A Prenup Agreement will not protect you

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by General Fear, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. General Fear

    General Fear New Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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  2. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    After reading the details I would say the judges made the right decision in this individual case. Her husband said he would destroy the prenup after the birth of their first child. He didn't keep that one promise along with many others.

    Also maybe if he had brought up the prenup long before their wedding, (4 days is really not enough time to discuss it at all) then perhaps they wouldn't have ever been married to begin with.

    Funny story about a prenup issue my dad told me once. My dad's dentist said he met this woman online from another country and fell in love and planned to marry her. My dad asked him if he was going to have her sign a prenuptial and the dentist said he hadn't thought of that. My dad said he should mention a prenup and see how she reacts. She objected to it and they fought over the issue until he realized she was just trying to marry him for his wealth and for a free pass to the US.

    So guys (and even some girls) if you have a bit of wealth you're not willing to lose if a possible marriage ends then I highly recommend you see how your potential spouse reacts when you mention it and please do it long before the marriage unlike this fool who waited until 4 days before the wedding!

    If it truly is about love and not the wealth you have from your past financial success then that person shouldn't object to it. If they do I'd seriously reconsider marriage.

    Although this does lead me to believe that some people still view marriage as a financial contract...

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