what did you expect after apartheid, hugs and kisses? wake up and smell the coffee, you reap what you sow
i dont know but at least their women have beautiful smooth skin and not hairy jewish girls who wish they were black
Doubtful, since the Arab slave trade was working in Africa as early as 600 AD that we know of, and probably before that.
nope, africa was very prosperous before the white colonialists invaded. africa boasted the wealthiest man on earth right before white europeans invaded. he was a black man who had tremendous power and prestige and was the main reason white europeans decided to invade and implement their plan of appropriation, in search of the mighty prestor john [lol]
I'm aware of that. What did he do with all that wealth? What was he famous for? Actually Arabs took at least 17 million slaves out of Africa before white man ever went there.
I'm aware that the richest man who ever lived was an African. I just am not aware of what he did with all that wealth. Do you know?
Maybe you can put "civil discourse" (i.e. jailing people who say things you don't like), in the Green New Deal too.