A rant, about you...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by YourBrainIsGod, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. YourBrainIsGod

    YourBrainIsGod Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    This will be my first post on this forum, I had signed up during this most recent election, I signed up because of my curiosity to see an open display of political opinions, hopefully to see some different perspectives on the issues, rather than what the media tends to regurgitate every week. Needless to say, I was entirely disappointed to see that the majority of my fellow Americans have their opinions diluted into the same rhetoric of these programs which I've developed a distaste for due to their inability to discuss topics constructively, or with an open-mind. In my opinion (something which is often forgotten to say), left or right, you're both wrong, and both sides mimic children, quickly turning a debate into a babbling of uninspired insults, meanwhile claiming that the other side is the one who started it. Both of you call the other idiots, meanwhile never taking a look in the mirror to reflect on why they have their perspective. Is everyone so stubborn in the way that they think that when they hear something different, they immediately pull out a defense to convolute the subject so that they no longer have to think about it objectively?

    What I would really like to know is why so few people can view things past the ideas of right/left, black/white, republican/democrat. In the area of philosophy and politics, there is never a true correct answer, and there is always a lot of grey to be discussed. In this madness of conservatives supporting republicans, who aren't really conservative, and liberals supporting democrats, who aren't liberals, and both of them just throwing crap at each other. How are we ever going to get a solid political system when none of us can think together and see why someone else's ideas might make sense?

    Some of you might consider this pretentious, and I don't often feel the need to rant, but I felt obligated to express what I was thinking, just like so many of you do. I would just like to see people discuss their ideas in a more intelligent manner, because these things actually do matter, and despite what most people think, we really can change the way Washington works, if it didn't think all of us were so oblivious.

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