How many of you will be attending the International Hearing on the events of 9/11? Only $200 for a day of 'truth seeking' in beautiful downtown Toronto. Wait ... TORONTO?? Link
I already know the bulk of the content. I'll leave the education to the rest of the public to the professionals.
Maybe the "official" side could form some kind of meeting and have you attend for free? See who would show up? Oh...that's right. Information is classified.
No need. Our case was proven. The 'truther' cult leaders need to squeeze some more money from the faithful.
It's a shame my sock drawer is in such disarray - I would have liked to attend. Between watching everyone arguing whether the towers fell because of secret hush-a-boom controlled demolitions or lasers from outer space, arguing whether the planes were mocked up cruise missiles or holograms, arguing whether the "real" culprit was the government or the Jewish New World Order, and everyone accusing everyone else of being "secret disinformation agents" and "shills" for spreading different theories that don't go along with what they themselves believe, I know I would have had a great laugh.
Your case was mandated and manipulated through corruption, truth hidden. They needed a cult to assess "free fall" for them.
So why hold a hearing in Toronto? Why not get those indictments rolling? If it's so obvious, what's taking so long?
The gubmint resources are infinite. Hard to get folks to indict their fellow beneficiaries, but, the foundation will crumble soon from the infestation of truth.
Returning to topic: Does it bother anyone to have to pay $200 to hear was is essentially a criminal accusation? Don't you think that if these people really believed that persons within the US Government were responsible for the mass murder of three thousand people, then it would incumbent upon them to present their evidence publicly? Why don't they put their accusations to use?
The 200 bucks filters out the riff raff, and helps keep the shills confined to airports and forums like this one.