I am Roman Catholic,and I am against abortion....but, I will not stand in the way of a womans right to abort. She, not me has to defend that right. I am against our Government supplying funds to abortion mills in the name of justice. In fact I dont think our Government should be involved with any kind or reason for th terminatio of a fetus.The American Natives gave birth in a forest,not a hospital....so, if you have sex and you become pregnant,it will be on your dime. Dumpster,ditch,even a football field....feel free to give birth...Im sorry if it hurts are you have a miscarriage,its still your problem.Live with it....this is the best natural contraceptive ever....pay the price. Now flail away because I am so heartless..God Bless and good night...
Ya, agreed. I hate abortion. I think its evil. But its not my business if someone wants to get one. ...until I have to help fund it. Then its my business, and I will want to ban it to avoid participating in evil.
(((Sigh))) So little knowledge of the subject……….. yep! Native Americans DID give birth in forests and died…….British women had home births and died, women of today are opting for “natural” births at home and they are dying as are the babies. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...irth-murder-charge-kelsey-carpenter-san-diego Now I suggest you go back to your church and start talking to people there who also work in the medical field because I KNOW that Catholic hospital hold ALL life in reverence mother AND child.
Dunno. I'd have to look into its long term effects. I presume its based on hormone manipulation? That has a history of not being great for womens health. I'm totally fine with my tax money buying craptons of condoms.
I must be getting old, on PC I can't see those memes very well. Do you have any links? Here's one. "The patient information pamphlets for hormonal birth control methods list a long range of side effects, including:3 Heart attacks Cancers Anaphylaxis Sudden total or partial blindness Pulmonary embolisms Early unintended abortion High blood pressure Dizziness and fainting Abdominal discomfort, bloating, and pain Gall bladder problems, including gallstones Inflammation of the pancreas Nausea and vomiting Fluid accumulation Long-term hormonal regulation problems Ectopic pregnancies Insulin sensitivity Elevated potassium levels Migraines or severe headaches Depression and mood swings Breast pain and swelling Changes in menstruation patterns, e.g., PMS and dysmenorrhea Acne Rashes Stroke Hair loss Loss of libido Fatigue Significant weight gain Fatal blood clots One of the most serious negative effects of the Pill and other hormonal methods of birth control is the increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, or blood clots that can potentially be fatal. According to the Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaco-therapeutics, some versions of the Pill increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis up to eight-fold" The Dozens of Negative Effects of Hormonal Birth Control (hli.org) Like I said... I have no problem subsidizing condoms. But I'd be hesitant to support proliferating birth control via hormone manipulation that negatively impacts womens health. To be clear, I dont wanna ban birth control. But I don't want it pushed on anyone, which WILL HAPPEN if doctors can offer it for 'free'.
An IUD is NOT hormonal birth control https://www.austinwomenshealth.com/...t-long-acting-reversible-contraceptives-larc/ Giving affordable access to LARCS can halve the abortion rate - isn’t that worth it?
Some IUDs are apparently still hormonal. But I like the copper ones. Doesnt appear to be any long term health risks associated with those. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Some are but they do not have the side effects as they only work on the uterine lining - now would you agree to publically funding this sort of initiative given the massive reduction in abortion
But not anything else? The “side effects” you posted are a hundred fold in pregnancy because the hormones in those contraceptives are also in high levels in the pregnant woman
I'm kind of lost with your rant here. You make a claim that you don't want government funds going to abortion (they're not), but you then turn around and make statements about women giving birth in various places, which would be the opposite of an abortion. Not to mention you bringing up miscarriages, which are not induced abortions. If anything a miscarriage would be a God induced abortion, since no human caused it.
It's odd that you take such a strong position on this. Whether a medical intervention is correct is best judged by a physician and their patient. The risks of oral contraception need to be considered in a clinical context. A young, healthy, non-smoking woman has a much lower risk of complications than a woman who is not. But it's a case-by-case basis - it's what doctors are for. As for hormonal IUDs, it's not the same. When you take a pill you're using systemic hormones to affect the endometrium, ovary, etc. With the IUD, it is a local effect on the endometrial lining without significant systemic effects. This means it cannot cause the complications you mention. In fact, progesterone on the uterine lining helps protect against and in some cases helps treat early endometrial carcinoma/EIN/atypical hyperplasia.
The government should absolutely pay for an abortion for a 12-year-old that was raped by her foster parent.
The foster parent should pay... not me. Government money is MY money and I had nothing to do with it.
Tell you what, Me and the other supporters will use our portion of the government money, and your portion can go to other things that you support. Government money isn't your money alone.
Why should you have stood in the way of a person's right to commit murder, or slavery, or the Holocaust? How about stop getting the government involved in more moderate forms of domestic violence? That would be consistent with such a position, wouldn't it? We should of course legalize marital rape while we're at it too, huh? I understand that you can argue you don't want to use the law to stand in the way of a woman's decision to abort when it is questionable whether there's a person in there, but at some point you have to put your foot down and say it's not okay. At some point along in the gestational process, that human being should be protected.
Unfortunately that is not how the progressive Left thinks. Anything they believe is good, they support, and anything they support they believe government money should go to.
Some don't want tax money to pay for anyone's health care either, so they are at least consistent there.
True - it is a belief that puzzles the hell out of non-Americans. A healthy society is a prosperous society
I don't agree that is consistent. If someone presents at a hospital with preeclampsia and needs Caesarean or has other immediate needs that are expensive, they WILL be treated. Payment comes afterwards. If they weren't insured, the hospital has to cover that in the cost of services it provides others. And, that includes those not covered and those who are noticing how expensive insurance is. No other country spends what we do on healthcare. And, our ridiculous method paying for healthcare is a major reason.