If we look at what has been going on in the world so far there's been an exponential and alarming advancements in AI technologies. From robots being used instead of human manual labour to AI being able to teach itself new skills. There have been a few people stating it's not a very good road for humanity to go down, as one scientist stated, "We don't fully understand the human brain." Yet, let's open up Pandora's as we have no clue about the latter or the fact that some AI can teach itself when it wasn't programmed to do so. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ouUYku0w6Mw Is there something to be concerned about? The movie The Terminator is becoming more of a reality.
Its like nukes. It could be the death of us all. But also it could be great. Its just that no matter how great it is or for how long, it could always still be the death of us all too. But its also innevitable. If someone doesn't build it, someone else will.
Machines replacing manual labour isn't an AI issue or even a robotics issue, it's been going pretty much throughout human history (think the plough or waterwheel). AI being able to learn new skills is the entire point of AI. AI isn't programmed to learn anything specifically, again, that is the whole point. It is provided source information and given instructions or questions to answer on the basis of that information. In principle, it works exactly the same way a human would in the same context, it can just work much more quickly and efficiently. The claim of an AI learning a language without any prior information about wouldn't make sense and has been factually challenged; https://www.tbsnews.net/tech/ai-teaches-itself-bangla-619070 It really isn't, nowhere close. AI is just a form of technology and there is just as much reason to be concerned about how it might be used as any other technology. Most of the fearful and negative reactions (and some of the overly positive ones) are largely based on ignorance, fed by the wide range of popular fiction featuring AI-like concepts as you demonstrate (nothing personal). We don't have multi-purpose humanoid robots walking around, personal jet-packs or meals in a pill. The technologies theoretically exist to create all of those things but they're far from the most viable or realistic uses of those technologies.
Most manual labour jobs will go to the robots, controlled by AI. It will disrupt economies, will a robot get paid as a human counterpart and be a consumer to stimulate economic growth? I don't think so. No, it isn't. As my answer will follow in the next quoted statement. In my example in the OP, the AI merely had a few words of the Bangladesh language, before long it was fluent in that language. This is the scary part, as the creators have little clue as to how and why the AI could do this, they never programmed it to do such things. Just because we don't know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are many 'secret squirrel' black projects that we commoners are not privy to. Whether the following is true or not, https://medium.com/@rakechanic/when-bad-robots-kill-good-scientists-9f77f9935b92 You may need an update on that. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OASTvqNGspE [The intro for this video may seem to be of a wrong video, but bear with it, it gets to the crux of it soon enough]
These people against AI hate change and new things on principle. We'll live in caves forever if they have their way
When we can't understand the nature of the human mind, but yet can create something that can potentially lead to our demise , this is what will put us in caves as we become the vermin. It's not about having "their way", it's about morality & mortality.
The problem is theres no way to stop it. Someone will build AI, even if its in a secret underground lab somewhere. We could delay its developement by restricting it, but as with all other things, that only means it will eventually be built 'in the dark.' Not saying there isn't an argument for delaying it as long as possible, but also theres an argument for allowing it to built 'in the light' where we concievably have some input into its capabilities and use. Its possible that benevolent AI is the best defense against malevolent AI.
AI is the next step in tech. Elon Musk is all-in with his AI company, the X.AI. First he was raving against the idea, but it turned out that he was only pissed someone beat him to it.
As I said, many manual jobs had already been largely replaced with machines through the industrial revolution and indeed before. Even the most modern ones typically aren't even robots by strict definition (i.e. replicating human motion) and most certainly don't need to be "controlled by AI". AI might be increasingly used to develop the software for such machines but the actual operations will mostly continue to use static software. Just because we're able to develop much more complex technology doesn't mean all the simpler technology gets replaced. That was the claim, from a business leader in the context of trying to generate fear of AI technology (for motives that are still unclear). As I pointed out, the claim is questionable from a technical point of view and apparently contradicted with evidence by an actual engineer. OK, you're dipping in to real conspiracy theory stuff now. There is literally zero evidence that anything like that actually happened (including the evidence the speaker claimed to have yet has never produced) and if you're going to accept her as a source for that, you'd also need to consider her claims about extra-terrestrials mutilating cows (also apparently based on evidence she claims to have seen but has conveniently never been able to produce). Maybe you could buy some of her books and films for more information (though please don't consider that a recommendation). As I said, the technology exist but turning that in to any kind of viable mainstream product is entirely different. Those kind of technical proofs-of-concept are good for attracting media coverage (and thus hopefully funding) but they're a world away from the products that may actually come of the research. And actual AI is very similar. There are all sorts of weird and wonderful things you can technically use AI to create but the vast majority of them aren't directly practically useful to any great extent. They can be used as a basis to understand how to make those useful things though.
I'm afraid that would be you. Musk made those comments, but at the time he didn't mention he was working on an AI platform of his own. He simply wanted to slow down his competition. But now everyone knows about Musk AI project the X.AI
No need for the human race then. Open-mindedness is very narrow here. Because MSM didn't cover it to cause mass hysteria among the populace. If a tree fall in the forest and no one is around, does it still make a sound? Meaning, just because it wasn't covered by MSM, does that mean it never happened?
That may be your opinion, the fact of the matter is AI will be the ultimate downfall of humanity. If they are taking over roles humans once did, what use is there for human existence?
Why do you think he was talking trash about it while being fully invested in AI of his own? If you say so. Its the new boogie-man. People NEED to have things to fear, because there is no better way to control people other than by fear. Commies, muslims, immigrants, trans people, woke, AI,....you name it
It's where you see the progression of the said science and its capabilities, what it has made redundant already. My crystal ball consists of curiosity, research skills, critical thinking and observations. Some things many don't care to use. Here's one for you, Star Trek, a lot of the technologies used on the set like the communication devices and automatic doors etc were thought to be science fiction, yet decades later viola. These technologies are now here and taken for granted. The same will go for the movie Terminator.
There has never been any need for the human race, we just are. There's no need for AI to destroy us either. I guess it could possibly happen but you've still presented no reason to suspect that is likely to be the case, especially in the foreseeable future. I didn't say it never happened, I said there is literally zero evidence (despite it being claimed there was) and that the original source is unreliable. Why should we give this any more credence than literally any other unevidenced assertion? I mean, if I'd told you I have evidence that proves for certain that the story was completely made up, would you have given my claim the same level of credence too?
Of course you think Terminator when you hear AI. That's the whole problem. Its not critical thinking, its Hollywood influence.
Being human is a process our souls must take in a very long journey. It's just one of many we have to experience. Yes, there is a need for the human race, it is a crucial step in the evolution of the soul.
Ever heard of 'predictive programming'? You may want to look into it. Hollywood makes/made plenty of movies with hints and clues, for both good and bad. But for most people, it's just entertainment, right?
And Elon doesn't have issues with AI? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=self+driving+cars+crash+