This (message) should NOT be tolerated. Gay people their advocates and those who would protect CHILDREN need to speak up NOW, against this kind of message!! People are being BULLIED TO DEATH, and there are "Christians" (like Harris) who are encouraging MORE of the same. It's not what he said that's the problem... it's what is in his mind and he's now propagating that's chilling. What a dangerous mindset indeed!!
Did you hear the abusive nutcases in the congregation saying "Amen" (meaning that they agree)? It's like Barbarians living in America.
Do you mean an activist and bully like Dan Savage? I don't see any reason a healthy, intelligent, hard-working gay person would want to be a jackass.
I don't mind ANYONE punching on the 'philosophies' or 'ideas' of others. But advocating the bullying of children and individuals I don't tolerate. Savage is simply fighting rhetorical fire, with the same. For far too long, people have defaulted to giving virtually anyone/anything with a "Christian" label a 'pass'; well... that is changing, in large part because of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and the very things such as those like Harris and Westboro Baptist Church have said/propagated. It is much harder to sweep the EVIL under some rug (even when promoted in the name of "Christianity"). People can see it for what it is. I don't see any reason that Harris or any pastor talking that kind of FILTH would lead anyone to Jesus.
A bully is defined not by what he says or does but by who he chooses to attack. Dan Savage attacking high school kids meets the definition of a bully. Acting like a jackass is not excused by pointing to other jackasses. I don't see how Dan Savage and his filth can lead anyone to anything except hatred. My friends who are decent, intelligent, courteous people do far more good in the world than nitwits like Dan Savage. And, saying like Dan Savage accepts the reality that every community has it's own bullies and nitwits. You should not allow your hatred to control and lead you.