In 2014, Senegalese-American hip-hop star Akon started a solar power initiative called Akon Lighting Africa. It aimed to bring electricity to 600 million rural Africans[.] Now the star has continued his philanthropic work for the continent with a smaller, but more intriguing project powering a soccer field, floodlights and all, using solar power and the kinetic energy generated by the players on the field. Partnering with the Shell oil company and British green technology company Pavegen, Akon opened the first of the innovative fields for Africa in Lagos, Nigeria in December 2015. [video=youtube;sg1Cb_K2w74][/video] Read more: Y9x6Jtk * * * * * * * * * * I enjoy reading articles like this. He's tired of hearing about Africa as a charity case and is doing something to help make the continent self-sufficient. By the end of the year, over a million homes should have consistent power. So far, the project is operating in 14 countries.