Oh conservatives are pretty good at destroying economic stability too. A lot of the Western World has gone somewhat insane with economic policy from both the left and right. China seems to be one of the few countries looking at the long term rather than the short term.
That would be abandonment and I'm pretty sure that there is a law against that. And there is no guarantee that these horses in the wild would find sufficient food. We already have an over-population of wild horses.
Can an animal born and raised in captivity learn how to survive on its own? My guess is, no. I remember the story about an animal rights group that raided a mink farm and set loose hundreds of minks. They were all dead within days.
Source in Bloomberg saying that Obama can single handedly stop global warming? Either provide a source or admit that you are lying. (which I believe is a sin for you isn't it?)
I think you're the one being inconsistent, 'Rook. You're too caught up in the demagoguery. It's not about Obama, it's about environmentalism. Obama supports environmental policy (or at least that's his popular perception) and guys like you don't. That's why, when there's an environmental problem, everybody blames the guys that you voted for that kept environmental policy from happening.
Just think, we could generate some much needed revenue too. Here's what we do, we make a "Reality" TV show out of some starving children and teens in raggedy blue jean cut-offs running through the Co. Mountains with homemade spears hunting down the bedraggled horses, then spearing them through the gut and ripping out the liver for a huge, bloody, traditional Hunter Machiso feast of Thanks and No Regrets! Ahhh, Great TV that would be! Why, we'll syndicate and sell it to the Chinese and pay off our DEBT! P.S. I am particularly looking forward to the dying squeals of the impaled horses... Ahhh, Such TV! P.P.S. I just thought of the perfect theme and title: Lord of the Lies! ( like, you know, Lord of the Flies! only with Obama as the Monster!) -
Yes because the US has never seen hay prices rise before. This is just another hard year, maybe next year it will change maybe not, but hardly something to become chicken little over.
Domesticated horses do not do well being set free in the wild and they usually starve to death or become prey to a wild animal. DO NOT SET YOUR HORSES FREE ANYWHERE.
If we had just listened to the "Wise" Liberals and given Obama 5 Trillion more to spend in Chicago and China, then he could not just control the weather, but the Climate too!