AAPI groups condemn racist slur used by county judge candidate

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by InWalkedBud, Oct 24, 2022.

  1. InWalkedBud

    InWalkedBud Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2022
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    San Antonio AAPI groups have condemned a racist slur used by Trish DeBerry, who is running for Bexar County Judge in Texas, in reference to her opponent Judge Peter Sakai...

    ...The San Antonio Current reports that during a forum on October 10 DeBerry referred to Sakai as “Dr. No.” Dr. No is a half-Chinese, half-German character from a 1958 James Bond book...

    ... During the forum, Sakai asked DeBerry why she had called him Dr. No. DeBerry claimed it was because he had objected to moving a jail.

    “But this is about dignity and respect,” Sakai said as DeBerry tried to move on. “And this is what I bring: dignity and respect to the conversation, not name calling. I take offense to ‘Dr. No.’”

    Oh for f#ck's sake. I've never read any of the Bond books, but I've seen the flick. I would imagine that's just about everyone's exposure to Dr. No; depicted in the movie as a European white guy.

    I'm so sick of the hordes of precious little snowflakes and their unending quest for victimhood. Were I as graceful as my grandma Kuniko, I'd write the judge off with a gentle しかたない. As is turns out, I'm not that graceful. As a biracial dude with very slanted eyes, my advice to Judge Sakai is that he call his mommy and have a good cry, like pathetic slant-eyed little bitch he is.

    Incidentally: Sakai is a Japanese name. The original Dr. No is purported to be half Chinese. It would appear that to Judge Sakai, ch!nks & japs all look alike.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022

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