notice it's your left arm that's supplying all the power and the right hand just steers things. Also, in everything I just mentioned, it's your left eye that's following the balls and puck.