It seems everyone in north africa wants to leave africa for europe? this is because the standard of living seems to be better there, and, people are willing to leave it all behind for this opportunity. the best way to make sure that the people stay, as europe is not big enough for everyone, is to have some outsourcing to the continent of africa where there is no chairty in europe, but rather money being made on both sides, yes? This can be realized very quickly by europen charities being ignored and businesspeople from europe investing in major african cities. this would see them 'hire a scout' to look for opportunities in africa, within the cities of their choices, and, buy property and set up businesses in africa, of course. this could be done very quickly, without feeding the black hole of charity, instead forging a new beginning for those that are in need and those out to make more for themselves. For example, the businesspeople could all pay, like as in tomorrow or today, people to renovate their new places of work. this will give them money tonight to buy food and pay for bills, and, by next week, their places of work will be ready. then they may begin work, and, the owners could make a lot of money selling european designs and products in africa. the more people work, the more people can afford goods, of course.