A New Republic | Rising From The Ashes (1 of 2)

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Primus Epic, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Once upon a time, I was a Liberal... You now know the rest of the story. ;) So, let's simply cut to the chase.

    How do we prevent the nightmare from becoming our reality? How do you alter the course of a Nation, so that it thrives in the future instead of dying in the future? How do you get a People, to think beyond their own lifespans? How do you get a People, to cherish the legacy they leave behind for future generations? How do you pull an entire Nation off the road leading to hell on earth and place it on the road leading to peace, prosperity and freedom? Let's take a look at how you might actually accomplish that.

    Real Conservative Values

    We have not seen these values functioning in our Republic now for well in excess of 100 years. What occupies that space today is an abomination of Genuine Conservative Values. Liberty and Freedom was once understood as the foundation for a successful Republic. Limited and Restricted Government was understood as the greatest defense against tyranny. Both the Individual AND the Whole was valued equally as much. There was Balance in the Force. There was Symmetry in Genuine Conservative Values. There was Common Sense in Genuine Conservative Values. There was Honesty in Genuine Conservative Values. There was Hope in Genuine Conservative Values. We don't have that today. We have a corrupted and hollowed out shell falsely representing itself as Conservative today.

    Real Liberal Values

    A genuine corruption of Freedom. A value system based on wearing blinders, centered in self-entitlement and ultimate control. A value system that false claims support of the Individual while acting to undermine Individual sovereignty simultaneously with unbridled frequency of control and manipulation to the point of oppression. A value system that attempts to debunk the notion that Moral Fiber is subordinate to Relativistic Assertion. A value system where Integrity is secondary to Comfort and where Personal Responsibility is not required at any time or for any reason other than that which is deemed desirable for the moment at hand. A value system that on a whim declares right as wrong, wrong as right and without the slightest bit of remorse for having done so.

    A Real Failure in Values Across the Board

    I have these two things against you, America. This is a very honest appraisal of the failures in both Parties. What you have demonstrated thus far and what you continue to put forth as "the way forward" will not serve us in the future. Neither one of these are suitable ways forward and both of these approaches combined will be the death of our Republic. Our successful future depends on neither one of these paths remaining intact. Continued treading upon either of these paths will lead to massive pain and suffering for all our Children in the future. Far greater pain than you imagine possible today.

    So, what can we do to alter course and rescue our Republic from the self-inflicted pain, hardship and eventual extinction guaranteed as a direct result of our failure to properly manage Self-Governance?

    The Real Trump Effect | Rising From The Ashes

    Maybe this is it for the Republican Party. Maybe this is a true blessing in disguise. Maybe this is the much needed turning point for Conservatives. Maybe Trump, does so much internal damage, ripping the Party to shreds from the inside out, that people finally wake up to the truth: We need to bring back Genuine Conservatism. Maybe this is the "real" Trump Effect. That Conservatives take heart and heed the call for Real Change.

    Conservatism must be based upon a genuine Higher Calling. A genuine Duty to preserve and protect the entirety of the Republic for all its People. Conservatism must be about not leaving a single Individual behind. True Conservatism must adopt the principle that Failure Is Simply Not An Option for even the least among us.

    True Conservatives must Man-Up, Woman-Up, reach down, reach out and bootstrap every single molecule of our existence on this planet and secure a brighter tomorrow for our Children's Children's Children's Children and their yet to be born Offspring in future generations to come. WE must become the Pivot Point that secures the foundation for a stronger Nation built upon the Iron Spine of Genuine Conservative Values that truly make this country great.

    What kind of Conservatism is genuinely "New?"

    Declaring something as "new" merely for the sake of being "new" is pointless and arbitrary. Therefore, "new" must have teeth and it must command a New Course of Action. Purporting to be "new" merely for political expediency will not command a brighter future into existence. You make the Future by commanding it into existence. Shear will can make it happen, but not without hard work. So, what would be "new."

    A kind of Conservatism that's real, approachable, attainable, sustainable, honest, sincere, committed, long suffering and stable in its logic and reason. An intellectually honest form of Conservatism. A brutally truthful intellectually honest Conservatism. A kind of Conservatism that intellectually pulls no punches. One that remains Constitutionally pure, grounded and connected. One that roars like a lion on Pro-Life and NEVER quits that fight again - ever. One that once again prides itself on Two Parent (Male/Female) Family Values that are but based in healthy family oriented structures which thrive on Ethics, Morals, Integrity, Character, Principles, Priorities and fundamental Common Sense.

    A party whose platform rages like a howling Gray Wolf against any further attempts to dumb down Americans, and one that designs, builds and architects holistic K-12 education that focuses on the kind of America that is expected to be in existence within the next 300 years. A kind of Conservatism that acknowledges correct education as the primary key to a successful future Republic.

    A Conservatism that intelligently designs a new K-12 educational system which does not forget the Arts, Social Sciences, Literature and World History, but one that is purpose built for a New Technology Economy and that hinged upon the relevant branches of Science, Engineering, Mathematics and all the educational requirements for the Supportive Industries that will be the foundation a more Modern American Infrastructure where new technologies thrive and the national economy soars along with it - pulling the entire world into the 22nd, 23rd, 24th centuries and beyond.

    A kind of Conservatism that makes all other nations on earth flushed with envy. Not caused by the hate they harbor because of what we did to them without just cause, but because they love everything about us and wish to emulate us at every level fathomable. A kind of Conservatism that only transforms our Republic, but one that inspires the entire world to want to replicate. That's real leadership by example.

    A new Conservative Agenda that dispenses with irrational hate and works internally across the board of Gender and Ethnicity to bring about a massive sea change in the way its members comport themselves in both public and private places. A party that feasts on the foundations of Ethics, Morals, Integrity, Character, Principles and Priorities and one that demonstrates that in its daily, routine conduct.

    A kind of Conservatism that believes in maintaining strong National Defense, but not wasteful National Defense Budgets. A streamlined Defense Department Agenda that uses every single dollar apportioned to it as wisely as possible. Relying on the intellect of all members of the Military to maintain a National Defense Posture within budgets that are reasonably sized and well contained themselves. A National Defense Posture that leaves no doubt - our Republic is not to be touched from abroad without severe consequences that are simple cost prohibitive to and would be aggressor.

    Health Care

    Yes, it is high time for Conservatives to change course on this. Health Care is a National Priority because if left to run unchecked it can become a National Crisis (which is exactly where we are today) and potentially a serious National Security Threat. However, we do not need Communistic Health Care dressed up and flaunted as Socialistic Health Care. We need something different. So much so that we need a new name for it.

    Simply put, I call it: Principled Health Care.

    Principled Health Care is a system of genuine care through real Preventative Medicine, Preventative Treatment and Preventative Consultation with Individuals and with Families. Principled Health Care would be founded on the idea that everyone involved as both duty and responsibility to do what they can to maintain good health (what a concept). This means that both Doctors and Patients function primarily at the level of prevention, which promotes living healthier lifestyles. Principled Health Care provides patients with the truthful information they need in order to meet their goals of living healthier lives across the board.

  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Giving young people HOPE that there may be a long term future for this planet is a good way to start.


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