Alarmists Shift Their Claims from Desertification to Greening

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Jack Hays, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    This is a shift that shows (again) that climate alarmism has much more to do with alarmists' psychological needs than it does with climate. They need to cry wolf about something, and if deserts are getting smaller rather than larger then it's time to worry about all that greening. It turns out that when they "follow the science" it just leads them in circles.
    From Dust to Green: The Ever-Shifting Sands of Climate Alarmism
    Fred Pearce

    The irony of the climate alarmists’ narrative is as rich as the verdant deserts they never saw coming. Once upon a time, the world was supposed to be swallowed by an ever-expanding Sahara, with desertification hailed as the “greatest environmental challenge of our time.” Fast forward to today, and the alarmists have pivoted yet again, now fretting over the unexpected greening of these very same arid lands. It’s a classic case of moving the goalposts, and one can’t help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all. . . .
    557 likes this.
  2. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    They are very selective and not consistent. You will often see claims that CO2 fertilization does not positively impact plants using C4 photosynthesis. But when Lahaina, Maui burned up and the nutters had to accept the fact non native vegetation played a primary role, they blamed CO2 fertilization—of C4 plants—for the increased productivity.
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  3. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Another alarmist claim: Global warming will lead to colder temperatures.
    You can't make this stuff up.
    Climate Researchers Warn: Warmer Climate Could Lead To “Cold Waves Across Northern Europe”!
    By P Gosselin on 2. November 2024

    In a recent open letter, researchers warned that a warmer Arctic could lead to cold waves across Northern Europe – due to “complex feedback mechanisms”.

    According to Forschung & Wissen here, an international group of renowned scientists recently published an open letter (PDF) stating that the melting of ice in the Arctic could disrupt ocean currents in the Atlantic, and thus have “devastating and irreversible impacts especially for Nordic countries, but also for other parts of the world.”


    Source: Open Letter by Climate Scientists to the Nordic Council of Ministers

    According to their publication in the journal Nature Communications, October 2024, doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53401-3, melting of sea ice during the last interglacial significantly impacted the density and salinity of seawater, and thus led to significant changes in ocean currents and heat distribution in the oceans.

    The researchers looked at sediment cores collected in the North Sea and reconstructed surface temperatures and salinity and found that these processes have led to a significant drop in temperature in northern Europe.

    According to Mohamed Ezat: “Our discovery that the increased melting of Arctic sea ice in the Earth’s past probably led to significant cooling in northern Europe is alarming.”

    He adds: “The impacts particularly on Nordic Countries would likely be catastrophic, including major cooling in the region while surrounding regions warm. This would be an enlargement and deepening of the ‘cold blob’ that already has developed over the subpolar Atlantic Ocean and likely lead to unprecedented extreme weather.”
    AFM likes this.

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