" A True Angel "

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    The father of the lone Bomber now being hunted down was
    contacted,I believe in Russia.The father called his younger son
    Dzhokar,19 ... " A True Angel ".
    However last night mr.Know-it-all Chris Matthews painted a
    far different portrait of these 2 bomber suspects.He spoke of them
    being Cowards and probably not much interested in anything other
    than how to make Bombs.Like it's what they do.Spend their days
    concerned on nothing more involving than how to makeshift bombs.
    It appearts both Bombers { brothers } were indeed concerned about
    stuff other than making bombs.Attending school and also some
    athletics { the older brother was training as a boxer }.I believe one
    was taking Pre-med courses.
    Not the typical portrait we associate with Vicious,deadly,brutal Terrorists.
    Plus this 19 year old has a baby face.
    Go Figger.The biggest Manhunt in the History of Boston over this
    Baby face.This Angel of Death.
    Reminds one of the Baby Face Nelson days.
    Criminals and yes,Terrorist come in all shapes & sizes.
    Hopefully real angels don't.
    I like my Angels,One shape,One size fits all.

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