Set aside the pro abortion marketing talking points and inject some truth, and every reasonable person becomes pro life.
Why would people changing their minds be a reason to take away rights? Now, let's SEE some of those "pro abortion marketing talking points"
You could probably use the same method to turn people off organ transplants or cancer treatment too. That wouldn’t make them wrong. In my opinion, anyone who calls themselves simply “pro-choice” or “pro-life” hasn’t really considered the issue clearly or completely and certainly anyone who can have their purported position swung from one extreme to the other hasn’t. The very reason it’s been an ongoing debate for so long is that it’s a complex and difficult, if not impossible, question. If it could be answered by either of the establish labelled positions, it would have been already. Continuing the pointless war of words doesn’t help anyone.
It has been won by the Pro-Choicers...abortion is legal and women are full humans, full citizens, and have the right to their own bodies.....the other side says they don't....... It's obvious which side is right.
I am still waiting for the dose of truth! This is a blatant attempt to mislead the viewer by showing those who end up supporting the agenda while editing out the rest. This is the same crap libs use to push gun control.
Ok, so it is obvious that what hey were shown was a so called "partial birth abortion" Which were only done on late term terminations and usually for either deceased foetus or one hat is incompatible with life So it is a staged prop with chosen responses rather than a true representation of reactions, what the people were shown was a misrepresentation of the truth hmmmmmm So a lie within a mistruth wrapped in a misrepresentation covered with emotive rubbish?
There is a GLARING absence of any "truth" in the OP! In fact the OPPOSITE of the "truth" is obvious in the OP. That those who are OPPOSED to women's rights have to resort to such blatantly deceitful measures exposes the dishonesty of their nefarious agenda.
Agreed! This is the kind of drivel that vegans engage in when they claim that "meat is murder". Why not just show images of sanitary pads after taking contraceptives because they might contain a zygote? Would that stop women from using them?
What I have in mind would amount to an EXPANSION of the range of choice available to women in my area, Central - Nova......... and I am hoping that the basic idea that I have in mind can be expanded all across Canada and into the USA...... and Israel...... and from there to the whole world.
FoxHastings said: ↑ Why? Why would random people changing their minds mean that women's rights should be destroyed? NO, with your support of that video, a PRO-LIFE video, you are saying you support banning abortion....taking away women's rights. THAT is what Pro-Lifers (Anti-Choicers) want. Again: ""Why would random people changing their minds mean that women's rights should be destroyed?""
The power structure will keep this wedge alive forever even though it is settled law. The masses must be kept sneering at each other lest they cast their gaze upward to the whole of humanity's common enemy; the american Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class.
To fully answer your question I think I need to take your question over into the Creative Corner forum..... specifically this discussion:
Wow! An excellent answer indeed! I would be honoured indeed to coax you into this other discussion on a matter that has confused me greatly..... especially since 1994? Did P. M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau save the world environment?